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Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 147 (2018) 158–165

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Soil microbial dynamics prediction using machine learning regression T


Sunil Kr. Jhaa,b, , Zulfiqar Ahmadc,d
Department for Management of Science and Technology Development, Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
Faculty of Applied Sciences, Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
State Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Science, Wuhan University, Wuhan, Hubei 430072, China
Department of Environmental Sciences, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521, USA


Keywords: Soil microbial dynamics is significant for the soil productivity. The present study explores the application of
ANN machine learning based regression methods in the prediction of selected soil microbial dynamics, including
SVR bacterial population (BP), phosphate solubilization (PS), and enzyme activities. An experiment was designed in a
SC-FIS salt medium with rock phosphate inoculated with the solubilizing microorganism to measure the PS, BP, and 1-
Aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) deaminase activity at a different temperature, pH, and incubation
Soil microbial dynamics prediction
period. The artificial neural network (ANN), support vector regression (SVR), Wang and Mendel’s (WM) - fuzzy
inference systems (FIS), and subtractive clustering (SC)-FIS methods have been applied in the estimation of PS,
BP, and ACC deaminase activity using the experimental conditions. The performance of four regression methods
has been evaluated in the terms of the coefficient of determination (R2), root mean square error (RMSE), and
correlation coefficient (ρ). The SC-FIS method has better performance than the rest three methods in the pre-
diction of each of the soil microbial dynamics (R2 of 0.99 in the prediction of PS).

1. Introduction multifunctional support to the soil ecosystem by increasing the crop

production by controlling the weed, insects, and other infections, in-
The soil is a vital system of life. It contains water, nutrients, mi- creasing water and nutrients holding capacity, reutilizing nutrients, and
croorganism, and inorganic and organic materials, etc. and provides the nitrogen-fixing, etc. (Finlay, 2004; Barrios, 2007; Adnan et al., 2017).
living ecosystem of all organisms and plants. The condition of soil The accurate evaluation of soil microbial conditions and fitness of
changes over time due to continuous degradation and variations in its soil is one of the significant research objectives at the present (Doran
composition (Doran et al., 1999; Karlen et al., 2003; Ghosh et al., et al., 1999; Liu et al., 2006; Armenise et al., 2013). The phosphate
2017). A proper balance of physical, chemical and biological con- solubilization (PS), bacterial population (BP), and 1-Aminocyclopro-
stituents is essential for maintaining the productivity of soil for agri- pane-1-carboxylate (ACC) deaminase activity are substantial soil mi-
culture (Schoenholtz et al., 2000; Paz et al., 2016). The estimation of crobial condition indicators. Consequently, their estimation is sig-
the constituents of soil is necessary for monitoring of strength of soil. nificant in soil fitness monitoring. The prediction of PS, BP, and ACC
Microorganisms are a major part of biological constituents of soil and deaminase activity using mathematical models results in lower esti-
have a greater contribution to the strength of soil than physical and mation accuracy. The artificial intelligence (AI) methods have ad-
chemical constituents (Winding et al., 2005; Hermans et al., 2017). vanced computing capability and better efficiency, therefore widely
Microorganisms exhibit high activity towards any change in soil com- adopted in modeling applications
position and get used to environmental conditions (Lange et al., 2015; Since last few years, some statistical and AI based methods have
Žifčáková et al., 2016). This adaptation hypothetically results in var- been implemented successfully in soil parameter modeling and classi-
iations in microbial populations and their activities. Consequently, it is fication (Coopersmith et al., 2014; Shiri et al., 2017a, 2017b; Sirsat
an indication of changes in soil condition that can be used in dis- et al., 2017; Wu et al., 2018) and modeling of soil microbial dynamics
crimination in soil fitness (Van Bruggen and Semenov, 2000; Doran and (Hughes et al., 2001; Haider et al., 2008; Tajik et al., 2012; Mukhlisin
Zeiss, 2000; Hermans et al., 2017). Microorganisms have et al., 2012; Taghavifar and Mardani, 2014; Ebrahimi et al., 2017). K-

