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Performance Evaluation of 802.11ah Physical Layer Phase Encryption for IoT


Conference Paper · October 2018

DOI: 10.1109/ATC.2018.8587437

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3 authors, including:

Dai Long Hoang Thi Hong Tran

Hue University Nara Institute of Science and Technology


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Performance Evaluation of 802.11ah Physical Layer
Phase Encryption for IoT Applications
Dai Long Hoang, Thi Hong Tran, Yasuhiko Nakashima
Graduate School of Information Science, Nara Institute of Science and Technology
Takayama 8916-5, Ikoma, Nara, Japan
Email: {hoang.long.hg7, hong, nakashim}

Abstract—In the Internet of things (IoT) applications where information-theoretic security is executed by physical layer
things are connected and exchanged data wirelessly, security security (PLS) techniques at the physical layer [4].
places an important role. In addition, IoT sensors have limitation Most of the security techniques are implemented in upper
on the power source and computing ability. Therefore, developing
a wireless communication transceiver which is high-security, layers. The current Wi-Fi systems include 802.11ah also im-
low power consumption, and low complexity for IoT sensors plement security encryption at medium access control (MAC)
is significant. With the advantages such as long range, low layer. However, these upper layers are commonly processed
power, and low-cost, IEEE 802.11ah is a promising candidate at software level which allows attackers to use general pur-
for developing IoT sensor’s wireless transceiver. However, the pose microprocessor and memory to collect massive data for
current version of 802.11ah standard does not focus on enhancing
the system security. In this research, we solve that problem by cracking the encryption key. In addition, encryption at upper
proposing a low complexity and high-security encryption method layers such as MAC would make many parts of transmission
at the physical (PHY) layer of 802.11ah. Because the encryption data (ex: MAC header, PHY header) are not encrypted and
is processing at the PHY layer, we built the simulation to evaluate are vulnerable to eavesdroppers. Many researchers have shown
the effect of the encryption method to bit error rate (BER) that encryption at lower layer such as PHY is a research trend
and packet error rate (PER) performance of the system. Our
research shows that the implementation of our encryption does for enhancing the security level of communication systems.
not affect to the BER and PER performance of the system while And some researches have proposed encryption methods at
some conventional methods do. In addition, the simulation also PHY layer [5], [6]. However, the complexity of these methods
shows that unexpected users are entirely unable to obtain the is affected by modulation types. For that reason, conventional
transmitted information without the correct key. implementations following these methods only support for low
Index Terms—Physical layer encryption, phase encryption ,
complex modulations such as BPSK, and QPSK [6]. Whereas,
IoT applications, RC4 cipher
the 802.11ah supports several modulation types from simple
one to complex one, such as BPSK, QPSK, 16-256 QAM.
I. I NTRODUCTION Therefore, developing an encryption method at the PHY layer
which is low complexity and independent from modulation
Nowadays, Internet of Things (IoT) devices become avail- types is a requirement.
able everywhere. They are forecasted to reach 50 billion with In this paper, we show our research results on phase encryp-
6.58 connected devices per person by 2020 [1]. They are tion at the PHY layer of 802.11ah communication system.
being deployed in many fields such as smart city, smart grid, During the research, we propose two encryption methods
smart healthcare and so on [2]. Among many wireless com- which are low complexity and high security. Remember that
munication networks such as Zigbee, LoRa, Bluetooth Low the main purpose of PHY layer is to protect transmitted
Energy and so on, the IEEE 802.11ah is a strong candidate for data from noise and interference of environment. It means
developing IoT sensors’ communication transceiver because of that adding encryption at PHY layer must not reduce BER
its long range (up to 1 km), large number of devices (up to and PER performance of the system, or at least the effect
8192 devices per access point), and low power [3]. is insignificant that can be trade-off. The BER and PER
On the other hand, despite many benefits from IoT appli- performance evaluation is thus necessary. In the paper, we
cations which almost exploit wireless connections, the trans- show that one of our proposed encryption methods satisfies
mission is unprotected to eavesdropping attacks and active the BER/PER requirement. It completely does not degrade
jammings due to their environment [1]. Moreover, data is the BER/PER performance while the conventional work does.
collected and exchanged between devices and centers, and With the purpose of low complexity, we use the popular stream
some information is private or confidential. Therefore, the se- cipher RC4 for generating the ciphering key for encryption.
curity of these connections has to improve for protecting users The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section
from attackers. In wireless communication systems, security is II explains stream cipher RC4, the principle of phase encryp-
usually classified into computational security and information- tion and related works. The proposed encryption methods are
theoretic security [4]. Computational security consists of en- presented in Section III. The simulation model and the result
cryption in different layers, including the physical layer, while evaluation is presented in Section IV. The final section V is
Pseudorandom Master key
Key S-box Cipher key RC4
RC4 IP Encrypted IP

