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HeatBalCalc is a
Thermart Software A Heat Balance Calculator for an Aluminum Heating
program. © 2012
by Arthur E. Morris. Heat loss Stack gas
Hot combustion gas Heat loss
4 (16.39 kg-mol, 80
Nat Gas 1 (16.07 kg-mol, 1800oC)
(1.31 kg-mol, 25oC) 3
Burner air 2 Ingot Heating Furnace
(14.74 kg-mol, 25oC)
Heated aluminum
(800 kg/min, 550oC)

Figure 1. Flowsheet with gas stream amounts in kg-mol/min

Material Balance for the Process (from workbook MatBalCalc.xlsx

Str-name Nat Gas Burnr Air CmbstGas StackGas Leak Air Cold Al
Table 1. Stream amounts in g-mol/min
Streams 1 2 3 4 5 6
Flow 1,308 14,739 16,067 16,391 325 29,650
Al, (c) 0 0 0 0 0 29,650
CH4, (g) 1,243 0 0 0 0 0
C2H6, (g) 39.2 0 0 0 0 0
CO2, (g) 0 0 1,321 1,321 0 0
H2O, (g) 0 0 2,603 2,603 0 0
N2, (g) 26.2 11,644 11,670 11,926 256.4 0
O2, (g) 0 3,095 472.7 540.9 68.2 0

Constructing a Heat Balance

Note: before starting, you may want to collect all 4 previous workbooks in this
series as worksheets in one workbook. It'll help you keep track of some
necessary calculations.
1. Look at workbook MatBalCalc to obtain the stream flowrates for the specified process for
heating 800 kg of Al/min. Label the flowsheet with these flows, using g-mol for gas streams.
See Table 1 and Fig. 1.
2. Use workbook HeatCalc to obtain the heat of combustion (LHV) for the specified natural
gas. Table 1 has units of g-mol; see Table 2, with more useful units of kJ/kg-mol.
3. Obtain heat content equation parameters for each stream substance from FREED as
instructed in datafiles worksheets. See Table 3; note units.
4. Write the overall heat balance for the burner device. Streams entering at the reference
temperature of 25 °C have zero heat content. Burn the NatGas at 25 °C and heat the
combustion products from 25 °C to 1800 °C. Sum the heat effect factors for each stream,
and the heat loss, and set the sum to zero. The only unknown is the heat loss. See Table 4.
The burner loss is 13 ,400 kJ/min (cell T44).
5. Repeat the overall heat balance arithmetic around the aluminum heating furnace. Cool
all instreams to 25 °C, and heat all outstreams to their outstream temperature. See Table 5.
The furnace heat loss is 186,550 kJ/min (cell T56).
6. Overall, the process heat loss is 199,950 kJ/min, or 200 MJ/min.
7. Summarize the results. See Table 6.
8. Use Goal Seek to explore the effect of stack gas temperature (stream 4) on the mass flow
of aluminum (stream 6/7). Read instructions near Table 7.
temperature of 25 °C have zero heat content. Burn the NatGas at 25 °C and heat the
combustion products from 25 °C to 1800 °C. Sum the heat effect factors for each stream,
and the heat loss, and set the sum to zero. The only unknown is the heat loss. See Table 4.
The burner loss is 13 ,400 kJ/min (cell T44).
5. Repeat the overall heat balance arithmetic around the aluminum heating furnace. Cool
all instreams to 25 °C, and heat all outstreams to their outstream temperature. See Table 5.
The furnace heat loss is 186,550 kJ/min (cell T56).
6. Overall, the process heat loss is 199,950 kJ/min, or 200 MJ/min.
7. Summarize the results. See Table 6.
8. Use Goal Seek to explore the effect of stack gas temperature (stream 4) on the mass flow
of aluminum (stream 6/7). Read instructions near Table 7.

1. Wikipedia contributors, “Enthalpy”, “Thermodynamic Databases for Pure Substances”.

2. Fact-We Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia, July 2012.

3. NIST Chemistry WebBook,
4. NIST-JANAF Tables,
5. Thermart Software,
Aluminum Heating Process

Table 2. Heat of Combustion (LHV) of NG (from workbook HeatCalc)

Stack gas
(16.39 kg-mol, 800oC) DH°comb, kJ/g-mol NG -805.04 kJ/kg-mol

5 Leak air
(0.33 kg-mol, 25oC)
6 Aluminum ingots
(800 kg/min, 25oC) Table 3. Heat Content Tables (from FREED data)
Heat Content Data, kJ/mol = A + BT + CT2. T = °C
N2, 600 - 2200 °C O2, 600 - 2200 °C
nts in kg-mol/min -2077 31.40 1.317E-03 -2265 33.41

orkbook MatBalCalc.xlsx)
Hot Al H2O(g), 600 - 2200 °C CO2, 600 - 2200 °C
7 A B C A B
29,650 -2563 36.04 4.323E-03 -6014 52.48
0 (note Al heat un
0 Air, 5 - 550 °C Solid aluminum, kJ/kg
0 A B C A B
0 -713 28.43 3.390E-03 -21.1 0.875

