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Justyn Gray

UWRT 1104-057: Writing and Inquiry in Academic Contexts (I & II) with Studio

Professor Gabrielle Volstad

29 January 2019

Birth of A Warrior

An African American male warrior was born under the name DemonSeed11 after his

father’s favorite song. He asked for a Mohawk and he dyed red after his dad’s favorite color

which became his favorite color. He was put in the best assassin thief gear because that’s what

warriors wear. You have to look the part of a warrior by putting on a assassins outfit. The

bottoms choices were between shorts, a kilt, skirt, dress, or pantaloons. Shorts was the choice

because it made him look more manly and his outfit was made red. He was given steel toed

mukluks to give extra protection from his enemies. He grew a beard something his father and

grandfather could never do because facial hair wasn’t common in the family.

DemonSeed11 had to go on his own to learn the basic skills needed to survive. In

Lumbridge he learned the very basic skills including cutting down trees for logs to make fires.

He used those fires to cook and as he continued to used these skills he levels up. He also learned

to manage his backpack when to get rid of something to make room for more important things.

He learned how to catch fish and shrimp to regain his health. After that he had to acquire a

weapon, but first he had to learn to mine materials. He had to mine copper ore and iron ore in

order to learn how to use the furnace, forge, and anvil to craft a weapon. His first weapon to craft

was a bronze dagger. Now armed with a bronze dagger DemonSeed11 had something to protect

himself. He now has to train to protect himself. He had to fight a giant rat to learn how to fight

and and he could collect everything he needed. He now has to learn the basic skill of magic
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which he isn’t particularly fond of. He then took the time to craft a bronze helmet to protect

himself in the head when fighting enemies.

He was ready to travel to Varrock for his first quest known as The Blood Pact. He had to

save a young woman from a group of people wanting to release a demon. The first person he

fought was armed with a bow and arrow and DemonSeed11 defeated him with the dagger he

made himself. After defeating him he moved on to the second criminal who was armed with a

magic staff. He used the weapon of the first criminal the bow and arrow to defeat the second

criminal. After defeating the second criminal he picked up her magic staff to defeat the final

criminal who was armed with dual swords. DemonSeed11 battled his hardest and defeated the

boss and saved the young woman. He was then rewarded with new skill levels, the weapons of

the criminals, and coins given to him.

That was his first quest and he completed it with ease so he traveled to Burthorpe. There

he had to complete a task to keep a demon from coming back to life. But, before he could slay

the demon he need the sword to slay the demon. In order to get the sword he had to pass some

trials given to him by the ghosts of mind, faith, and body. He passed the test with ease and

received the weapon to complete the task. He then traveled through the cave and found the cave

of the demon where it was too late. Good thing he had the sword to defeat the demon which was

one of the hardest fights he has ever had. After defeating the demon he received a reward from

the people of the town. He was able to keep the sword as well received money for his efforts.

The sword was the greatest reward because he was a sword man. He wasn’t a magic person

because it seemed girly to him. He wanted a sword he wanted the biggest sword out of everyone.

After defeating the demon he traveled to Taverley to begin the quest of shadow over

Ashdale. He took a boat to Ashdale to find out what happened to the townspeople.
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DemonSeed11 found out that the people were kidnapped by creatures that he had to fight. After

finding his way through a maze and fighting the creatures he had to battle the boss to rescue the

people. He took damage but he completed the quest and freed all the people who rewarded him

with coins and a chest. These quest were only the beginning to showcase DemonSeed11’s

creativity and skills. He’s able to improve his abilities and showcase everything he can do like

problem solving, and fighting, and crafting. That’s why this story matters because it shows his

ability adapt to situations and participate in different communities like Lumbridge, Varrock, and

Taverly. These are different discourse communities where he could participate and learn their

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