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Hubungan Motivasi Perawat dan Supervisi Kepala Ruangan Terhadap Kinerja

Perawat di Rumah Sakit Grand Medistra Lubuk Pakam.

Simarmata, Juni Mariati (2015-08-21)

Motivation as the main concept in management and leadership process is highly needed in
nursing care in order to motivate nurses to work more efficiently, effectively, and
productively by providing good supervision technique. The research used quantitative
approach with correlation analysis test which was aimed to reveal the correlation between
independent variables and dependent variable. The population was 162 nurses in the inpatient
wards, and 115 of them were used as the samples, taken by using purposive sampling
technique. The data were gathered by using questionnaires and analyzed by using Spearman
correlation test. The result of the research showed that p-value = 0.93 (> 0.05) and r = 0.07
which indicated that there was the correlation between motivation and nurses’ performance
and p-value = 0.67 (> 0.05) r = 0.04 which indicated that there was no correlation between
nursing cheaf supervision and nurses’ performance in Grand Medistra Hospital, Lubuk
Pakam, Deli Serdang District with the low level of the correlation strength. From the result of
the research, it is recommended that the system should be improved to motivate nurses from
basic needs and to improve the implementation of nursing cheaf to be good, and to improve
the weaknesses and the negative things in implementing nurses’ job so that their performance
can be evaluated according to the planning, systematically, and sustainably and to obtain
information about their optimal achievement so that reward and punishment and good
performance can be achieved....
korelasi antara variabel yang bebas dan variabel yang terikat. Populasi dalam penelitian ini
adalah seluruh perawat di ruang rawat inap sebanyak 162 orang dengan melakukan teknik
purposive sampling diperoleh sampel 115 orang. Data dianalisis dengan uji...

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