Heat Balance for the Process (data from Tables 2 and 3)

Table 4. Heat Balance Around the Burner (kJ/min) to calculate heat loss
ooks in this 1. Heat content of incoming natural gas (stream #1) 0
ome 2. Heat content of incoming combustion air (stream #2) 0
3. Heat of combustion of natural gas (stream #1) -1,052,963
ed process for 4a. Heat burner gas CO2 to 1800 °C (stream #3) 126,507
gas streams.
4b. Heat combustion gas H2O to 1800 °C (stream #3) 198,638 The sum o
ified natural 4c. Heat combustion gas N2 to 1800 °C (stream #3) 685,150 cells T39:T
l. equal zero
REED as 4d. Heat combustion gas O2 to 1800 °C (stream #3) 29,282
5. Heat loss from burner, kJ/min 13,387
e reference
t the
h stream,
See Table 4. Table 5. Heat Balance Around the Furnace (kJ/min) to calculate heat loss
1. Cool incoming burner gas to 25 °C (stream #3) -1,039,576
nace. Cool 2. Heat content of incoming aluminum (stream #6) 0
See Table 5.

he mass flow
t the
h stream,
See Table 4.

nace. Cool
See Table 5. 3. Heat content of incoming leak air (stream #5) 0
4. Heat product aluminum to 550 °C (stream #7) 429,484
5a. Heat stack gas CO2 to 800 °C (stream #4) 49,426 The sum o
cells T51:T
he mass flow 5b. Heat stack gas H2O to 800 °C (stream #4) 75,576 equal zero
5c. Heat stack gas N2 to 800 °C (stream #4) 284,875
5d. Heat stack gas O2 to 800 °C (stream #4) 13,667
6. Heat loss from furnace, kJ/min 186,549

Table 6. Heat Balance Summary, MJ/min of Operation

Factor Value % of available

Heat available from combustion of NatGas 1053 100%
Heat carried out by stack gas 424 40%
Heat carried out by aluminum ingots 429 41%
Heat loss 200 19%
ook HeatCalc)
-805,040 Üuse this value

O2, 600 - 2200 °C


CO2, 600 - 2200 °C

2.257E-03 Goal Seek dialog
box with correctly-
(note Al heat units) arranged entries.
aluminum, kJ/kg

Table 7. Using Goal Seek with the Furnace Heat Balance to

Calculatethe Effect of Stack Gas T on Al Flowrate
1. Cool incoming burner gas to 25 °C (stream #3)
2. Heat content of incoming aluminum (stream #6)
3. Heat content of incoming leak air (stream #5)
4. Heat product aluminum to 550 °C (stream #7)
heat loss 5a. Heat stack gas CO2 to 800 °C (stream #4)
5b. Heat stack gas H2O to 800 °C (stream #4)
5c. Heat stack gas N2 to 800 °C (stream #4)
5d. Heat stack gas O2 to 800 °C (stream #4)
6. Heat loss from furnace, kJ/min
The sum of values in 7. Sum of heat effects for furnace
cells T39:T44 must
equal zero.

Using Goal Seek to Examine the Effect of Changing the Stack

Gas Temperature on the Aluminum Heating Rate.
1. Look at your Excel Help text to refresh your understanding of Goal Seek.
e heat loss 2. Enter a value for the altered stack gas temperature in cell AI33.
3. Go to Data/What-If analysis/Goal Seek, and enter a value of zero for AI32.
4. Tell Goal Seek to change cell AI34.
5. Click OK twice.
6. Goal Seek will respond with the updated flowrate of aluminum in cell AI34.
7. Copy the values of cells AI33 and AI34 to a nearby array of cells.
8. Repeat the above process for other stack gas temperatures as desired.
9. Chart the results.
Gas Temperature on the Aluminum Heating Rate.
1. Look at your Excel Help text to refresh your understanding of Goal Seek.
2. Enter a value for the altered stack gas temperature in cell AI33.
3. Go to Data/What-If analysis/Goal Seek, and enter a value of zero for AI32.
4. Tell Goal Seek to change cell AI34.
5. Click OK twice.
6. Goal Seek will respond with the updated flowrate of aluminum in cell AI34.
The sum of values in 7. Copy the values of cells AI33 and AI34 to a nearby array of cells.
cells T51:T56 must 8. Repeat the above process for other stack gas temperatures as desired.
equal zero. 9. Chart the results.

% of available
Goal Seek dialog
box with correctly-
arranged entries.

alance to Goal Seek Operation. Enter/edit value in cell AI33 only.