QP Encryption Encrypted QP
Fig. 1. Procedure of cipher key generating of RC4

Fig. 2. Phase encryption block

conclusion and future work.
II. BACKGROUND AND R ELATED W ORKS on the network and offers low latency without bringing in any
In this section, we briefly explain about stream cipher RC4 overhead. Huo et al. [9] proposed a phase encryption method
which is chosen to generate the ciphering key. We then show for general communication systems. The results showed that
the background of phase encryption that use ciphering key to phase encryption at PHY layer could resist traffic analysis
encrypt data at the PHY layer. We finally expose our survey attack. However, they did not implement nor analyze any
of related works. specific wireless network like 802.11ah. In other paper [6]
the authors performed a physical layer encryption for IEEE
A. Stream Cipher RC4 802.15.4 transceiver. They showed that security was enhanced
RC4 stream cipher was created by Ron Rivest from RSA by implementing encryption at PHY layer instead of at MAC
Data Security in 1987. RC4 generates a pseudo-random bit- layer as the original 802.15.4 standard does. However, in
stream which is called as ciphering key. The ciphering key then 802.15.4 there was only QPSK modulation mode which was
will be used to encrypt plaintext data. To generate ciphering encrypted by RC4. In work [10] the authors presented a phase
key, RC4 uses a secret internal state that has two parts: 256- encryption method by adjusting both phases and amplitudes
byte array memory S-box and three 8-bit index pointers i, of modulated symbols.
j, and k. To generate a pseudo-random ciphering key, S- Both works in [6] and [10] used the ciphering key infor-
box values are permuted through two stages: Key Scheduling mation to calculate the amount of phase-shift and amplitude-
Algorithm (KSA) and Pseudo-Random Generator Algorithm shift values. Then these values were added to the phase
(PRGA). Fig. 1 illustrates the procedure of generating cipher- and amplitude of the modulated data. It means that after
ing keystream from a provided master key. The KSA stage the encryption, the phase and amplitude of the modulated
performs an initial permutation on S-box based on a secret data will be shifted by an amount corresponding to the
master key which is typically between 5 and 32 bytes. The value of ciphering key. Applying this method, the hardware
PRGA uses results of KSA which has become a pseudo- implementation of the encryption must process the following
random S-box to generate pseudo ciphering key. Detail of functions. Firstly, it converts modulated data from IP, QP
RC4 processing can be found at [7]. values to phase and amplitude values. Secondly, it converts
values of ciphering key to the corresponding amount of phase-
B. Phase Encryption shift and amplitude-shift. Thirdly, it respectively adds the
The phase encryption is a kind of encryption at the PHY phase-shift and amplitude-shift to the phase and amplitude
layer, in which the encryption is applied to the modulated of modulated data. Finally, it converts the encrypted phase
symbol data. Once data is modulated by one of the modulation and amplitude values back to IP and QP values. Because the
types such as QPSK, 16-QAM, etc., data has complex value complexity of the convert between phase/amplitude value and
that consists of two parts: in-phase part (IP) and quadrature- IP/QP value is affected by modulation types, this method is
phase part (QP). These two parts of modulated data are only applicable for simple modulations such as BPSK, QPSK.
then encrypted by using keystream generated by one of the For high complexity modulations such as 64-QAM, 256-QAM,
cryptography algorithms such as RC4, etc., ref. Fig. 2. The using this encryption method requires much computational
processing inside the encryption determines how the ciphering resource and is not suitable for IoT sensors. For that reason,
key makes change to the plaintext data (which is modulated there is no implementation of this encryption method for high
symbol data in this case). modulation such as 64-QAM, etc., available yet.
At the receiver side, the decryption is done oppositely to From this drawbacks, we propose low complexity phase
recover the IP and the QP of modulated symbols. And of encryption methods for 802.11ah IoT sensors. In this paper, we
course, the receiver must implement the same cryptography will not focus on analysing and proving the security features
algorithm as the transmitter does. To decrypt data successfully, of phase encryption. Instead, we aim to reduce the complexity
the receiver must also keep the same master key as the and evaluate the performance of the encryption so that it can
transmitter has. apply in the system that requires low complexity and low
power such as IoT sensors.
C. Related Works
As surveying in the literature, there are many related works III. P ROPOSED E NCRYPTION M ETHODS
to the security at the physical layer. In work [8], the authors In 802.11ah, the variety of modulation types are used,
proved that security at the physical layer has the lowest impact including BPSK, QPSK, 16-QAM, 64-QAM, 256-QAM. To
Master key 1 Master key [6]
RC4_1 RC4
Encryption IP - In-phase part Encryption
QP - Quadrature part MSB [7]
BW - Bit width
8 8 Sign bit
BW-8 BW-8
BW-1 BW-1
Mapper IFFT
8 8 Mapper Sign bit IFFT
BW-8 BW-8
BW-1 BW-1

