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The goal of this project is to analyze your group’s assigned
theme and relate the play to other texts.

Part I: Theme analysis

Each group will discuss the development of the assigned Macbeth theme. Groups will be given
some class to gather evidence and discuss this topic. It is strongly recommended that, as we read
the play in class and discuss it, you annotate the play for key information related to your theme.
Specifically, each group should focus on:

 Plot advancement
 Character development (characterization)
 Relationship development
 Imagery
 Symbolism and other literary devices
 Key passages that illustrate the theme

Start by developing a coherent, insightful, and argumentative thesis. Include specific references
to Macbeth (quotation or paraphrase). When delivering the seminar, each person must be
responsible for an aspect of the analysis. Your job is to involve and instruct the audience by
inviting comments and posing questions to the class. All of your information must be organized
together into a Prezi presentation.

Part II: Connection

Each group will be responsible for making a thematic connection between Macbeth and a
modern text. As a group you must select one text that thematically connects with Macbeth.
(Remember how we discussed present and past political systems in class and how they relate to
the story?) Present your thematic comparison with your materials at the same time you show
your ‘Prezi’. If you are using an electronic medium, you may embed it in your ‘Prezi’.

Consider the following possibilities:

 Search through newspapers and magazines to find examples of your assigned theme in
today’s world;
 Search through history textbooks to find examples of the theme in recent history;
 Examine TV for television shows that relate to the themes;
 Discuss current movies related to the theme;
 Discuss song lyrics related to the theme.
Group member name Group role

Please submit this information no later than the day of the seminar presentation.

50 – 59% 60 – 69% 70 – 79% 80 – 100%
KNOWLEDGE (10) -limited knowledge -some knowledge of -considerable -thorough
-knowledge of of content content knowledge of knowledge of
content -limited -some understanding of content content
-understanding key understanding of key features -considerable -thorough
features (e.g. ideas, key features understanding of key understanding of
themes, form, literary features key features
devices, symbols, etc)
CREATIVE THINKING -limited planning -some planning evident -considerable -sophisticated
(10) evident -some connection planning evident planning evident
-planning a seminar -limited connection -good connection -sophisticated
PowerPoint (ideas and connection
-thematic connection
to a modern text
ANALYTICAL -analyzes text with -analyzes text with -analyzes text with -analyzes text with
THINKING (10) limited some effectiveness considerable a high degree of
-critical analysis of effectiveness -evaluates and assesses effectiveness effectiveness
text -evaluates and content to some -evaluates and -evaluates and
-evaluation and assesses content to degree assesses content to a assesses content to
assessment of content a limited degree -some originality and considerable degree a high degree
-originality and depth -limited originality depth of ideas -considerable -high degree of
of ideas and depth of ideas some use of evidence originality and depth originality and
-use of evidence -limited use of of ideas depth of ideas
evidence -considerable use of -highly effective
evidence use of evidence
COMMUNICATION(10) -limited clarity in -some clarity of -considerable clarity -clarity of
-clear expression expression expression of expression expression is highly
-clear articulation of -articulates ideas -articulates ideas with -articulates ideas effective
ideas with limited clarity some clarity with considerable -articulates ideas
clarity with a high degree
of clarity
Students draw a Topic
Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Humans are capable of great evil.

Committing evil leads to guilt, remorse and suffering.

There are consequences if the natural order of things is disturbed.

Power is a burden not a comfort.

Appearances are misleading.

Temptation causes destruction

Fate - not free will - is the ultimate factor in determining the outcome of one’s life

Free will – not fate - is the ultimate factor in determining the outcome of one’s life


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