25 °C (stream #3) -1,039,576 Sum of furnace heat effects 0
minum (stream #6) 0 Stack gas temperature 788 775 750 725
k air (stream #5) 0 kg of Aluminum 814 828 856 884
0 °C (stream #7) 436,736
C (stream #4) 48,537
C (stream #4) 74,235 Aluminum Flow vs. Stack Gas Temperature
kg Al/min

(stream #4) 280,082 900

(stream #4) 13,437
186,549 880

the Stack
Goal Seek. 820
zero for AI32.
800 790 780 770 760 750 740 730 720
m in cell AI34.
lls. stack gas temperature, °C
s desired.
Goal Seek. 820
zero for AI32.
800 790 780 770 760 750 740 730 720
m in cell AI34.
lls. stack gas temperature, °C
s desired.
Using the FREED Thermodynamic Database--Aluminum
Please read
Al, (c,l,g) Tmax(K): 5000
(Aluminum) Atomic mass of Al: 26.982
Table 1. Heat content of Aluminum in SI units.
T (K) T, °C HT-H25 (Cal/g-mol)
300.0 26.9 11

H T-H 2 5 (C a l/g -m o l)
363.4 90.2 387 Figure 1. Heat content of Aluminum in SI units
426.7 153.6 774
490.1 216.9 1170
553.4 280.3 1577
616.8 343.7 1996
680.2 407.0 2428 Molar Heat Content of Al vs. T
743.5 470.4 2874 8000 f(x) = 7.5885240161x + 1878.155779322
806.9 533.7 3336 6000
870.2 597.1 3815 5000
933.6 660.5 4310 f(x) = 0.0016361622x^2 + 5.640959509x - 135.7364960861
Melting point of Al 2000
933.6 660.5 6890 1000
983.5 710.4 7269 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
1016.8 743.7 7521
T, °C
1100.0 826.9 8153
1150.0 876.9 8532

Table 3. Heat content for solid aluminum = A+ BT + CT2

cal/g-mol; T = °C -136 5.64 1.64E-03
kJ/kg; T = °C -21.1 8.75E-01 2.54E-04 Ü We'll use this data
Btu/lb-mol; T = °F -424 5.58 9.09E-04
Btu/lb; T = °F -15.7 2.07E-01 3.37E-05
Table 2. Heat content of Aluminum in AES units
T, °F HT-H77 (Btu/lb-mol)
80.3 20

H T-H 7 7 (B tu /lb -m o l)
minum in SI units 194.4 696 Figure 2. Heat content of Aluminum in AES units
308.4 1393
422.5 2106
536.5 2839
650.6 3593
vs. T 764.6 4371 Molar Heat Content of Al vs. T
+ 1878.155779322 878.7 5174 f(x) = 7.5885182826x + 3137.8452634454
992.7 6005 12000

1106.8 6866
- 135.7364960861 1220.8 7758 f(x) = 0.0009089783x^2 + 5.5827806363x - 423.9052824849

1220.8 12402 4000

1310.7 13084
00 700 800 900 0
1370.6 13539 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
T, °F
1520.3 14675
1610.3 15358
Datafiles and Charts from FREE
T (C) HT-H298 (J) Plot: HT-H298 vs. T for N1.58O.42
25 0
77.5 1528
130 3059 1.60E+04
f(x) = 0.0033931649x^2 + 28.4302435235x - 701.8757788345
182.5 4603 1.40E+04 R² = 0.9999991645
235 6166 1.20E+04

HT-H298 (J)
287.5 7749 1.00E+04
340 9353 8.00E+03
392.5 10977
445 12621
497.5 14283
550 15963 2.00E+03
25 125 225 325 425 525
T (C)

H2O, (g)
(Hydrogen Oxide)
Plot: HT-H298 vs. T for H2O
T (C) HT-H298 (J) 1.20E+05
700 24894
850 31175 1.00E+05
f(x) = 0.0043231892x^2 + 36.0408667187x - 2563.2512059086
1000 37719 8.00E+04 R² = 0.9999877433
1150 44514
HT-H298 (J)

1300 51541 6.00E+04

1450 58784
1600 66223 4.00E+04
1750 73839
1900 81612
2200 97549 0.00E+00
700 900 1100 1300 1500 1700 1900 2100
T (C)
Charts from FREED

N2, (g)
(Nitrogen dimer)
Plot: HT-H298 vs. T for N2

757788345 T (C) HT-H298 (J) 8.00E+04

700 20607 7.00E+04 f(x) = 0.0013174352x^2 + 31.3993347476x - 2077.4166152719
850 25549
6.00E+04 R² = 0.9999940707
1000 30595
1150 35730 5.00E+04

HT-H298 (J)
1300 40944 4.00E+04
1450 46224
1600 51563
1750 56950 2.00E+04
1900 62379 1.00E+04
425 525 2200 73328 0.00E+00
700 900 1100 1300 1500 1700 1900 21
T (C)

O2, (g)
(Oxygen dimer)
Plot: HT-H298 vs. T for O2
T (C) HT-H298 (J) 9.00E+04
700 21770 8.00E+04
850 27025 7.00E+04 f(x) = 0.0012548905x^2 + 33.4077258369x - 2264.872354569
1000 32371 R² = 0.9999985801
1150 37792
HT-H298 (J)

