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Experiment No 2

Flactuation Of Attention

To study the subject's flactuation of attention with the help of reversible figure.

We are conscious of stimuli around us and these stimuli constitute our field of consciousness.
The field of consciousness has two parts, the central and marginal. Stimuli or objects of which
we are more conscious or they are very clearly occupying our central field of attention, while
those of which we are less conscious act as a background and form the marginal part of the field
of consciousness.

The field of consciousness is regularly in a state of flux. This means, the objects which
occupy the center or focus of the field, go into the background after a little while, and those in
the margin come to the focus, and vice versa. The field of attention contains objects that we have
selected out of the total field of consciousness. When I am listening to you, I have selected out of
the many stimuli around me, therefore, attention is a selective and subjective activity. But
sometimes objects possess certain characteristics which compel us to divert our attention towards
them. So the conditions of attention are either subjective or objective. Either the objects around
us draw our attention or we ourselves pay attention to them.

Fluctuation of Attention
It has been proved that attention to the same point can't last for more than a few seconds or
attention can't be kept steadfast and constant for a long time on one object because of shifting
nature of attention but we are so used to it that we have not even and inkling of it. How quickly
attention can move and far how long it can remain fixed, we get from Billings (1914) experiment
as 5 seconds. Billings has also observed that the time varied from moment to moment and
individual to individual. This sort of fluctuation and oscillation can be observed in other senses
as well. The fluctuation happens not because of the intensity of the stimuli, rather related to the
periodic fatigue and recovery of the sense organs.

Attention remain fixed at a particular point not more than 10 seconds and gradually with passage
of time fluctuation goes on increasing.

Reversible figure, stop watch, paper and pencil.

 Name:

 Roll no:

 Age:

 Class:

 Name:

 Roll no:

 Age:

 Class:


1. Independent Variable
Reversible figure

2. Dependent Variables
Subject Responses

 During the experiment you will be shown a pictuure of a vase and two faces. You will
concentrate fix your attention either at a vase or faces while ignore the other objects in
the picture. You will gaze at it for 2 minutes.

 In-spite of your best efforts if your start seeing faces and sometimes vase, you will go on
informing me with gesture of the fingers. When you see a vase raise one fingers and
while seeing the faces raise two fingers. At the end of experiment you will write your
impressions regarding the experiment.

After the instructions, subject was allowed to relax for a while. Just before the start of practical
the reversible figure was placed before him/her. With the start of stop watch, the subject started
gazing at the figure. When he/she saw the vase he/she raised his/her finger. After gazing for a
while he/she raised his/her two fingers (a signal for faces). The fluctuation process has started. A
few seconds later the subject raised her finger and with the appearance of faces he/she raised two
fingers and this process continued till the time is over. For each appearance time was recorded in
the table.

Subject's report
Please subjective report in the light of the preceding reports.

Experimenter's report
Subject appeared to be determined to defy the process of fluctuation. With the start of
experiment he/she has tense face so that he/she could control the process but failed very
miserably. He/she was not ashamed of failure rather he/she developed a compromise and started
indicating the appearance vases and face. The adjustment on his/her part is a clear indication that
he/she is not a hard case rather he/she is a person who likes to live in peace and harmony.


Quantitative Analysis
Table showing time regarding the occurrence of fluctuation

Sr. Faces Vase Time prior to the

No occurrence of













Total time =

Average = Time/Trials=


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