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Capacity = 30000 Basis

= 5982 Kg/hr Feed
Fresh Feed Product Strean
Compound MV kg/hr kmole mole % kg/hr kmole mole Fr mass Fr
propylene 42.08 1788.4 42.5 36.9198 71.536 1.7 0.02288 0.012056
propane 44.1 517.014 11.7237 10.1844 517.014 11.7237 0.15776 0.087129
isobutene 56.108 44.6512 0.79581 0.69132 44.6512 0.79581 0.01071 0.007525
isopropyl ether102.18 0 0 0 0.20845 0.00204 2.75E-05 3.51E-05
isopropyl acetate
102.133 0 0 0 4166.61 40.7959 0.54896 0.702173
water 18.015 10.7189 0.595 0.00517 10.6822 0.59296 0.00798 0.0018
acitic acid 60.05 3572.98 59.5 0.51688 1123.18 18.7041 0.25169 0.189282
Total 5933.76 115.114 48.3175 5933.88 74.3145 1 1

Raw material required E1 = 40.7959

propylene 76.1% 2350.07 E2 = 0.00204
acitic acid 99.79081% 3583.73

Main Reaction
CH2=CH — CH3 (l) + CH3COOH (l) ---------- CH3COOCH (CH3)2 (l)
Side Reaction Isopropyle acetate
H2O (l) + 2 C3H6 (l) ------------------------------- (CH3)2 CHOCH (CH3)2
Isopropyl ether

f = X*h 0.96 0.9999 V (LR) V

conversion X1=
0.9599 1 1

conversion X2=
9.6E-05 2 1

Nf = Ni + E*V
E(extent of reaction)= f(fraction)*Ni(of LR)*S(Selectivity)/V(coefficient of LR)
BP -46.3 61.5
DP -44.8 63

Stream No 1 1a
Temperature DC 25 60
Pressure atm 1 25.2
Propylene 42.5
Flow Rates kmol/hr
PP 42.5 42.5
P 11.7237 11.72368
IB 0.79581 0.795809
IPE 0 0
IPA 0 0
W 0 0
AA 0 0
55.0195 55.01949

Stream No 1 1a
Temperature DC 25 60
Pressure atm 1 25.2
H (CH3)2
Flow Rates Kg/hr
PP 1788.4 1788.4
P 517.014 517.0145

IB 44.6512 44.65125
IPE 0 0
IPA 0 0
W 0 0
AA 0 0
2350.07 2350.066
ent of LR)

Comp MM Stream No.1

PP 42.08 42.5
P 44.1 11.723684
IB 56.108 0.7958089
IPE 102.18 0
IPA 102.133 0
W 18.015 0
AA 60.05 0
117.6 271.85 175 60 -40 117.6 86.3
117.75 272.38 236 102 60 117.75 89.4

Mixer reactor FC Bottom FC Top DC Bottom DC Top

2 recycle 2a 3 4 5 6 7 8
25 117.6 78 70 70 60 60 117.6 86.3
1 25 25 25 24.5 1 1 1 1

0 0 0 42.5 1.7 0.000731 1.69927 0 0.000731

0 0 0 11.723684 11.7237 0.005565 11.7181 0 0.005565
0 0 0 0.7958089 0.79581 0.003266 0.79254 0 0.003266
0 0 0 0 0.00204 0.001711 0.00033 0 0.001711
0 0 0 0 40.7959 40.56415 0.23177 0 40.56415
0.415926 0.179074 0.595 0.595 0.59296 0.564901 0.02806 0.179074 0.385827
41.59781 17.90219 59.5 59.5 18.7041 18.15638 0.5477 17.90219 0.254189
42.01373 18.08127 42.01373 115.11449 74.3145 59.29671 15.0178 18.08127 41.21545

2 recycle 2a 3 4 5 6 7 8
25 117.6 78 70 70 60 60 117.6 86.3
1 25 25 25 24.5 1 1 1 1

0 0 0 1788.4 71.536 0.030781 71.5052 0 0.030781

0 0 0 517.01445 517.014 0.245436 516.769 0 0.245436

0 0 0 44.651248 44.6512 0.183256 44.468 0 0.183256

0 0 0 0 0.20845 0.174859 0.03359 0 0.174859
0 0 0 0 4166.61 4142.939 23.6709 0 4142.939
7.492915 3.22601 10.71893 10.718925 10.6822 10.17669 0.50549 3.22601 6.950678
2497.948 1075.027 3572.975 3572.975 1123.18 1090.291 32.8891 1075.027 15.26407
2505.441 1078.253 3583.694 5933.7596 5933.88 5244.041 689.841 1078.253 4165.788