1300 43278
1450 48821
1600 54416 3.00E+04
1750 60062 2.00E+04
1900 65755 1.00E+04
1900 2100 2200 77284 0.00E+00
700 900 1100 1300 1500 1700 1900 2
T (C)
CO2, (g)
N2 (Carbon Dioxide) Plot: HT-H298 vs. T for CO2

HT-H298 (J)
T (C) HT-H298 (J)
347476x - 2077.4166152719 1.20E+05
700 31,961
f(x) = 0.002256501x^2 + 52.480728274x - 6013.5337710728
850 40,184 R² = 0.9999908567
1000 48,624 1.00E+05
1150 57,234
1300 65,982 8.00E+04
1450 74,842
1600 83,795 6.00E+04
1750 92,825
1900 101,921 4.00E+04

500 1700 1900 2100 2200 120,268

700 900 1100 1300 1500 1700 1900 2100
T (C)

r O2

7258369x - 2264.8723545694

1500 1700 1900 2100

s. T for CO2

2.480728274x - 6013.5337710728

0 1500 1700 1900 2100

T (C)
Using the NIST Chemistry WebBook On-Line Thermodynamic Database--Carbon D

Please read Heat content, heat capacity, and entropy equations for reference state CO 2

Data compilation copyright by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce on behalf of the U.S.A.
ΔH°gas -393.51 ± 0.13 kJ/mol. Review Cox, Wagman, et al., 1984 CODATA Review value
ΔH°gas -393.52 kJ/mol. Review Chase, 1998. Data last reviewed in September, 1965

S°gas,1 bar 213.785 ± 0.010 J/mol*K. Review Cox, Wagman, et al., 1984 CODATA Review value
S°gas,1 bar 213.79 J/mol*K. Review Chase, 1998. Data last reviewed in September, 1965

Gas Phase Heat Capacity (Shomate Equation)

Cp° = A + B*t + C*t2 + D*t3 + E/t2
H° - H°298.15= A*t + B*t2/2 + C*t3/3 + D*t4/4 - E/t + F - H
S° = A*ln(t) + B*t + C*t2/2 + D*t3/3 - E/(2*t2) + G
Cp = heat capacity (J/mol*K)
H° = standard enthalpy (kJ/mol)
S° = standard entropy (J/mol*K)
t = temperature (K) / 1000.

Table 1. Equation parameters for the thermodynamic properties of CO2

Temp, (K) 298. - 1200. 1200. - 6000.
A 24.99735 58.16639
B 55.18696 2.720074
C -33.69137 -0.492289
D 7.948387 0.038844
E -0.136638 -6.447293
F -403.6075 -425.9186
G 228.2431 263.6125
H -393.5224 -393.5224
Reference Chase, 1998 Chase, 1998

Comment: Data last reviewed in September, 1965.

Figure 1. Heat content of CO2 in SI units

HT-H25, J/g-mol

Molar Heat Content of CO2 above 800 °C

100,000 f(x) = 58.908041958x - 10311.7042365968
R² = 0.9998457817
800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
T, °C

Table 3. Heat content for CO2 = A + BT

kJ/kg-mol; T = °C -10312 58.91
kJ/m3; T = °C -460 2.628
Btu/lb-mol; T = °F -4887 14.08
Btu/ft3; T = °F -13.6 0.0392
(Volumes are STP)
mic Database--Carbon Dioxide Carbon dioxide
Molecular weight: 44.0095

nce state CO 2 Table 2. Values for the thermodynamic properties of CO2 in SI units
-(G° -
of the U.S.A. Temp, Temp, Cp S° H° - H°298.15 H° - H°298.15

ATA Review value (K) (°C) (J/mol*K) (J/mol*K) (J/mol*K) (kJ/mol) (J/mol)
eptember, 1965 298 37.12 213.8 213.8 -0.01
300 37.22 214 213.8 0.07
84 CODATA Review value 400 41.34 225.3 215.3 4.00
in September, 1965 500 44.61 234.9 218.3 8.31
600 47.32 243.3 221.8 12.91
700 49.57 250.8 225.4 17.75
800 51.44 257.5 229 22.81
900 53 263.6 232.5 28.03
1000 54.3 269.3 235.9 33.40
1100 826.85 55.4 274.5 239.2 38.89 38,890
1200 926.85 56.31 279.4 242.3 44.47 44,470
1300 1026.85 57.14 283.9 245.4 50.15 50,150
1400 1126.85 57.83 288.2 248.3 55.89 55,890
1500 1226.85 58.4 292.2 251.1 61.71 61,710
1600 1326.85 58.9 296 253.8 67.57 67,570
1700 1426.85 59.33 299.6 256.3 73.48 73,480
1800 1526.85 59.7 303 258.8 79.44 79,440
1900 1626.85 60.04 306.2 261.2 85.42 85,420
2000 1726.85 60.34 309.3 263.6 91.44 91,440
2100 1826.85 60.61 312.2 265.8 97.49 97,490
2200 1926.85 60.85 315.1 268 103.6 103,600
2300 61.07 317.8 270.1 109.7
2400 61.28 320.4 272.1 115.8
2500 61.47 322.9 274.1 121.9
2600 61.64 325.3 276 128.1
2700 61.8 327.6 277.9 134.2
2800 61.95 329.9 279.7 140.4
2900 62.1 332.1 281.5 146.6
3000 62.23 334.2 283.2 152.8
Figure 2. Heat content of CO2 in AES units
HT-H77, Btu/lb-mol