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (S.K. Jha).
Received 23 October 2017; Received in revised form 18 February 2018; Accepted 19 February 2018
0168-1699/ © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S.K. Jha, Z. Ahmad Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 147 (2018) 158–165

nearest-neighbor and boosted perceptron algorithm (Coopersmith et al., period, temperature and pH as inputs. The minimum error is achieved
2014), gene expression programming (GEP), and artificial neural net- at 29, 23 and 20 iterations for PS, BP, and ACC deaminase activity,
work (ANN) (Shiri et al., 2017a, 2017b; Wu et al., 2018; Haider et al., respectively. The details of the method can be seen in Ref. (Theodoridis
2008; Tajik et al., 2012; Mukhlisin et al., 2012; Taghavifar and and Koutroumbas, 2006; Venables and Ripley, 2002).
Mardani, 2014; Ebrahimi et al. 2017), support vector machine (SVM)
(Shiri et al., 2017a, 2017b; Sirsat et al., 2017; Wu et al., 2018), neuro- 2.2. Support vector regression (SVR)
fuzzy (Shiri et al., 2017a, 2017b), random forest (RF) (Sirsat et al.,
2017; Shiri et al., 2017a, 2017b), regression analysis (Tajik et al., 2012; Support vector machine (SVM) is termed as support vector regres-
Ebrahimi et al. 2017) are the commonly used methods in soil parameter sion (SVR) when used for the regression analysis (Theodoridis and
modeling. Amongst earlier stated methods, ANN and fuzzy methods Koutroumbas, 2006; Bishop, 2006). In the SVR method the actual va-
result in better accuracy in the modeling of nonlinear problems, like lues of PS, BP, and ACC deaminase activity are assumed as output and
modeling soil cation exchange (Shiri et al., 2017a, 2017b) and water experimental condition, incubation period, temperature and pH as in-
capacity (Shiri et al., 2017a, 2017b), and estimation of biosurfactant puts. The kernel function (linear, Gaussian, sigmoid, radial basis, and
production (Ahmad et al., 2016). Both methods have some pros and polynomial, etc.) computes the inner product of input feature vectors in
cons like for ANN method, it is difficult to understand the rules of the high dimensional space and reduces the time and space complexity of
model due to weights and error adjustment in each iteration but easy in the SVR method. The Radial basis kernel function is used in SVR
learning from the data. Fuzzy logic methods use if-then rules and it is method in the prediction of PS, BP, and ACC deaminase activity in-
easy to interpret them. Meanwhile, the combination of ANN and fuzzy dependently using the e1071 package in R (Meyer et al., 2017). The
method based fuzzy inference system (FIS) results in better decision kernel function has similar values of parameters such as cost = 1,
rules in modeling of a system (Shiri et al., 2017a, 2017b). FIS methods γ = 0.33 and ξ = 0.1 for SVR models in the prediction of PS, BP, and
are more efficient in several research applications. Specifically, two ACC deaminase activity. Though, the number of support vectors varies
categories of FIS methods have been implemented in modeling, in- (34, 19, and 29 for three SVR models, respectively).
cluding the Wang and Mendel’s (WM) rule-based FIS, and subtractive
clustering (SC)-FIS (Eftekhari and Katebi, 2008; Yang et al., 2010; 2.3. Fuzzy inference system (FIS)
Lohani et al., 2014).
Though we have not noticed the application of FIS methods in the FIS creates a map in between the dependent and independent
prediction of soil microbial dynamics. With this motivation, we have variables using the fuzzy logic. In which, initially, a partial membership
implemented the WM-FIS and SC-FIS methods in the prediction of soil is assigned to each input, thereafter complete membership is for-
microbial dynamics. Also, the performance of FIS methods has been mulated by composing the partial truths using certain if-then rules (Klir
compared with the ANN and support vector regression (SVR) methods and Yuan, 1995). Several clustering methods (subtractive, mountain, c-
