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5 • Turning Effect of Forces

5 Turning Effect of Forces


1. The moment of a force about a pivot is the product of the force F and the perpendicular
distance d from the pivot to the line of action of the force.

Moment of a force = F × d

2. The SI unit for moment of a force is newton metre (N m).

3. Moment of a force is a vector. The direction of the moment of a force is either clockwise or
anticlockwise about the pivot.

4. There are two conditions for an object in equilibrium:

(a) Net external force FN = 0
(b) Net moment due to external forces = 0 (also known as the Principle of Moments)

5. The Principle of Moments states that when an object is in equilibrium, the sum of the
clockwise moments equals the sum of the anticlockwise moments.

6. The centre of gravity of an object is the point at which its entire weight appears to act. The
centre of gravity of regular-shaped objects can be determined by geometrical symmetry. The
centre of gravity of irregular-shaped objects can be determined by the plumb line experiment.

7. The stability of an object increases when the base area increases or when the centre of
gravity is lowered.


Learning Outcomes
• Define the moment of a force, and apply the concept to everyday examples
• Use the relationship moment of a force = force × perpendicular distance from the pivot

5.1 Moment of a Force

1. When a force is exerted on a stationary rigid body, it can cause the body to move (accelerate)
(refer to chapter 3). The force can also cause the body to turn (spin). This turning effect of
a force is called the moment of a force.

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