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The Effectiveness of Educational Mobile

Applications on Middle and High School Students

Rima Tout

Michigan Islamic Academy



There are numerous negative effects that homework overload inflicts on middle and high

schoolers. This paper analyzes how educational mobile applications can help students manage

their time, thus decreasing their stress levels and allowing for more productive and effective

learning methods. References of this paper include interviews, online sources, and examination

of the mentioned mobile apps.

Keywords: Educational Mobile Applications, Stress


The Effectiveness of Educational Mobile Applications on Middle and High School Students

Mobile apps contain an immeasurable value in modern society. Encapsulating both

developers and users, they have potential as a catalyst for significant change in an array of fields.

The need for this change is especially great in the field of education, as students receive an

average of 3.5 hours of homework every weeknight thus adding up to about 17 hours per week

dedicated to their studies. This number is even greater for those students taking college level or

Advanced Placement (AP) classes and does not even begin to account for the time spent on

participating in extracurricular activities. In a survey conducted by the Princeton Review,

teenage angst was found in more than half of those surveyed. Of that group, approximately 25%

reported homework as a primary factor to this stress (Princeton Review, 2015). These

considerable statistics cannot be ignored. To improve the education system, there must be action

taken to solve the stress being put on the students. Applications that help reduce the amount of

pressure on the students while allowing them to work efficiently can provide benefits to the both

students and teachers. Counselors will be able to tailor their attention to those with areas of

academic concern.

Time management plays a significant role in helping students manage stress and falls

hand in hand with the anxiety they face on a daily basis. According to a study conducted by

Ardahan University, time management skills and anxiety of students possess an obvious negative

correlation to each other (Akcoltekin, 2015). While it seems that students are aware of time

management methods, they struggle with the application of such methods in their everyday lives.

As college applications grow more and more competitive, the stress on students, in addition to

the expectations of their parents, build up to something seemingly insurmountable.


In today’s world, a student’s search for more effective study tips generally begins with a

web search. The results give a plethora of plausibly effective methods, including but not limited

to flashcards, the Feynman Notebook method, teaching, practice tests, and a mere change of

scenery (Douglas, 2018). While most are supported by some research or study, they do not

address the main reason why the students are distracted in the first place. A recent survey by

Campus Technology shows that 94% of students want to use their cell phones in the classroom

(Medalen, 2018). The classroom is where the foundation of the information students are

receiving is given. Perhaps a certain number of students tend to quiet that instinct in accordance

with school rules, but what is to stop them from doing it while performing their homework? It is

for this reason that educational mobile applications are becoming more and more popular. The

idea of an educational app tackles the problem and turns it into a tool for future success.

As of June 2015, there were approximately 80,000 mobile applications under the

category of education. The number has only increased since then at an exponential rate with

more than 200,000 educational apps found on the app store as of this March (cnet, 2018) and

more expected to come by 2024 as shown in Figure 1 below (Freifeld, 2018).


The question, of course, arises of how effective are these apps. To this there is no answer.

The reason is that all educational apps vary in one way or another. However, many apps

incorporate tools like a timer for students as well as direct messaging between the student and

their counselors or teachers. This messaging feature has been found to help students become not

only more comfortable with their educators, but encourage the student to do better in their

studies. (Lauricella and Kay, 2013)

The use of direct messaging is especially effective as it is generally the primary

communication method for modern day students. In fact, researchers Sharon Lauricella and

Robin Kay report that the focus and motivation of the student may improve significantly with the

use of instant messaging and result in an overall “enhanced learning experience” (2013). In

addition, those who receive prompt responses from their teachers or counselors are more likely

to develop that same motivation as well as improve in regards to the memory of the subject in

question. This may be applicable to the use of email as well, but as the primary method of

communication for students, texting is more familiar and is thus unique in its great level of


Another common feature found in educational applications is a timer. While timing

oneself on a certain task has proved to yield positive results, a timer does not always refer

directly to a ticking clock. Timing oneself can also refer to a basic list of priorities and the

amount of time that each one should take. Listing priorities from most to least urgent and setting

a time limit or a schedule for it will help the individual. Even if that student does not necessarily

get to it in the time they were planning, it can motivate them to complete it. These schedules may

also include daily reminders. Studying the material over longer spans of time instead of

cramming, according to the Temporal Dynamics of Learning Center, will produce better results


(Weistrop, 2010). This, however, also depends on the dedication of the student, the work they are

willing to put in, and the consistency of this practice. Despite the evidence supporting the

effectiveness of educational mobile applications, some individuals counter with their own

opinions regarding technology in education.

Journalist Jervey Tervalon (2015) from Time wrote an article regarded the use of

technology in the classroom. Her article was titled “Why We Need to Keep IPads Out of the

Classroom”. In Tervalon’s (2015) article she states the following: “An iPad is an amazing device

for transmitting information, but what makes a difference in a student’s life is the information,

not its mode of transmission.

Appropriate content provided at the right time in the student’s life, and in the right

pedagogical context, is everything. Technology doesn’t guarantee any part of that. An iPad

loaded with inane apps is just another boring textbook (2015)” While it is true that technology is

not a supernatural power that will allow for understanding, it certainly helps.