in terms of root mean square error (RMSE), correlation coefficient in means, etc.) have been used in the implementation of FIS. Amongst
between the actual and predicted values of the soil microbial dynamics them, subtractive clustering based FIS and Wang and Mendel’s rule-
and the coefficient of determination (R2). The FIS methods create a based general FIS have been implemented in the prediction of soil
linguistic regression relation in between soil microbial dynamics and microbial dynamics. A short description of both methods is as follows.
experimental condition and results in better performance than the ANN,
and SVR methods. 2.3.1. Wang and Mendel’s fuzzy inference system (WM-FIS)
WM-FIS is the most basic type of fuzzy inference system. The
2. Analysis methods method is described in (Wang and Mendel, 1992). WM-FIS is im-
plemented using the frbs package in R (Riza et al., 2015). The method
The regression analysis method is used to establish a relationship divides the independent and dependent variable spaces into several
between the dependent (soil microbial dynamics) and independent fuzzy regions and assign a partial membership, generates if-then rules
variables (experimental conditions). Regression methods are categor- and assign a degree to each rule, then creates a joint rule for final
ized into linear and nonlinear methods, including linear regression mapping of a test input. The basic steps and implementation details of
method, logistic regression method, polynomial regression method, etc. the method are shown in Fig. 1(a). The details of the method can be
(Kleinbaum et al., 2013). In the present study, four AI based non-linear seen in Ref. (Wang and Mendel, 1992).
regression methods, including ANN, SVR, WM-FIS, and SC-FIS have
been implemented. The non-linear regression models have been for- 2.3.2. Subtractive clustering fuzzy inference system (SC-FIS)
mulated for PS, BP, and ACC deaminase activity, independently using In SC-FIS, initially, SC finds fuzzy clusters according to a Gaussian
the earlier mentioned methods and their performance is compared in measure. Data points close to a point of maximum potential (center) are
order to obtain optimal prediction accuracy. A short description and assigned to the first cluster. The rest of the data points are assigned to
implementation details of four regression methods are as follows. the second cluster and the process is repeated till all data points are
clustered. After that fuzzy if-then rules are generated using previous
2.1. Artificial neural network (ANN) clusters and the dependent variable is predicted using rules (Chiu,
1994). A schematic representation of basic steps and implementation
ANN is an organization of artificial neurons in different layers details of SC-FIS method is shown in Fig. 1(b). The method is im-
(input, hidden, and output) (Theodoridis and Koutroumbas, 2006). The plemented using the frbs package in R (Riza et al., 2015).
basic parameters of artificial neurons, including weight, threshold, and
activation functions were optimized during the training of ANN method 3. Materials and methods
when used for regression analysis. Back-propagation feed forward ar-
tificial neural network (BPNN) is selected in the prediction of soil mi- 3.1. Sampling of soil
crobial dynamics and experimental conditions. The Levenberg-Mar-
quardt algorithm is used in training of BPNN method. A 3 × 10 × 1 The wheat plants were uprooted at tillering stage and stored in
structure of BPNN method with sigmoid activation function in the polythene bags. The non-rhizospheric soil was detached by agitating
hidden layer is implemented in R (R Core Team, 2017) using the nnet the roots and thereafter the soil strictly adhering to the roots was col-
package (Venables and Ripley, 2002) in the prediction of PS, BP, and lected as a rhizospheric soil sample. A composite sample was prepared
ACC deaminase activity using the experimental parameters, incubation by using seven rhizospheric samples of wheat plants. For the simplicity,

