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Justyn Gray

UWRT 1104-057: Writing and Inquiry in Academic Contexts (I & II) with Studio

Professor Gabrielle Volstad

29 January 2019


This was my first time playing RuneScape as well as experiencing an MMORPG game.

This was my first experience of a game like this even though I have always heard of it. People

around me have enjoyed this game including my roommate and it sounds like a lot of fun, but I

have always thought it was lame. I grew up thinking that if you played games like RuneScape,

World of WarCraft, or League of Legends then you were a nerd. This game was actually

enjoyable and I wouldn’t have a problem playing this game again. This was neither a positive or

negative experience for me. The positive experience was that I got to participate in something

new to me and realize how much skill and knowledge it takes to play a game like this. The

negative experience was the process I had to take to play the game. Not having the proper

equipment caused trouble for me, but once I was squared away I was able to play and enjoy the


Taking steps into other discourse is beneficial because it allows you to have an

understanding of the people who are in this discourse community. The people who play this

game that they enjoy so much. The point of considering and participating in discourse

communities is to learn and experience new things that you haven’t before. You can learn new

skills and gain more knowledge by experiencing the basic values of a discourse community. The

more things you experience the more understanding you have for people of other discourse like

in a job. For my major I could be working with others or treating others of another discourse.
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With that understanding you would know how to treat people not only in another discourse

community but as well as in the same discourse community as you. The new values you gain

ultimately make you a better person.

My own personal literacy could both harm and help me in this situation. My knowledge

of the game harmed me because I didn’t know much about the game to begin with. I couldn’t

understand the basic understanding of the game and how to solve the problems and task I was

assigned with doing. But, my understanding of english helped me read instructions and have a

better understanding of the game. As I progress in the game I am sure that it would become

harder, but I think it wouldn’t be hard for me to began to understand it based on the instructions I

was provided with. The only unexpected thing that happened to me was the fact that I actually

enjoyed the game. I didn’t think I would enjoy it because of the social norms I was taught as I

grew up. To participate in this community you must know that you don’t trash talk or use bad

language. You play the game and have fun level up and meet new people because they all have

the same goal and that is to become the best you could be at the game and many others. This

process doesn't remind me of anything because I am not the type of person who tries new things

and experience new things. I usually stick to the plan and remember my same routine so I am not

into trying new things this was the first time for me.

While doing this project I ran into a complication that was technology based. My first

problem was unexpected which was RuneScape doesn’t run on android devices which means I

had to use another laptop because mine is a google chromebook. I prefer to do my work privately

so I rented a laptop to play the game, but it is blocked on the school laptops you had to rent. I

didn’t want to work in the library so I had to borrow someones laptop in order to actually play

the game.
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As far as creating the player I have engaged in the process before. The games I prefer to

play like NBA 2k involves creating players. I create them based off my preferences and my

preferences. Like my character I chose the elements because of my preferences. His name came

from one of my favorite songs. His clothing was chosen because I feel that if you dress like the

part you can fit the part, so I dressed as an assassin. The colors were chosen based off my

favorite color which is red. The weapons I use such as a sword is more manly to me because I

don’t want to be the one using magic I want to be in the fight. You definitely problem solving

skills to get a better understanding of the game because without it you would never get things

done in the game. You also have to have priority when it comes to your backpack and what you

should keep and what to get rid of. With these skills you are able to grasp the concept of the

game and work your way through the problems you are presented with.

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