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Pengembangan Metode Penugasan Primary Nursing di Ruangan Raflesia RSUD Dr.

Pirngadi Kota Medan

Roslina (2015-05-15)
menyeluruh tercakup dalam pengetahuan perawat tentang primary nursing meningkat dari
90% menjadi 100%, kepuasan pasien meningkat dari 63,25% menjadi 80%, adanya struktur
metode penugasan primary nursing, pelaksanaan metode penugasan primary nursing di
The method of primary nursing assignment is a form of nursing service in the inpatient
wards. It has four kinds of implementation process: deciding primary nursing concept,
gathering the data, and implementing and evaluating the implementation. This method was
done in the Raflesia Ward on the first floor with eight nurses as the participants. The research
used an action research design through the stages of reconnaissance, planning, action,
observation, and reflection. The data were processed qualitatively with content analysis and
quantitatively with simple statistic frequency distribution. The result of the research showed
that the capability of making decision, taking the responsibility, conducting interpersonal
communication, and providing nursing simultaneously included in the nurses’ knowledge in
primary nursing which increased from 90% to 100% and in patients’ satisfaction which
increased from 63.25% to 80%; there were also the structure of the method of primary
nursing assignment and the implementation of the method of primary nursing assignment in
the Raflesia Ward on the first floor. It is recommended that the management of RSUD dr.
Pirngadi, Medan, apply the method of primary nursing assignment in all inpatient wards and
facilitate the equipment and infrastructure in order that the system of primary nursing system
can be successful. It is also recommended that the management of the hospital issue an SK
(Decree) for the structure of the method of primary nursing assignment, job description
primary nursing, primer nurses, and reward of service/incentives for primer nurses...

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