S.K. Jha, Z. Ahmad Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 147 (2018) 158–165

Fig. 1. An algorithm table of (a) WM-FIS and (b) SC-FIS methods.

the composite sample is termed as WRS (wheat root rhizospheric next step, 20 µL of inoculums was included in 50 ml modified NBRIP
samples). The measured values of soil microbial dynamics including, broth for 72 h of incubation then NBRIP broth inoculated media was
BP, PS and ACC deaminase activity using the Taguchi design at a dif- separated. Finally, the P content in samples was measured at 410 nm
ferent value of three experimental conditions, including the incubation (Olsen, 1982).
period, temperature and pH are summarized in Table 1.
3.2.2. BP measurement
3.2. Analytical measurements The spread plate method using Marine Agar sterilized at 121 °C,
1 atm for 20 min is adopted in the counting of rhizospheric bacteria.
3.2.1. PS activity measurements The medium is diluted in 34 g/L sterile sodium chloride. Plates have
The amount of solubilization of rock phosphate in NBRIP broth been assembled at temperature 25–40 °C and incubation period of
(glucose 10 g, rock phosphate 5 g, MgCl2·6H2O 5 g, MgSO4·7H2O 0.25 g, 3–12 days. The population of bacteria was measured in colony-forming
KCl 0.2 g, (NH4)2SO4 0.1 g/L) media is used to define the PS activity of units (CFU) per ml (Leonard et al., 2000).
microorganism in the soil sample (Chen et al., 2006). The procedure is
completed by dissolving 0.1 g rhizospheric soil samples in 100 ml 3.2.3. ACC deaminase activity measurement
Tryptic soy broth at 100 RPM, 28 °C and 18 h incubation, subsequently, 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) deaminase activity
turbidity is used to monitor the development of microorganism. In the measures the amount of α- ketobutyrate produced by the cleavage of

S.K. Jha, Z. Ahmad Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 147 (2018) 158–165

Table 1
Experimental values of phosphate solubilization (PS), bacterial population (BP), and ACC activity.

No. Incubation period in days Temperature in oC pH PS in μg ml−1 BP in CFU ml−1 ACC activity in nM α-ketobutyrate mg−1 h−1)

1. 3 25 6 10.52 2.00E+05 1240.05

2. 3 25 7 10.52 1.00E+07 657.23
3. 3 25 8 123.24 4.00E+07 1311.63
4. 3 25 9 169.29 3.00E+05 430.01
5. 3 30 6 146.27 3.00E+05 821.97
6. 3 30 7 151.53 6.00E+03 1399.11
7. 3 30 8 6.88 1.00E+02 3.81
8. 3 30 9 170.39 4.00E+06 848.10
9. 3 35 6 142.10 2.00E+05 1063.96
10. 3 35 7 79.82 1.00E+05 252.78
11. 3 35 8 120.83 3.00E+04 269.82
12. 3 35 9 74.56 3.00E+06 859.46
13. 3 40 6 3.77 1.00E+02 2.34
14. 3 40 7 124.56 4.00E+05 393.66
15. 3 40 8 0.13 1.00E+02 7.02
16. 3 40 9 5.13 1.00E+02 3.37
17. 6 25 6 131.79 5.00E+05 94.86
18. 6 25 7 103.72 1.00E+06 422.06
19. 6 25 8 113.59 2.00E+06 440.24
20. 6 25 9 71.71 2.00E+06 531.12
21. 6 30 6 119.51 1.00E+04 305.04
22. 6 30 7 9.29 1.00E+02 1.15
23. 6 30 8 119.95 7.00E+04 366.39
24. 6 30 9 133.11 1.00E+05 401.61
25. 6 35 6 122.58 1.00E+05 61.91
26. 6 35 7 117.10 1.00E+04 138.03
27. 6 35 8 8.68 1.00E+02 8.60
28. 6 35 9 91.66 2.00E+04 295.95
29. 6 40 6 138.59 7.00E+04 170.98
30. 6 40 7 0.74 1.00E+02 0.46
31. 6 40 8 12500.00 3.00E+05 433.42
32. 6 40 9 111.40 1.00E+05 336.85
33. 9 25 6 50.87 1.00E+07 587.93
34. 9 25 7 123.90 5.00E+05 309.58
35. 9 25 8 124.78 1.00E+04 199.38
36. 9 25 9 122.36 2.00E+04 255.05
37. 9 30 6 128.28 9.00E+03 677.68
38. 9 30 7 270.39 9.00E+03 551.57
39. 9 30 8 116.66 2.00E+04 328.90
40. 9 30 9 100.00 1.00E+05 906.04
41. 9 35 6 102.85 1.00E+05 215.29
42. 9 35 7 111.62 2.00E+05 308.45
43. 9 35 8 95.61 2.00E+05 408.42
44. 9 35 9 105.92 3.00E+05 1118.49
45. 9 40 6 9.86 1.00E+02 6.61
46. 9 40 7 117.54 7.00E+03 516.35
47. 9 40 8 96.92 1.00E+05 128.94
48. 9 40 9 138.37 1.00E+05 257.32
49. 12 25 6 132.67 2.00E+04 1155.98
50. 12 25 7 0.24 1.00E+02 0.53
51. 12 25 8 4.64 1.00E+02 2.88
52. 12 25 9 0.42 1.00E+02 1.00
53. 12 30 6 113.59 1.00E+04 311.86
54. 12 30 7 122.58 1.00E+05 267.55
55. 12 30 8 119.73 9.00E+04 472.05
56. 12 30 9 0.52 1.00E+02 1.84
57. 12 35 6 112.71 2.00E+06 351.63
58. 12 35 7 117.10 3.00E+04 431.15
59. 12 35 8 125.21 4.00E+05 343.67
60. 12 35 9 137.50 1.00E+06 168.71
61. 12 40 6 1600.00 1.60+06 20.61
62. 12 40 7 3700.00 3.70E+06 8.77
63. 12 40 8 9500.00 9.50E+06 13.81
64. 12 40 9 3400.0 3.40E+06 13.81