Master key 2
RC4_2 Fig. 4. Method 2: Sign-bit encryption at transmitter

Fig. 3. Method 1: 8-MSB encryption at transmitter

A MPLITUDE OF MODULATED SYMBOLS Simulation parameters Value
Simulator IEEE 802.11ah
Modulation type Amplitude Number of iterations 5000
BPSK 0<a<1 Number of spacial streams in TXxRX 1x1
QPSK √ < a < √1 Channel type AWGN
2 2
−3 Channel estimation Ideal
16-QAM √ <a< √3
10 10 Modulation types 16-QAM, 256-QAM
−7 √7
64-QAM √ <a< Code rate 3/4
42 42
−15 √15 Transfer data type Random
256-QAM √ <a<
170 170

normalize the signal power to one, and to assure the peak key for encrypting IP data; the other generates the ciphering
to average power ratio (PAPR) of transmitted signal, the key for encrypting QP data. Only eight MSB of IP and QP
modulated data is multiplied with the normalization factors, as data will be XOR with ciphering key. The remaining bits are
be shown in Table. I. Therefore, after the gain multiplication, still kept as they are. After the encryption, the unencrypted
the absolute value of IP and QP parts of modulated data in bits are combined with encrypted bits before being sent to the
all cases of modulation (BPSK to 256-QAM) is always less IFFT processor.
than two. For the sake of hardware implementation, we can At the receiver side, the decryption is performed oppositely.
represent the sign, the integer, and the f raction of IP/QP To decrypt successfully, two master keys of the receiver must
of modulated data by 1 bit, 1 bit, and N bits, respectively. be the same with those of the transmitter.
Finally, we need bit width (BW) BW = N +2 bits to represent
the value of each data IP and QP. According to our research B. Method 2: Sign-bit Encryption
experience, choosing N ≥ 16 can result in an acceptable error In this method, we only encrypt the sign bit of IP and QP
between hardware and software results. data. And we use one RC4 engine to encrypt both IP and QP
To generate the ciphering key for encryption, we chose the data. The MSB bit of ciphering key is used to encrypt the
low complexity stream cipher RC4. sign bit of IP, and the second significant bit of ciphering key
For the encryption, we propose a method which simply is used to encrypt the sign bit of QP. The remaining bits of
XOR the ciphering key with the IP/QP values of modulated IP and QP data are kept as they are.
data. However, one ciphering key generated by RC4 has eight After the encryption, the unencrypted bits are combined
bits, whereas each data of IP/QP has BW = N + 2 bits, or with encrypted bits before being sent to the IFFT processor.
BW ≥ 18 bits. The question is how to XOR 8 bits of the
RC4 ciphering key with BW ≥ 18 bits of IP/QP data. In our IV. S IMULATION R ESULTS
research, we focus on two cases. The first case is to encrypt
only eight most significant bit (MSB) of each data IP/QP with To check how the implementation of the proposed methods
8-bits of ciphering key. The second one is to encrypt only the affect to the BER and PER performance of the system, we
sign bit of IP/QP data with the MSB bit of ciphering key. have run the simulation in Matlab. Our simulation model is
based on IEEE 802.11ah standard. The block diagram of our
A. Method 1: 8-MSB Encryption simulator is presented in Fig. 5. The parameters used during
In this method, the encryption at the transmitter is operated the simulation are shown in Table. II. We suppose that the
as shown in Fig. 3. In this method, we use two engines of channel is corrupted by the additive white Gaussian noise
RC4 to generate the ciphering key. We need two secret master (AWGN). The transfer data is random with 100 bytes per
keys for these two RC4 engines. One RC4 generates ciphering packet.