Input Output
Stream No.2Total MolesTotal Mass Comp Stream No.6
Stream No.7
Stream No.8Total MolesTotal Mass
0 42.5 1788.4 PP 71.50522 0 0.03078 1.7 71.536
0 11.723684 517.01445 P 516.769 0 0.24544 11.72368 517.01445
0 0.7958089 44.651248 IB 44.46799 0 0.18326 0.795809 44.651248
0 0 0 IPE 0.033588 0 0.17486 0.00204 0.2084472
0 0 0 IPA 23.6709 0 4142.94 40.79592 4166.6097
0.595 0.595 10.718925 W 0.505486 3.2260103 6.95068 0.59296 10.682174
59.5 59.5 3572.975 AA 32.88913 1075.0268 15.2641 18.70408 1123.18
115.11449 5933.7596 74.31449 5933.882


Components MM A B
(PP) Propene 42.08 7.01672 860.992
(P) Propane 44.1 6.80398 803.81
(IB) isobutene 56.108 6.8429 927.6
(IPE) Isopropyl Ether 102.18 7.0971 1257.6
(IPA) Isopropyl Acetate 102.133 4.55172 1490.877
(W) Water 18.015 8.07131 1730.63
(AA) Acetic-Acid 60.05 7.2996 1479.02
Reference Comp IPA

7.01672 860.992 255.895

6.80398 803.81 246.99
6.8429 927.6 241

4.55172 1490.877 -34.098

8.9703 755.1 295

8.962 750 286.99
7.979 717.6 279
7.0971 1257.6 230.01
4.272 1530.877 -74.098
8.07131 1730.63 233.426
7.2996 1479.02 216.82
Product Stream F4
Comp Kg mole X
PP 71.536 1.7 0.0228757533
P 517.0144547 11.72368 0.1577577044
IB 44.65124836 0.795809 0.0107086642
IPE 0.2084472 0.00204 2.74509E-05
IPA 4166.609697 40.79592 0.5489631767
W 10.6821744 0.59296 0.0079790627
AA 1123.180004 18.70408 0.2516881878
5933.882026 74.31449 1
Flash Calculation
10^(A-B/(C+T)) Zi/1+f(Ki-1) ((f-1)XBi+XFi)/f
W V.P ( Pi ) Ki XBi Kg mol YDi
0.0120555144 6970400.7295 9171.5799073 1.23361E-05 0.030780505 0.00073 0.113141565
0.0871292103 6317633.4606 8312.675606 9.385928E-05 0.2454357307 0.00557 0.7802217423
0.0075247954 728091.29838 958.01486629 5.508212E-05 0.1832556733 0.00327 0.0527694911
3.5128302E-05 576.36527437 0.758375361 2.886022E-05 0.1748587844 0.00171 2.1886877E-05
0.7021726551 17.143595841 0.0225573629 0.684101349 4142.9388015 40.5642 0.0154315224
0.0018002 149.03841921 0.1961031832 0.00952687 10.176688581 0.5649 0.0018682495
0.1892824965 90.511903935 0.1190946104 0.306201549 1090.2908778 18.1564 0.0364669543
1 å 1.000019906 5244.0406986 59.2967 0.9999214115
L (moles) 59.295533746 V (moles)
T= DC 60
P = mmHg 760 Mass in
v = f = V/L 0.2021 5933.882026
1 - f = L/F 0.7979
Kg mol
71.505219495 1.6992685241
516.76901893 11.7181183432
44.467992684 0.7925428225
0.0335884156 0.0003287181
23.670895814 0.2317654021
0.5054858192 0.0280591629
32.889126186 0.54769569
689.84132735 15.0177786629

Mass Out
V.P (Pi)

