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ED311A - Assignment 9

Unit Topic: PSA’s and the Art of Persuasion

Lesson Title: Introduction of the PSA

Materials needed:
● Chromebook/laptop/cpu with internet
● Classroom projector
● Digital materials in Google Classroom
○ Warm-up worksheet
○ Persuasive Techniques handout
○ List of PSA Topics (Olelo XYC) handout
○ PSA Synopsis worksheet

Length of Lesson (45-75 minutes): 55 minutes/1 class


ALD 2.1​ Assess the evolution of digital media as it affects and is affected by society.
ALD 4.1​ Evaluate diverse processes of forming and conveying a targeted message.
ALD 4.2​ Compare and contrast how various audiences perceive digital media to anticipate desired
reactions and responses
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.11-12.2 ​Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts, and
information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content.

● Students will be able to answer “What is a PSA?”
● Students will understand persuasive techniques
● Students will be able to identify a target audience
● Students will be able to link persuasive techniques to cause and target audience


Criteria Exceeds Meets Developing Below

Understanding Completely Understands PSA, Somewhat Does not understand

ADL 2.1 understands PSA, audiences, and understands PSA, PSA, audiences, and
Demonstrate understanding of audiences, and persuasive techniques audiences, and persuasive techniques
what is a PSA, a target persuasive persuasive techniques
audience, and the different techniques
persuasive techniques

Message Message is clearly Message is mostly Message is somewhat Message is not

ADL 4.1 conveyed to target conveyed to target conveyed to target conveyed to target
Ability to develop and convey a audience. audience. audience. audience.
message to a target audience

Audience Target audience and Target audience and Target audience and Target audience and
ADL 4.2 persuasive technique persuasive technique persuasive technique persuasive technique
Ability to choose an were completely were mostly were somewhat were not appropriate
appropriate target audience appropriate and appropriate and appropriate and/or and/or effective
and an effective persuasion
effective effective effective


PART I:​ DO-Now: ​develop a 5-minute opening​ activity that incorporates the presentation of new or academic
language or professional language to students.

Students are given “Bell Work” writing prompt to add to their digital journal (blog).

Think about a commercial that you have watched (on TV) or read (in print). What do you remember? How did it
make you feel? Did the commercial influence you to buy or do something? Was it funny, sad, exciting?

Short class discussion after students are given a few minutes to finish. Discussion leads in to the definition of a
PSA and how a PSA compares and contrasts with a commercial. Students can continue discussion online.

PART II.​ Contextualize: ​Provide Contextualize responses using the 3 criteria below.​ Make some connections
between your lesson and the students’ lives. How is your lesson connected to student’s community or place or
culture? How is your lesson goal connected to student’s goals or aspirations? What are some connections
between the work you are doing and the language or life of the student?

1. Connection: How does this relate to your student’s prior knowledge and experiences? (Make it real)

By the time the students work on the PSA unit, they have already been exposed to the production
process and have developed intermediate level computer skills. This lesson is a lead in to the making of
a PSA so students will identify this lesson with pre-production. Students are heavily exposed to
advertising from this lesson they learn how these ads are developed.

2. Motivation and develop pride in work: How will you motivate your students to be engaged in learning this
content? Why should they learn this material? (Make it meaningful)

The first motivation is the students desire to film and use the equipment. By now they know that to film
they need to complete all pre-production, this lesson is part of their pre-production. The other motivation
for this project is the student choice built into the lesson. Students will choose a subject for their PSA,
this will give the students a personal connection to the project.

3. Importance of Content and Application: How will students apply this knowledge in the real world? What
utility does this have? (Make it useful)

Creating a strong message for a target audience is the core of all video production. This lesson allows
students to continue their training in pre-production. The lesson also exposes students to persuasive
techniques and creating projects that are intended to influence people, which will give them insight and
skills into the commercial production industry.

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