PSDU Generator

BCC Encoder


GI Inserter




BER I- In-phase
/PER Q- Quadrature


Viterbi Decoder


GI Remover



Fig. 5. Simulation model based on 802.11ah standard

A. Simulation Model compare with the data at the input of ‘Scrambler’ to evaluate
The simulation model is described as follows. At the trans- the BER and PER performance of the simulation model. The
mitter side, the source of sending random bitstreams is gener- readers refer to [11] and [12] for more detail about processing
ated by ‘PSDU Generator’. These bitstreams are scrambled by inside each block.
‘Scrambler’ block to keep away from a long sequence of zero
or one bits. They are encoded by binary convolutional code B. Evaluation Results
(BCC) at ‘BCC Encoder’. Then ‘Interleave’ block permutes
the encoded bits. Next, they are mapped into constellation at We evaluate the BER and PER of the system in five cases:
‘Mapper’ block. In this simulation model, two types of mod- with sign-bit encryption; with 8-MSB encryption; without
ulation 16-QAM and 256-QAM are created. The modulated encryption; with using Ref. [10] and case of unexpected user
symbols are encrypted by at ‘Encryption’ block. The output who does not obtain the correct key in the receiver side.
data of ‘Encryption’ which passes ‘IFFT’ block is orthogonal Fig. 6 shows the BER performance of the system in case
as a result of the invert fast Fourier transform. This block also of 16-QAM and 256-QAM modulation. While the PER per-
changes the frequency-domain of data into time-domain. The formance of the system in case of 16-QAM and 256-QAM
orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) symbol is modulation is presented in Fig. 7. From these figures, we
inserted into a guard interval at ‘GI Inserter’ block for avoiding obtain the following results:
the interference with data of adjacent symbols. Finally, these Firstly, in both case of 16-QAM and 256-QAM, the imple-
bitstreams are transmitted to the receiver via additive white mentation of our proposed encryption method 2, i.e., Sign-bit
Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel. encryption, does not degrade the BER and PER performance of
At the receiver side, many functional blocks are built for the system. Whereas, the conventional work Ref. [10] degrades
performing the reverse operations. At first, the guard intervals both BER and PER performance by about 3 dB.
are discarded from receiving bitstreams at ‘GI Remover’ Secondly, in both case of 16-QAM and 256-QAM, if
block. Next operation is converting data from time domain to an unexpected user does not have the correct key that the
frequency domain by performing fast Fourier transfer at ‘FFT’ transmitter has used to encrypt the data, he/she is completely
block. Before the data subcarriers are delivered to ‘Demapper’ not able to recover the transmitted data. The decryption is
block, they are decrypted at the ‘Decryption’ block. In case unsuccessful.
of hard decision, ‘Demapper’ evaluates the input values of Thirdly, the implementation of our proposed encryption
‘Mapper’. In case of soft decision, ‘Demapper’ calculates method 1, i.e., 8-MSB encryption, degrade the BER and PER
the LLR values of input data of ‘Mapper’. ‘De-Interleave’ performance significantly. The reason is that we encrypt not
converts the bit order into the original position. ‘Interleave’ only the sign but also the significant bits that represent the
and ‘De-Interleave’ are implemented to reduce the effect of the integer and fraction parts of data. These encrypted data then
burst error. The received data is decoded at ‘Viterbi Decoder’. be affected by noise and interference of channel. The effect
Finally, the data is descrambled at ‘Descrambler’ block to of noisy channel makes the receiver is unable to recover the
recover the transmitting information. This data is used to transmitted data even though it has the correct master key.
100 to the noisy channel. As a result, the receiver is not able to
decrypt the data successfully.
10−1 In this paper, we have presented two encryption methods for
Bit Error Rate (BER)

the physical layer of IEEE 802.11ah. We have built the sim-

ulation model and evaluated the BER and PER performance
10−2 16-QAM 256-QAM of these methods for 16-QAM and 256-QAM modulation in
AWGN noisy channel. These simulation results have shown
that our proposed encryption method 2 (Sign-bit encryption)
10−3 is suitable for 802.11ah standard and that it is applicable for
IoT sensors because of its low complexity, high performance,
No Encrypt
and high security. Implementing this method does not degrade
Ref. [10]
Sign Encrypt the BER and PER performance of the system while the
8 MSB Encrypt conventional work Ref. [10] degrades by 3 dB. We also show
Unexpected User
that if using XOR operation for phase encryption, we should
10 20 30 40 50 only encrypt the sign bit. Encrypting the other bits of data will
make data become sensitive to noise and is not able to decrypt
SN R [dB] successfully.
For future work, we will extend the simulation to fading
Fig. 6. BER performance of 802.11ah in case of 16-QAM and 256-QAM,
AWGN channel. channel. We will also design the hardware circuit of entire
802.11ah PHY transceiver which includes our Sign-bit phase
encryption method.
This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Num-
ber JP16K18105.
Packet Error Rate (PER)

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