Bottom Flash Column top Flash Column
Ki Ki*Xi VP Ki Yi/Ki V.P (Pi) Ki Ki*Xi VP Ki
9171.58 0.11314 1.2E+07 15364.3 8E-10 6006.61 7.90344 0.89421 3122930 4109.12
8312.68 0.78022 1.1E+07 14194.66.61E-09 4744.53 6.2428 4.87077 2733144 3596.24
958.015 0.05277 1243215 1635.813.37E-08 1403.73 1.84701 0.09747 313296 412.232
0.75838 2.19E-05 2027.59 2.667881.08E-05 71.9977 0.09473 2.07E-06 71.9977 0.09473
0.02256 0.01543 113.776 0.149714.56965 27.3505 0.03599 0.00056 0.65895 0.00087
0.1961 0.00187 810.463 1.0664 0.00893 9.15882 0.01205 2.25E-05 9.15882 0.01205
0.11909 0.03647 454.615 0.598180.51189 6.01067 0.00791 0.00029 6.01067 0.00791
0.99992 5.09049 5.86331
P = mmHg 760 Dew P mmHg 760 Bubble P = mmHg 760 Dew P mmHg
T = DC 60 T DC 101.8 T = DC 10 T DC
Components MM A B C
(PP) Propene 42.08 7.01672 860.992 255.895
(P) Propane 44.1 6.80398 803.81 246.99
(IB) isobutene 56.108 6.8429 927.6 241
(IPE) Isopropyl Ether 102.18 7.0971 1257.6 230.01
(IPA) Isopropyl Acetate 102.133 4.55172 1490.877 -34.098
(W) Water 18.015 8.07131 1730.63 233.426
(AA) Acetic-Acid 60.05 7.2996 1479.02 216.82
5243.5812267253 41.20588253 4165.328411
5243.5812267253 41.20588253 4165.328411
5243.5812267253 41.20588253 4165.328411
5243.5812267253 41.20588253 4165.328411
5243.5812267253 41.20588253 4165.328411
5243.5812267253 41.20588253 4165.328411
5243.5812267253 41.20588253 4165.328411

W 0.683
AA 0.014
Distillation Column calcu
Feed Top
Moles Y Kg w Moles Y Kg
0.001711 2.886E-05 0.1748587844 3.334721E-05 0.001711282 0.00004153 0.174858784
40.56415 0.6841981 4142.938801546 0.7900971917 40.5641546 0.9844263029 4142.938802
0.564901 0.0095282 10.1766885808 0.0019407897 0.385827272 0.0093634027 6.950678301
18.15638 0.3062448 1090.290877814 0.2079286714 0.25418938 0.0061687644 15.26407229
59.28715 1 5243.581226725 1 41.2058825 1 4165.32841
tion Column calculations
W Moles Y Kg W
4.19795913218712E-05 0 0 0 0
0.9946247673 0 0 0 0
0.0016686987 0.179073565 0.0099038165 3.22601028 0.002992
0.0036645543 17.90219493 0.9900961835 1075.026806 0.997008
1 18.0812685 1 1078.252816 1
Comp V.P (Pi) Ki Yi/Ki V.P (Pi) Ki
IPE 1449.8374784848 1.90768 2.1769909E-05 1439.59 1.89419
IPA 771.3740618427 1.01497 0.969910744 765.256 1.00692
W 515.7348408506 0.6786 0.0137981488 515.735 0.6786
AA 296.1868613801 0.38972 0.0158287269 293.51 0.3862
Dew T=DC 89.52 Bubble T=DC
P=mmHg 760 P=mmHg

Feed Stream
Comp V.P (Pi) Ki Yi/Ki V.P (Pi)
IPE 1985.27 2.6121939498 1.1E-05 1736
IPA 1097.96 1.4446780074 0.4736 944.278
W 787.741 1.0365012187 0.00919 4.54223
AA 442.547 0.5822989169 0.52592 372.887
Dew T=DC 101 Bubble
P=mmHg 760
Ki*Xi Comp V.P (Pi) Ki Yi/Ki V.P (Pi) Ki Ki*Xi
7.8665862E-05 IPE 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.9912346257 IPA 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.0063539908 W 1390.63 1.82977 0.00541 1383.9 1.82092 0.01803
0.0023823582 AA 756.729 0.9957 0.99438 753.282 0.99116 0.98134
1.0000496406 0.99979 0.99938
89.27 Dew T=DC 117.75 Bubble T=DC 117.6
760 P=mmHg 760 P=mmHg 760

