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Antunez 1

Nathan Antunez


Junior English, P.2

2 October 2017

Performance Assessment 1

The Crucible

I. Introduction

A. The Crucible

B. Arthur Miller

C. Abigail accuses John Proctor and his wife and many other people of

witchcraft and all of them were hung. John tried to prove his innocence but

Judge Danforth did not believe anyone and were all sentenced to death.

D. It takes place in the city of Salem in 1692

E. The antagonist of the play is Abigail Williams

F. The protagonist is John Proctor

G. Fear can cause people to act in ways they do not usually act and make

them look even worse than they actually are.

II. Puritanism

A. They are strict and very religious about god and believes that he is an angry

god. Some sins are even punishable by death.

B. It is a puritan’s duty to keep watch over his own and his neighbors’ behavior.

C. Puritans believe that god might punish an entire community.

D. Strict laws became necessary to appease god’s wrath.

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E. Religion serves to discipline; religion is a way of life.

III. Plot

A. This play is a tragedy because all the innocent people that were hung because

of just one girl accusing others.

A. Abigail and john were having an affair on Elizabeth at the beginning of part 2.

B. All the towns’ girls were caught committing witchcraft in the woods.

C. Giles told Danforth that the Putnam’s were accusing their neighbors of

witchery to take their land but refused to tell who gave him the information.

D. John Proctor admitted to committing witchery to save his wife from being

hung and keep his sons good name.

E. Abigail goes to John in jail and offers to leave town with him.

IV. In the play, The Crucible a girl named Abigail Williams, Rev. Samuel Parris’s

niece was afraid of being hung for practicing witchcraft. Abigail did not only fear being guilty of

participating in voodoo ceremonies. She lied to Paris and said she didn’t do any wrongdoing,

especially witchcraft. She is trying to explain that she didn’t do anything. He doesn’t believe her

and is becoming angry. “I would never hurt Betty. I love her dearly” (Miller 138). Of Parris’, she

says,” She always sings her Barbados songs, and we dance” (Miller 140). She is both afraid she

will be hanged and that Parris will lose his job because of her blame on Tituba so she will not be

in as much trouble if she is found guilty

IV. Later, Ann Putnam, who has lost seven out of eight children on the day they were

born, is afraid to lose her last child. Ruth, who slipped into a trance after the

voodoo ceremony on witchcraft. Ann is afraid of the devil’s touch. It’s her last

child and really doesn’t want to lose her. “I’d not call it sick; the devils tough is
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heavier than sick. It’s death driving into them forked and hoofed” (Miller 140).

This is explaining that she does not believe that it’s a sickness but the devil is

taking her fast. “Reverend Paris, I have laid seven babies unbaptized in the earth.

Believe me sir, you never saw more hearty babies born, yet each one would

wither in my arms the very night of their birth. I have spoke nothing but my heart

has clamored intimidations. And now this, this year, my Ruth, my only- I see her

turning strange” (Miller 142). These words show that she is explaining that she is

afraid and sounds mad that her daughter is dying and wants to find who did it.

VI. The author used irony and hyperbole to get the theme to the readers that fear can

make people do and say things they usually would not do. Mr. Putnam is trying to prove his

wife’s innocence that she was only reading books, but Danforth thinks that that is what a witch

would do. ” Your excellency, I only said she were readin’ books, and they come take her out of

my house” (Miller 178). Mr. Putnam is saying that she was reading books and ironically, that is

what a witch does. Giles is angry and believes that Danforth is giving unfair sentences. He says it

because there are many people being hung. “Say nothin’ more, John. He’s only playin’ you! He

means to hang us all!” (Miller 184). Giles is saying that everyone in the town is going to be hung

when it is only 19 people being hung.

VII. Fear can cause people to do outrageous thing and admit things even if they

haven’t done anything wrong.

A. Admit to witch craft.

B. Losing faith

C. Blaming Witchcraft on others.

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