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Donation Reflection 4/26/19

Some students don’t have the resources or means necessary to support and meet their

nutritional needs while going to college. This need has been identified and addressed through the

Salt Lake Community College Pantry where students and the community can both donate, and

access when they’re in need of extra nourishment. It is important for every human to stay

nutritionally satisfied to stay healthy and strong. There are many impacts that poverty, as well as

eating cheap food have on the human body.

When students have the option of a full meal at a fast food restaurant that not only tastes

good, but fills them up and is cheaper than fruits and vegetables, this has long term effects on the

body. These foods are high in saturated fats which build up easily in the body and can cause

weight gain. It can also contribute to food bourn illnesses, since it’s be packaged and processed

as well as prepared solely by other people. The best way to prevent against food bourn illness is

to buy the food and prepare it yourself in a clean and sanitary safe environment.

When I donated food to the Salt Lake Community Food Pantry, I became a part of this

world, my hands reached out to help provide nutrient dense foods that will provide essential

nutiritonal content that other students and those in the communities bodies need to process, break

down and convert into carbs or energy and then go on to complete their finals and other things

they have going on in their lives.

In the very simplest of ways, my food donation of even just 10 dollars worth of food will

help someone have a better day. It will help them during this crucial final week when people are

already exhausted, tired and burnt out from studying and test taking. To be able to relieve that

burden for another student and give them one less thing to worry about this finals week makes

me feel very happy.

Donation Reflection 4/26/19

It also makes me want to volunteer at the food pantry in my community again this

summer. In the summer months of 2017, I would volunteer in the mornings before work by

driving around in the trucks and collect fresh food to take back to the store to stock the shelves

for that day with. It was a privilege for me to ride in the truck and help provide that service,

lifting countless boxes into the trucks and deliver them to those in need.

There’s beauty in the world all around us if we just take a moment to look around.

Always things we can do to help out and provide service to others. All it may require is a little

time out of our already busy lives, but it will be worth it because of how not just we will feel, but

how the recipient of the service feels, regardless of if we ever see them or meet them.

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