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Today I’m going to talk about a subject that I'm passionate about, this is the Civil Engineering.

chose to talk about this because I see that there is a lot of ignorance about the subject and it is
a strategic profession for the development of a country. With this I do not mean that the other
professions are not, but Civil Engineering is going through a crisis, like our country, at this
moment and we want to reverse the situation.

Develop the idea (3 reasons)

Well, the civil engineering is important for the development for a country because:

We can project, design, execute and administer:

• Drinking water and sanitation networks, like things do Aysam

• Irrigation systems and networks, like Departamento General de Irrigación

• Water take for industries

• Dams, like Potrerillos dam, diversion dams, like Azud Cipolletti and hydroelectric
generation plants, Cacheuta, Alvarez Condarco, Yaciretá, etc

• Bridges, communication roads, highways, like Access East Route 7, airport, seaports,
and waterways like Canal de Panama

• Transportation systems and networks like metrotranvias, underground and buses

Also, we can design and execution structures like

• Houses

• Large buildings such as hotels, apartment buildings, hospitals, government buildings,

power plants

By this I mean that for a country to grow and develop it is essential that, in addition to
education being a pillar, the populations have potable water and sanitation networks, which
reduces diseases. It is also important that there are efficient and safe transport networks and a
diverse energy matrix with self-supply, which creates new jobs and new activities and, finally,
that people live better.

When I spoke of crisis at the beginning I was referring to the fact that nowadays, engineers are
lacking, in all areas, industry, oil, software, etc., the rate of engineers per thousand people is
very low in Argentina. For example, there is 1 engineer per 6000 habitants, in Germany 1 per
2000. The countries that produce more engineers per year is not coincidence that they are the
most powerful, such as Russia, the United States, Japan, South Korea, France and others. As a
fact to add, 8 out of 9 members of Chinese government cabinets are scientists or engineers.


To conclude, civil engineers are the people who build the infrastructure with which a country is
sustained, not only build houses. If we really want to take the country forward, the leaders
need to have technical training to solve problems, not to generate them or debate them
eternally. I hope that now you have a better idea of what civil engineering is, and how
important it is for a country. Thanks for your attention.

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