3100 62.35 336.2 284.9 159.1

3200 62.47 338.2 286.5 165.3
°C 3300 62.59 340.1 288.1 171.6
3400 Molar Heat Content of CO2 above 1500
62.69 342 289.7 177.8°F
3500 62.8 343.8 291.2 184.1
f(x) = 14.0793492949x - 4886.7374570622
3600 62.89
R² = 0.9998457817
345.6 292.7 190.4
3700 62.99 347.3 294.1 196.7
3800 63.08 349 295.6 203
3900 63.17 350.6 297 209.3
4000 63.25 352.2 298.3 215.6
4100 63.34 353.8 299.6 222



25,000 63.42 355.3 301 228.3
4300 63.5 356.8 302.2 234.6
20,000 63.58 358.3 303.5 241
4500 63.66 359.7 304.7 247.4
1800 2000 4600
15,000 63.74 361.1 305.9 253.7
4700 1500 1700 63.82 2100 362.5
1900 2300 307.12700
2500 260.1 3100
2900 3300 3500
4800 63.9 T, °F
363.8 308.3 266.5
4900 63.98 365.1 309.4 272.9
5000 64.06 366.4 310.6 279.3
5100 64.14 367.7 311.7 285.7
5200 64.22 368.9 312.8 292.1
5300 64.31 370.2 313.8 298.5
5400 64.39 371.4 314.9 305
5500 64.48 372.5 315.9 311.4
5600 64.58 373.7 316.9 317.9
5700 64.67 374.9 318 324.3
5800 64.77 376 318.9 330.8
5900 64.87 377.1 319.9 337.3
6000 64.98 378.2 320.9 343.8
CO2 in AES units
Temp, H° - H°77
(°F) (Btu/lb-mol)

1520.3 16,731
1700.3 19,131
1880.3 21,575
2060.3 24,044
2240.3 26,548
2420.3 29,069
2600.3 31,612
2780.3 34,176
2960.3 36,749
3140.3 39,338
3320.3 41,941
3500.3 44,570
Please read
Using the NIST JANAF On-line Thermochemical Database--Wat

Water (H2O, gas) Water
Molecular wt: 18.0153

Table 1. Thermodynamic properties of H2O(g)

Enthalpy Ref, Temperature = Tr = 298.15 K Standard State Pressure = p° = 0.1 MPa
J·K-1 mol-1 kJ·mol-1
T/K Cp° S° -[G°-H°(Tr)]/T H-H°(Tr) ΔfH°
0 0 0 INFINITE -9.90 -238.921
100 33.299 152.388 218.534 -6.62 -240.083
200 33.349 175.485 191.896 -3.28 -240.9

Reference temperature ==> 298.15 33.59 188.834 188.834 0.00 -241.826

300 33.596 189.042 188.835 0.06 -241.844
400 34.262 198.788 190.159 3.45 -242.846
500 35.226 206.534 192.685 6.93 -243.826
600 36.325 213.052 195.55 10.50 -244.758
700 37.495 218.739 198.465 14.19 -245.632
800 38.721 223.825 201.322 18.00 -246.443
900 39.987 228.459 204.084 21.94 -247.185
1000 41.268 232.738 206.738 26.00 -247.857
1100 42.536 236.731 209.285 30.19 -248.46
1200 43.768 240.485 211.73 34.51 -248.997
1300 44.945 244.035 214.08 38.94 -249.473
1400 46.054 247.407 216.341 43.49 -249.894
1500 47.09 250.62 218.52 48.15 -250.265
1600 48.05 253.69 220.623 52.91 -250.592
1700 48.935 256.63 222.655 57.76 -250.881
1800 49.749 259.451 224.621 62.69 -251.138
1900 50.496 262.161 226.526 67.71 -251.368
2000 51.18 264.769 228.374 72.79 -251.575
2100 51.823 267.282 230.167 77.94 -251.762
2200 52.408 269.706 231.909 83.15 -251.934
2300 52.947 272.048 233.604 88.42 -252.092
2400 53.444 274.312 235.253 93.74 -252.239
2500 53.904 276.503 236.86 99.11 -252.379
2600 54.329 278.625 238.425 104.52 -252.513
2700 54.723 280.683 239.952 109.97 -252.643
2800 55.089 282.68 241.443 115.46 -252.771
2900 55.43 284.619 242.899 120.99 -252.897
3000 55.748 286.504 244.321 126.55 -253.024
3100 56.044 288.337 245.711 132.14 -253.152
3200 56.323 290.12 247.071 137.76 -253.282
3300 56.583 291.858 248.402 143.40 -253.416
3400 56.828 293.55 249.705 149.07 -253.553
3500 57.058 295.201 250.982 154.77 -253.696
3600 57.276 296.812 252.233 160.49 -253.844
3700 57.48 298.384 253.459 166.22 -253.997
3800 57.675 299.919 254.661 171.98 -254.158
3900 57.859 301.42 255.841 177.76 -254.326
4000 58.033 302.887 256.999 183.55 -254.501
4100 58.199 304.322 258.136 189.36 -254.684
4200 58.357 305.726 259.252 195.19 -254.876
4300 58.507 307.101 260.349 201.03 -255.078
4400 58.65 308.448 261.427 206.89 -255.288
4500 58.787 309.767 262.486 212.76 -255.508
4600 58.918 311.061 263.528 218.65 -255.738
4700 59.044 312.329 264.553 224.55 -255.978
4800 59.164 313.574 265.562 230.46 -256.229
4900 59.275 314.795 266.554 236.38 -256.491
5000 59.39 315.993 267.531 242.31 -256.763
5100 59.509 317.171 268.493 248.26 -257.046
5200 59.628 318.327 269.44 254.22 -257.338
5300 59.746 319.464 270.373 260.18 -257.639
5400 59.864 320.582 271.293 266.16 -257.95
5500 59.982 321.682 272.199 272.16 -258.268
5600 60.1 322.764 273.092 278.16 -258.595
5700 60.218 323.828 273.973 284.18 -258.93
5800 60.335 324.877 274.841 290.20 -259.272
5900 60.453 325.909 275.698 296.24 -259.621
6000 60.571 326.926 276.544 302.30 -259.977