ACC. ACC deaminase activity was evaluated according to Ref. (Penrose 4. Prediction outcomes of regression methods
and Glick, 2003). Tris-HCl (0.1 M, pH 8.5, 4 °C) was used to prepare a
standard solution of α-ketobutyrate. Specifically, absorbance curves of Figs. 2–4 presents the plots of predicted values of PS, BP, and ACC
an experimental sample and a standard α-ketobutyrate (0.1–1 nmole at deaminase activity vs. the actual values using their ANN, SVR, WM-FIS
540 nm) were compared to determine the quantity of α-ketobutyrate. and SC-FIS methods, respectively. The quantitative accuracy of four
Protein estimation was used to measure the specific activity of the methods has been evaluated in terms of thee evaluation metrics (Steel
cultures (Lowry et al., 1951) and Torrie, 1960), including (i) Pearson correlation coefficient (ρ), (ii)

S.K. Jha, Z. Ahmad Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 147 (2018) 158–165

Actual PS ANN predicted PS SVR predicted PS WM predicted PS SBC predicted PS


Phosphate solubilization (PS)) on log scale



1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63


Measurement sample number

Fig. 2. ANN, SVR, WM-FIS and SC-FIS methods in the prediction of phosphate solubilization.

Fig. 3. ANN, SVR, WM-FIS and SC-FIS methods in the prediction of bacterial population.

root mean square error (RMSE), and (iii) coefficient of determination actual, model predicted values of dependent variable, and total number
(R2) (Table 2). The Pearson correlation coefficient (ρ) is defined as of observation, respectively.
n n n n n 2 n
ρ = ∑i Ai Pi −B / C × D ..B = ∑i = 1 Ai ∑i = 1 Pi / n, C = ∑i = 1 Ai2 −(∑i = 1 Ai ) / n , RMSE and R2 are calculated as RMSE = ∑i (Ai −Pi )2/n and
n n 2
and D = ∑i = 1 Pi2−(∑i = 1 Pi ) / n·Ai ,Pi and n . Ai , Pi and n represents the R2 = 1− ∑ (Ai −Pi )2 / ∑ (Ai −A )2 , respectively. Table 3 summarizes some

S.K. Jha, Z. Ahmad Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 147 (2018) 158–165

Fig. 4. ANN, SVR, WM-FIS and SC-FIS methods in prediction of ACC activity.