Ki Ki*Xi
2.284209986 6.59E-05
1.2424710655 0.8501
0.0059766129 5.69E-05
0.4906410745 0.15026
T=DC 96
P=mmHg 760
Components MM A B C
(PP) Propene 42.08 7.01672 860.992 255.895
(P) Propane 44.1 6.80398 803.81 246.99
(IB) isobutene 56.108 6.8429 927.6 241
(IPE) Isopropyl Ether 102.18 7.0971 1257.6 230.01
(IPA) Isopropyl Acetate 102.133 4.55172 1490.877 -34.098
(W) Water 18.015 8.07131 1730.63 233.426
(AA) Acetic-Acid 60.05 7.2996 1479.02 216.82
5244.0406986344 41.21544557 4165.787883
5244.0406986344 41.21544557 4165.787883
5244.0406986344 41.21544557 4165.787883
5244.0406986344 41.21544557 4165.787883
5244.0406986344 41.21544557 4165.787883
5244.0406986344 41.21544557 4165.787883
5244.0406986344 41.21544557 4165.787883

W 0.683
AA 0.014
Distillation Column calcu
Feed Top
Moles Y Kg w Moles Y Kg
0.000731 1.234E-05 0.030780505 5.869616E-06 0.000731476 1.7747615E-05 0.030780505
0.005565 9.386E-05 0.2454357307 4.680279E-05 0.005565436 0.0001350328 0.245435731
0.003266 5.508E-05 0.1832556733 3.494551E-05 0.003266124 7.9245141E-05 0.183255673
0.001711 2.886E-05 0.1748587844 3.334428E-05 0.001711282 4.1520403E-05 0.174858784
40.56415 0.6840877 4142.938801546 0.790027965 40.5641546 0.9841978908 4142.938802
0.564901 0.0095267 10.1766885808 0.0019406197 0.385827272 0.0093612302 6.950678301
18.15638 0.3061955 1090.290877814 0.2079104531 0.25418938 0.0061673331 15.26407229
59.29671 1 5244.040698634 1 41.2154456 1 4165.78788
tion Column calculations
W Moles Y Kg W
7.38887958608718E-06 0 0 0 0
0.000058917 0 0 0 0
4.39906395843745E-05 0 0 0 0
0.000041975 0 0 0 0
0.9945150637 0 0 0 0
0.0016685147 0.179073565 0.0099038165 3.22601028 0.002992
0.0036641501 17.90219493 0.9900961835 1075.026806 0.997008
1 18.0812685 1 1078.252816 1
Comp V.P (Pi) Ki Yi/Ki V.P (Pi) Ki
PP 33415.276657636 43.9675 4.0365333E-07 33304.3 43.8215
P 26011.896161345 34.2262 3.9453068E-06 25926.9 34.1144
IB 10870.347283702 14.3031 5.5404216E-06 10827.9 14.2472
IPE 1449.0152580529 1.9066 2.1777208E-05 1440.81 1.89581
IPA 770.8831807864 1.01432 0.9703031739 765.988 1.00788
W 515.3408578136 0.67808 0.0138054936 515.341 0.67808
AA 295.9719552247 0.38944 0.0158365448 293.83 0.38662
Dew T=DC 89.5 Bubble T=DC
P=mmHg 760 P=mmHg

Feed Stream
Comp V.P (Pi) Ki Yi/Ki V.P (Pi)
PP 40203.9 52.899865295 2.33E-07 37152.7
P 31197.1 41.048867676 2.29E-06 28869.7
IB 13508.9 17.774840239 3.1E-06 12313.4
IPE 1985.27 2.6121939498 1.1E-05 1736
IPA 1097.96 1.4446780074 0.47352 944.278
W 787.741 1.0365012187 0.00919 4.54223
AA 442.547 0.5822989169 0.52584 372.887
Dew T=DC 101 Bubble
P=mmHg 760
Ki*Xi Comp V.P (Pi) Ki Yi/Ki V.P (Pi) Ki Ki*Xi
0 PP 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 P 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 IB 0 0 0 0 0 0
7.8714654E-05 IPE 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.991952658 IPA 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.0063476637 W 1390.63 1.82977 0.00541 1383.9 1.82092 0.01803
0.0023844039 AA 756.729 0.9957 0.99438 753.282 0.99116 0.98134
1.0007634402 0.99979 0.99938
89.3 Dew T=DC 117.75 Bubble T=DC 117.6
760 P=mmHg 760 P=mmHg 760