PREVIOUS: March 1961 (1 atm) CURRENT: March 1979 (1 bar)

ochemical Database--Water Vapor
Figure 1. Heat content of H2O in SI units

HT-H25, J/g-mol
Heat Content of H2O above 800 °C

80,000 f(x) = 0.004461988x^2 + 35.9638627722x - 2654.5597497004

R² = 0.9999953361
State Pressure = p° = 0.1 MPa

ΔfG° log Kf 60,000

-238.921 INFINITE
-236.584 123.579 50,000
-232.766 60.792
-228.582 40.047
-228.5 39.785 30,000
-223.901 29.238 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
-219.051 22.884 T, °C
-214.007 18.631
-208.812 15.582 Table 2. Heat content of water vapor in different units. Table 3. Heat content
-203.496 13.287 J·mol-1 Btu·lb-mol-1
-198.083 11.496 T, °C H-H°(Tr) T, °F H-H°(Tr) kJ/kg-mol; T = °C
-192.59 10.06 kJ/m3; T = °C
-187.033 8.881 826.85 30,191 1520.3 12,988 Btu/lb-mol; T = °F
-181.425 7.897 926.85 34,506 1700.3 14,845 Btu/ft3; T = °F
-175.774 7.063 1026.85 38,942 1880.3 16,753
-170.089 6.346 1126.85 43,493 2060.3 18,711
-164.376 5.724 1226.85 48,151 2240.3 20,715
-158.639 5.179 1326.85 52,908 2420.3 22,762
-152.883 4.698 1426.85 57,758 2600.3 24,848
-147.111 4.269 1526.85 62,693 2780.3 26,971
-141.325 3.885 1626.85 67,706 2960.3 29,128
-135.528 3.54 1726.85 72,790 3140.3 31,315
-129.721 3.227 1826.85 77,941 3320.3 33,531
-123.905 2.942 1926.85 83,153 3500.3 35,773
-118.082 2.682
-112.252 2.443
-106.416 2.223
-100.575 2.021
-94.729 1.833
-88.878 1.658
-83.023 1.495
-77.163 1.344
-71.298 1.201
-65.43 1.068
-59.558 0.943
-53.681 0.825
-47.801 0.713
-41.916 0.608
-36.027 0.509
-30.133 0.414
-24.236 0.325
-18.334 0.239
-12.427 0.158
-6.516 0.081
-0.6 0.007
5.32 -0.063
11.245 -0.131
17.175 -0.195
23.111 -0.257
29.052 -0.316
34.998 -0.373
40.949 -0.428
46.906 -0.48
52.869 -0.531
58.838 -0.58
64.811 -0.627
70.791 -0.672
76.777 -0.716
82.769 -0.758
88.767 -0.799
94.77 -0.839
100.78 -0.877

: March 1979 (1 bar)

Figure 2. Heat content of H2O in AES units
HT-H77, Btu/lb-m ol

Heat Content of H2O above 1500 °F

7004 f(x) = 0.0005924666x^2 + 8.5576451378x - 1416.469480153
32,000 R² = 0.9999953361





2000 1500 1700 1900 2100 2300 2500 2700 2900 3100 3300 3500
T, °F

Table 3. Heat content equation parameters for water vapor = A + BT + CT2

kJ/kg-mol; T = °C -2655 35.96 4.462E-03
kJ/m3; T = °C -118 1.604 1.991E-04
Btu/lb-mol; T = °F -1416 8.558 5.925E-04
Btu/ft3; T = °F -3.944 0.02384 1.650E-06
(Volumes are STP)
Using the Fact-Web On-line Thermochemical Database--Oxygen and Nitrogen