Table 2 values. Consequently, a higher value of ρ indicated better performance

Performance measures of ANN, SVR, WM-FIS and SC-FIS Methods. of the prediction model. The coefficient of determination (R2) measures
the confident strength in between the actual values and model pre-
Methods Predicted Evaluation measures
microbial dicted values of PS, BC, and deaminase activity. The value of R2 lies in
dynamics Correlation Root mean Coefficient of between 0 and 1, R2 → 1 signifies better performance of the prediction
coefficient (ρ) square error determination (R2) model. The value of R2 provides an idea about the unpredictability of
(RMSE) dependent variables.
ANN 1. PS 0.81 775.04 0.66 The value of RMSE indicates the precision of any predictive model.
2. BP 0.08 8359733.00 0.00 The lower value of RMSE in between the actual and predicted values
3. ACCA 0.47 331.13 0.22 signifies higher precision of the model. The large difference in between
SVR 1. PS 0.04 1335.36 0.00 the actual and model predicted values results in a higher value of RMSE
2. BP 0.58 4907319.00 0.32 and hence lower precision of the prediction model. The actual and
3. ACCA 0.52 310.98 0.27 model predicted values of PS by using the ANN, SVR, WM-FIS, and SC-
WM-FIS 1. PS 0.78 1020.00 0.60 FIS is shown in Fig. 2 on a log scale. Based on the visual inspection, it is
2. BP 0.50 4660000.00 0.25 obvious that the SC-FIS method predicted values of PS are adjacent to
3. ACCA 0.54 363.00 0.29
their actual measured values with the exception of sample number 40.
SC-FIS 1. PS 1.00 45.28 1.00 The most deviation is observed for the ANN model predicted values
2. BP 0.97 1350000.00 0.94 of PS. The SVR and WM-FIS models predicted values lie in between
3. ACCA 0.72 271.00 0.52
actual and SC-FIS model predicted values of PS. The SVR predicted
values are closer to the actual values of PS than the ANN predicted
combinations of experimental independent variables for which the best values and WM-FIS predicted values are closer to the actual values than
prediction results are achieved. the ANN and SVR predicted values of PS. This fact is further established
in quantitative evaluation metrics of four methods (Table 2). The SC-FIS
method has the maximum values of R2 = 0.9998 and ρ = 0.9994 , and the
5. Discussion minimum value of RMSE = 45.28, while the ANN method has the
minimum value of R2 = 0.66 and ρ = 0.81, and the maximum value of
The outcomes of ANN, SVR, WM-FIS, and SC-FIS methods in the RMSE = 775.04.
prediction of PS, BP, ACC deaminase activity and their performance Furthermore, the best accuracy of SC-FIS is obtained in the pre-
assessment in terms of ρ, RMSE, and R2 have been presented in diction of PS than the BP and ACC deaminase activity according to
Figs. 2–4, Table 2. visual inspection of Figs. 2–4, and ρ, RMSE and R2 value in Table 2.
The value of correlation coefficient ρ lies in between −1 and +1. Fig. 3 presents the predicted results of BP by using the ANN, SVR, WM-
For ρ → 1 specifies a perfect relationship between the actual values of FIS, and SC-FIS methods. The SC-FIS method predictions are the best
PS, BC, and ACC deaminase activity and their model predicted values. ρ matching with the actual values of BP except for fewer samples than the
characterizes the relationship between actual and model predicted rest three methods. The quantitative analysis (Table 2) also approve the

S.K. Jha, Z. Ahmad Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 147 (2018) 158–165

Table 3
Best combinations of experimental variables in the prediction of each of soil microbial dynamics with respect to SC-FIS method.