Ki Ki*Xi
48.885105786 0.0006
37.986448821 0.00357
16.201833043 0.00089
2.284209986 6.59E-05
1.2424710655 0.84996
0.0059766129 5.69E-05
0.4906410745 0.15023
T=DC 96
P=mmHg 760
Basis= 1 Hour
Antoin Coefficients
Components Formula B.P M.M A B C
(PP) Propene C3H6 -47.6 42.08 7.01672 860.992 255.895
(P) Propane C3H8 -42 44.1 6.80398 803.81 246.99
(IB) isobutene C4H8 -6.9 56.108 6.8429 927.6 241
(IPE) Isopropyl Ether C6H14O 69 102.18 7.0971 1257.6 230.01
(IPA) Isopropyl Acetate C5H10O2 89 102.133 4.55172 1490.877 -34.098
(W) Water H20 100 18.015 8.07131 1730.63 233.426
(AA) Acetic-Acid C2H4O2 118.1 60.05 7.2996 1479.02 216.82

Reactant Stream = A Reactant Stream = B Reactant Stream = C After Mixe
Kmole X Kg W Kmole X Kg W Kmole
42.5 0.772454 1788.4 0.761 0 0 0 0 42.5
11.72368 0.213082 517.0145 0.22 0 0 0 0 11.72368
0.795809 0.014464 44.65125 0.019 0 0 0 0 0.795809
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0.595 0.009901 10.71893 0.002991 0.595
0 0 0 0 59.5 0.990099 3572.975 0.997009 59.5
55.01949 1 2350.066 1 60.095 1 3583.694 1 115.1145

Compound MV

Raw material required
propylene 76.1%
acitic acid 99.7%

Main Reaction
CH2=CH — CH3 + C
Side Reaction
H2O + 2 C3H6 -
Reactant Stream = C After Mixer Product Stream = D After Reactor Stream = E Flash Column Top
X Kg W kmole X Kg W kmole X Kg
0.369198 1788.4 0.301394 1.7 0.009278 71.536 0.012056 1.69927 0.11314 71.505219
0.101844 517.0145 0.087131 11.72368 0.159953 517.0145 0.087129 11.7181 0.78022 516.76902
0.006913 44.65125 0.007525 0.795809 0.010858 44.65125 0.007525 0.79254 0.05277 44.467993
0 0 0 0.00204 0.255141 0.208447 3.51E-05 0.00033 2.19E-05 0.0335884
0 0 0 40.79592 0.001157 4166.61 0.702173 0.23177 0.01543 23.670896
0.005169 10.71893 0.001806 0.59296 0.006961 10.68217 0.0018 0.02806 0.00187 0.5054858
0.516877 3572.975 0.602144 18.70408 0.556653 1123.18 0.189282 0.5477 0.03647 32.889126
1 5933.76 1 73.89809 1 5933.882 1 15.0178 0.99992 689.84133

f=X * h
Raw material required 0.984 0.9756 V (LR) V
propylene 76.1% 2350.066 f= 0.95999 1 1 E1 = 40.7996
acitic acid 99.7% 3583.726 f= 0.02401 2 1 E2 = 0.5102
Nf = Ni + E*V
Main Reaction
CH2=CH — CH3 + CH3COOH (l) ---------- CH3COOCH (CH3)2 (l)
Side Reaction Isopropyle acetate
H2O + 2 C3H6 ------------------------------- (CH3)2 CHOCH (CH3)2
Isopropyl ether
Flash Column Top Stream=F Flash Column bottom Stream G Distillation Top Stream H
W kmole X Kg W kmole X Kg W kmole
0.1036546 0.0007315 1.23E-05 0.0307805 5.87E-06 0.0007315 1.775E-05 0.0307805 7.38888E-06 0
0.7491129 0.0055654 9.39E-05 0.2454357 4.68E-05 0.0055654 0.000135 0.2454357 0.000058917 0
0.0644612 0.0032661 5.51E-05 0.1832557 3.49E-05 0.0032661 7.925E-05 0.1832557 4.399064E-05 0
4.869E-05 0.0017113 2.89E-05 0.1748588 3.33E-05 0.0017113 4.152E-05 0.1748588 0.000041975 0
0.0343135 40.564155 0.6841 4142.9388 0.790028 40.564155 0.9841979 4142.9388 0.994515064 0
0.0007328 0.5649008 0.00953 10.176689 0.001941 0.3858273 0.0093612 6.9506783 0.001668515 0.1790736
0.0476764 18.156384 0.3062 1090.2909 0.20791 0.2541894 0.0061673 15.264072 0.00366415 17.902195
1 59.296714 1.00002 5244.0407 1 41.215446 1 4165.7879 1 18.081268
Distillation Bottom
X Kg W
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0.0099038 3.2260103 0.0029919
0.9900962 1075.0268 0.9970081
1 1078.2528 1

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