Molecular wt: 31.9988
Table 1A. Thermodynamic properties of O2 in SI units
Please read T(K) H(J) G(J) Vol(litre) S(J/K) Cp(J/K) A, (J)
298.15 0 -61,132 24.47 205.04 29.38 -63,611
WordPad 300 54 -61,511 24.62 205.22 29.39 -64,006
400 3,025 -82,479 32.82 213.76 30.11 -85,805
500 6,084 -104,207 41.03 220.58 31.10 -108,364
600 9,244 -126,560 49.24 226.34 32.08 -131,549
700 12,497 -149,450 57.44 231.35 32.97 -155,270
800 15,834 -172,812 65.65 235.81 33.74 -179,464
900 19,240 -196,597 73.85 239.82 34.37 -204,080
1000 22,703 -220,764 82.06 243.47 34.86 -229,079
1100 26,213 -245,280 90.26 246.81 35.32 -254,426
1200 29,764 -270,118 98.47 249.90 35.68 -280,095
1300 33,348 -295,253 106.68 252.77 35.99 -306,062
1400 36,961 -320,666 114.88 255.45 36.27 -332,306
1500 40,601 -346,337 123.09 257.96 36.53 -358,809
1600 44,267 -372,253 131.29 260.33 36.78 -385,556
1700 47,957 -398,398 139.50 262.56 37.03 -412,533
1800 51,672 -424,761 147.70 264.69 37.27 -439,728
1900 55,411 -451,332 155.91 266.71 37.51 -467,129
2000 59,174 -478,100 164.12 268.64 37.75 -494,729
2100 62,960 -505,056 172.32 270.48 37.98 -522,517
2200 66,770 -532,194 180.53 272.26 38.21 -550,486

Figure 1. Heat content of O2 and N2 in SI units

Heat Content of O2 & N2 Above 800 °C Heat C

65,000 28000 f(x) = 8.81
f(x) = 36.8819370629x - 4522.5283784383
60,000 f(x) = 35.1510034965x - 4579.0841641609 26000 f(x) = 8.40
R² = 0.9998685698 24000
HT-H77. Btu/lb-mol

50,000 22000
HT-H25, J/mol

45,000 20000
40,000 18000
35,000 16000
30,000 O2 Linear (O2) 14000
25,000 N2 Linear (N2)
20,000 10000
800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 1500 1700
T, °C
30,000 14000
25,000 N2 Linear (N2)
20,000 10000
800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 1500 1700
T, °C
--Oxygen and Nitrogen

Molecular wt: 28.0134
Table 1B. Thermodynamic properties of N2 in SI units
T (°C) T(K) H(J) G(J) Vol(litre) S(J/K)
298.15 0 -57,096 24.47 191.50
300 54 -57,450 24.62 191.68
400 2,969 -77,057 32.82 200.07
500 5,909 -97,403 41.03 206.62
600 8,895 -118,345 49.24 212.07
Table 2. AES units 700 11,941 -139,792 57.44 216.76
T (°F) H(Btu) H(Btu) 800 15,050 -161,679 65.65 220.91
O2 N2 900 18,224 -183,960 73.85 224.65
1000 21,460 -206,598 82.06 228.06
826.85 1520.3 11277 10650 1100 24,755 -229,563 90.26 231.20
926.85 1700.3 12805 12090 1200 28,104 -252,830 98.47 234.11
1026.85 1880.3 14347 13551 1300 31,500 -276,379 106.68 236.83
1126.85 2060.3 15901 15030 1400 34,937 -300,190 114.88 239.38
1226.85 2240.3 17467 16524 1500 38,408 -324,249 123.09 241.77
1326.85 2420.3 19044 18028 1600 41,906 -348,540 131.29 244.03
1426.85 2600.3 20632 19544 1700 45,429 -373,051 139.50 246.17
1526.85 2780.3 22230 21071 1800 48,979 -397,770 147.70 248.19
1626.85 2960.3 23839 22607 1900 52,550 -422,686 155.91 250.12
1726.85 3140.3 25457 24152 2000 56,140 -447,791 164.12 251.97
1826.85 3320.3 27086 25704 2100 59,747 -473,077 172.32 253.73
1926.85 3500.3 28725 27262 2200 63,368 -498,534 180.53 255.41

Figure 2. Heat content of O2 and N2 in AES units

Heat Content of O2 & N2 Above 1500 °F
30000 kJ/kg-mol; T = °C
kJ/m3; T = °C
28000 f(x) = 8.8149878577x - 2227.7165451341 Btu/lb-mol; T = °F
26000 f(x) = 8.401285119x - 2238.8089220722 Btu/ft3; T = °F
24000 (Volumes are STP)
HT-H77. Btu/lb-mol

