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University of West Alabama

5E Lesson Plan Template

Teacher: Nichole Cooley

Date: March 15, 2019

Subject area/course/grade level: Pre-K, Social Studies, Holidays

Materials: White Board, iPads, water, colored disks, paint

Standards (State and ISTE Standards for Students):

State Pre-K Standards
T.P.1.1 Demonstrate basic knowledge of computer skills
T.P.1.2 Demonstrate knowledge of a variety of media and technology tools

ISTE for Students standards

4a Students know and use a deliberate design process for generating ideas, testing theories,
creating innovative artifacts or solving authentic problems.

Objectives: The student will be able to explain what St. Patricks’ Day is and be able to create appropriate
artwork representing the holiday using a drawing app on the iPad.

Differentiation Strategies: Students with IEPs and those needing additional instruction will be assisted by
the Pre-K auxiliary teacher, IEPs will be followed giving extra time when needed and repeating instructions.


As an attention grabber, the students will stand and clap the syllables for St. Patricks Day themed words to
create a sense of phonetic awareness.

Assessment – students will be observed to ensure that all students are clapping the correct number of

As an element of exploration, students will use math skills to count the number of gold coins at the end of a
rainbow drawn on the white board.

Assessment – Student will be monitored to ensure that they produce the correct number of coins.

Students will use water and various colors of translucent plastic held in the sunlight to show how rainbows
are formed.

Assessment – student experiments will be observed to make sure that all students see the various colors.

Approved January, 2013


The students will use iPads and a drawing application to create their own rainbows.

Assessment – Student images will be assessed to make sure that they included colors and the correct

The drawing project will be graded using the following rubric:

Rainbow Drawing Rubric

1 3 5
Colors Included just one or Included most Included all
Shape Not a rainbow shape Somewhat in a rainbow Fully in a rainbow
shape shape

Cumulative Points ___________

Approved January, 2013

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