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Agile Menifesto




I'm going to now have a quiz with you. You thought you

were getting away with it, huh? No, no, no, no, no. This

is a costly session.

So, Agile is a way of working and it's based on a set of

dash and dash.


What's that? Values and principles. Spot on. Very good.

Okay. Name three of the key values. Courage, respect,

yeah. Okay. The first principle to begin with clarity of

outcomes. You need the outcomes, yeah. And on delivering

what to the customer? Value. You must deliver value.

So, a good check is if you're doing something, imagine an

invoice that you're giving the customer. Write everything

you do on the invoice.

Oh, I did procedure number 196. I went for meeting number

three. Will the customer pay for that if they...if you

were the customer? If they will pay for it, then it's

value. If they won't pay for it, then it's waste.

So, listen...that should be an N. Dash learn and...what is

it? Iterate. Iterate. So, if you're doing operations

work, I'll show you all how to make little time boxes.

That's all iterations are. They're little time boxes.

And what do you do at the end of an iteration? What do you

take a pause for? Learning. Thinking. Improving. And

what's the question you ask? How do I make it better?

Only one question, right?

So self-directing teams unleash...what's that? Innovation.

Innovation. That's what you have. The practices of Agile

make the dash and dash come to life. Or come alive.

Right, that's right. And how do they do that? They change

your behavior. They change how you behave in the office.

That is culture. How you behave in the office every day is

your culture.

Three Agile practices. They haven't forgotten the marbles,

okay. What else? Yeah, social contract, yeah, the

standups, retrospectives. And with that, we've just had a

little bit of an introduction to Agile. That is Agile.

Now you're thinking, yeah, but how does it apply to me?


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