Table 4. Heat content for air from
T(K) H(J)
18000 O2
16000 300 54
14000 N2 Linear (N2) 400 3,025
O2 Linear (O2) 500 6,084
12000 600 9,244
10000 700 12,497
1500 1700 1900 2100 2300 2500 2700 2900 3100 3300 3500 800 15,834
T, °F
O2 Linear (O2)
1500 1700 1900 2100 2300 2500 2700 2900 3100 3300 3500
T, °F
Using the Fact-Web On-line The

ties of N2 in SI units Table 5. Thermodynamic
Cp(J/K) A_(J) T (°C) T(K) H(J) G(J)
------ CO2(g) ------
29.14 -59,575 298.15 ­393,522 ­457,265
29.13 -59,944 300 ­393,453 ­457,661
29.23 -80,383 400 ­389,522 ­479,645
29.61 -101,560 500 ­385,219 ­502,666
30.15 -123,334 600 ­380,615 ­526,584
30.77 -145,612 700 ­375,765 ­551,292
31.42 -168,331 800 ­370,711 ­576,710
32.06 -191,443 900 ­365,488 ­602,772
32.66 -214,913 1000 ­360,123 ­629,423
33.23 -238,709 826.85 1100 ­354,639 ­656,618
33.73 -262,808 926.85 1200 ­349,052 ­684,317
34.18 -287,188 1026.85 1300 ­343,378 ­712,485
34.55 -311,831 1126.85 1400 ­337,629 ­741,093
34.86 -336,721 1226.85 1500 ­331,817 ­770,114
35.09 -361,843 1326.85 1600 ­325,950 ­799,525
35.37 -387,185 1426.85 1700 ­320,037 ­829,304
35.61 -412,736 1526.85 1800 ­314,085 ­859,433
35.81 -438,484 1626.85 1900 ­308,099 ­889,893
35.99 -464,420 1726.85 2000 ­302,082 ­920,669
36.14 -490,537 1826.85
36.28 -516,826 1926.85

Table 3. Heat content for O2 and N2 = A + BT

N2 O2
-4579 35.15 -4522 36.88
-204 1.568 -202 1.645
-2239 8.40 -2228 8.81
-6.236 0.02340 -6.205 0.02454
Volumes are STP)
Figure 3. Heat content of air in SI units, and quadratic equation obtained using t
heat content, kJ/kg-mol

eat content for air from Tables 1A & 1B

H(J) H(J) T(°C)
N2 Air
54 54 26.85
2,969 2,981 126.85
Heat Content of Air
5,909 5,945 226.85
8,895 8,969 326.85 f(x) = 0.00294545x^2 + 28.6715917636x - 712.5265
11,941 12,058 426.85 14,000 R² = 0.9999989144
15,050 15,215 526.85


heat cont
f(x) = 0.00294545x^2 + 28.6715917636x - 712.5265
14,000 R² = 0.9999989144







0 50 100 150 200 250 30
T, °C
Fact-Web On-line Thermochemical Database--Carbon Dioxide

Carbon Dioxide
Molecular wt: 44.0096
Table 5. Thermodynamic properties of CO2 in SI units
Vol(litre) S(J/K) Cp(J/K) A_(J) HT-H298 T (°C)
Heat Con

HT-H25, J/g-mol
------ CO2(g) ------
24.47 213.80 37.14 ­459,744 0 25.0
24.62 214.03 37.22 ­460,155 69 26.9 90,000
f(x) = - 3.14038126536014E-06x^3 + 0.013
32.82 225.31 41.29 ­482,970 4,001 126.9 R² = 0.9999936623
41.03 234.89 44.64 ­506,824 8,303 226.9
49.24 243.28 47.36 ­531,572 12,907 326.9 70,000
57.44 250.75 49.59 ­557,112 17,758 426.9 60,000
65.65 257.50 51.43 ­583,362 22,811 526.9 50,000
73.85 263.65 52.98 ­610,255 28,034 626.9
82.06 269.30 54.28 ­637,738 33,399 726.9
90.26 274.53 55.39 ­665,764 38,884 826.9 30,000
98.47 279.39 56.33 ­694,294 44,470 926.9 20,000
106.68 283.93 57.13 ­723,294 50,144 1026.9
114.88 288.19 57.82 ­752,733 55,893 1126.9 10,000
123.09 292.20 58.41 ­782,586 61,705 1226.9 0
131.29 295.98 58.91 ­812,828 67,572 1326.9 0 300 600
139.50 299.57 59.34 ­843,439 73,485 1426.9
147.70 302.97 59.70 ­874,399 79,438 1526.9
155.91 306.21 60.01 ­905,691 85,423 1626.9
164.12 309.29 60.32 ­937,298 91,440 1726.9

equation obtained using trendline.

Heat Content of Air to 600 °C

+ 28.6715917636x - 712.5265371724
+ 28.6715917636x - 712.5265371724

50 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600

T, °C
Heat Content of CO2

038126536014E-06x^3 + 0.0138970276x^2 + 38.8758292774x - 1071.7017477454

0 300 600 900 1200 1500 1800

T, °C

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