The mode of transmission does play a very significant part in the understanding of a

concept. Students are more familiar with technology than they are with books. It acts as not only

the primary source of communication for the student but also their catalyst for writing and

reading all of which are crucial to the learning experience of an individual. Not to mention that

technology is useful in the sense that it can be tailored to different individuals with specific

learning styles. For example, an auditory learner may be taught using the sound option that is

usually provided in applications. Likewise, a visual learner may be provided with the tools to

make charts and graphs alongside other visuals. These aspects of technology make education

more than “just another boring textbook” (Tervalon, 2015). The effects of technology also

include the fact that unlike in previous generations, the technological age brings about new


ambition for individual learning. The teacher’s role is not as a lecturer, but rather as a guide

allowing students to become more capable and comfortable with acquiring information on their

own to discuss in their classes.

Mental Health is defined as “our emotional, psychological, and social well-being.” (HHS,

2017) When an individual is assigned too many responsibilities and feeling stressed, their mental

health is in jeopardy (NIH, n.d) Therefore, any tools that students may have should be used to

their utmost potential. The aforementioned methods of studying have all been supplied in the

form of educational apps, in this way, a developer combines the thing the student uses most with

the thing that they need most. Time management is an especially important aspect of student life.

The increasing amount of studies showing that teenagers are now experiencing the same level if

not more stress than their adult counterparts emphasizes this further. In fact, a study reported by

NBC News reveals that “On average, teens reported their stress level was 5.8 on a 10-point scale,

compared with 5.1 for adults”. (nbcnews, 2014) This stress level is quite hard to manage and can

take these students captive with its overbearing unavoidable force. Students who do not feel up

to the tasks they are assigned in school often face a compilation of harmful anxiety as shown in

the graph below


The feeling of anxiety and stress found in students is so great that it often leads to

harmful things such as substance abuse and alcohol. Substance abuse and alcohol especially

impede on the academic success of a student. Individuals that use these substances more often

than not will face a significant slump in academic performance which is what they were running

away from in the first place. (NIH, 2018) In addition, the substances do not only result in mental

relapses, but also a further risk of incarceration in the future.

Islam labels the path of knowledge as that of Paradise. The first words to be revealed

from the Holy Book were َ‫ ا ْق َرأْ بِاس ِْم َربِكَ الَّذِي َخلَق‬which directly translates to “Read! In the Name of

your Lord, Who has created (all that exists)” (96:1-5) Islam advocates for the seeking of

knowledge for both men and women, children and elders alike. Islam always encourages people

to try to help those who are less fortunate than themselves. “Whoever relieves a believer’s


distress of the distressful aspects of this world, Allah will rescue him from a difficulty of the

difficulties of the Hereafter.”(Hadith 36, Muslim) In the making of these educational mobile

applications, developers are allowing for more opportunities of learning for different types of

people. “It…is...up to instructional designers and educational technologies to make the most of

the opportunities provided by technology to change education so that effective and efficient

education is available to everyone everywhere.” (Purdue University, 2017) The use of

technology in education not only allows students in a traditional classroom the opportunity of

learning, but also those living in harsh conditions are left with a substantial amount of knowledge

at their fingertips.

At the same time, Islam is not negligent of the stress factors that life brings and also

addresses the issue of mental health and anxiety in some of its principles. The best way to relieve

stress is to first and foremost put trust in Allah and pray to Him. After that, it is the job of every

individual to use the tools God has blessed them with to make their learning experience as

informative as possible.

“On the authority of Abdullah bin Abbas, who said: One day I was behind the

prophet and he said to me: “Young man, I shall teach you some words [of

advice]: Be mindful of Allah, and Allah will protect you. Be mindful of Allah, and

you will find Him in front of you. If you ask, ask of Allah; if you seek help, seek

help of Allah. Know that if the Nation were to gather together to benefit you with

anything, it would benefit you only with something that Allah had already

prescribed for you, and that if they gather together to harm you with anything,

they would harm you only with something Allah had already prescribed for you.

The pens have been lifted and the pages have dried.” (Zarabozo, 1999, Hadith


19, pp. 729-730)

While this hadith aims to emphasize the amount of trust one should place in their Lord, it

is also the duty of every Muslim to advocate and work towards their own well-being. With

modern technology, the tools that may be used have grown exponentially and specifically mobile

applications are helpful to the cause of limiting the stress of the student. This is why the making

and usage of mobile applications is so important.

Statesman Kofi Annan says “Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is

the premise of progress, in every society, in every family (Kofi Annan, n.d)” As the foundation

of a society, education should be taken very seriously in every governmental system as well as

individual schools. In recent years, the technological revolution brought with it many

opportunities in various fields, one of which is education. Mobile applications, in particular, hold

a profound and unique influence on students today and those that fall under the category of

education can help with common problems the students face with time management and even

with the understanding of that concept. As technology is both the communication method they

use every day and a tool for knowledge, students are more comfortable using it when learning.

Creating a mobile application with the elements that will help one manage their time and thus

their stress making them less susceptible to anxiety and mental health problems and the

consequences that follow. Counselors and teachers will then also have a more direct line of

communication providing for a more personal and memorable experience overall for both

themselves and the student in question.


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