Input parameters and their value Soil microbial Actual value SC-FIS predicted WM-FIS predicted SVR predicted ANN predicted value
dynamics types value value value
Incubation period in Temperature (°C) pH

6 25 8 PS 113.59 113.56 0.13 117.28 54.76

12 25 9 0.1305 0.29 0.42 114.68 112.95

9 25 7 BP 500000.00 500000.00 22200.00 1751934.33 3016238.26

12 25 6 20000.00 20000.00 1.62 2036694.30 −16139575.02

3 35 8 ACCA 269.82 269.86 832.85 232.21 208.42

6 25 7 422.06 422.00 747.41 384.21 615.73
12 25 9 0.9989 1.00 8.31 320.52 198.03

better performance of SC-FIS method than the WM-FIS, SVR, and ANN methods. The better prediction accuracy of SC-FIS than WM-FIS is due
methods (the maximum values of R2 = 0.9356 and ρ = 0.9673, and a to the fact that the earlier creates the minimum number of fuzzy if-then
minimum value of RMSE = 1350000). Fig. 4 presents the visual de- rules on the basis of similarity in the data.
monstration of actual values and predicted values of ACC deaminase The distribution of experimental conditions and soil microbial dy-
activity by using ANN, SVR, WM-FIS and SC-FIS methods. Like, PS and namics may affect the performance of FIS methods and transfer learning
BP, most of the SC-FIS predicted values of ACC deaminase activity are can be implemented in such situation (Zhang and Zuo et al., 2016;
closer to their actual values. Zhang and Yang et al., 2017). The performance of FIS methods in
Furthermore, SC-FIS method has a better prediction accuracy for predictive modeling of soil microbial dynamics can be improved further
ACC deaminase activity than the ANN, SVR, and WM-FIS methods. The using the transfer learning , extreme learning (Zhang and Zhang, 2016),
maximum values of R2 and ρ , and a minimum value of RMSE for SC-FIS and subspace learning (Zhang and Liu et al., 2017) in future studies.
method than the other three methods in prediction of ACC deaminase
activity further proves this fact (Table 2). In the modeling of PS, BP and 6. Conclusion
ACC deaminase activity using the ANN, SVR, WM-FIS and SC-FIS
methods, it is obvious that the SC-FIS method has the best prediction The study presents a comprehensive performance analysis of ANN,
accuracy than rest three methods. Furthermore, it was noticed that SVR, WM-FIS and SC-FIS methods in the predictive molding of soil
there are some combinations of input experimental variables for which microbial dynamics, including PS, BP, and ACC-deaminase activity
the SC-FIS predicted values of PS, BP, and ACC deaminase activity are using varying experimental parameters (incubation period, tempera-
exactly or approximately equal to their actual values. Best combina- ture, and pH). The SC- FIS method has the best and ANN has the worst
tions of such experimental parameters for each of the PS, BP, and ACC prediction performance on the basis of ρ, RMSE, and R2. An average
deaminase activity are summarized in Table 3. For instance, the ex- performance of WM-FIS and SVR methods has been noticed. The PS has
perimental conditions, incubation days equal to 6 at temperature 25 °C been predicted accurately than the BP and ACC-deaminase activity.
and pH 8 results in 100% accuracy of SC-FIS method in the prediction
of PS (actual value 113.59 and predicted value 113.56 of PS). Acknowledgements
The experimental conditions, incubation days equal to 9 at tem-
perature 25 °C and pH 7, and incubation days equal to 12 at tempera- The authors acknowledge anonymous reviewers for their valuable
ture 25 °C and pH 6 results in 100% accuracy of SC-FIS method in the comments and suggestions.
prediction of BP (Table 3). Likewise, the experimental conditions, in-
cubation days equal to 3 at temperature 35 °C and pH 8, incubation Appendix A. Supplementary material
days equal to 6 at temperature 25 °C and pH 7, and incubation days
equal to 12 at temperature 25 °C and pH 9, results in 100% prediction Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in the
accuracy of SC-FIS method in the prediction of ACC deaminase activity. online version, at
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