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The title of the assignment is “Working Mother”. This assignment was completed in my
English junior year class. We were asked to argue that if parents should always be with their
children and monitor their time and schedule or if they should just let the children free and
become independent. This assignment is an argumentative piece because we needed to argue if
our parents should stay with you at all times and guide you in everything you do or they should
give you some freedom to become an independent person. What I argued was that there should
be a certain limit that parents should be there and tell them what to do. One of the examples I
used was “According to Brayke parents should not helicopter over their children because once
they are old enough and sent to the real world they would not know what to do on their own. In
my personal experience my mother was never a helicopter mother she always encouraged me to
do things on my own and \experience things because of her not telling me what to do and when
to do it I have been aware of my own actions and able to make my own schedule that feels
appropriate for me and be aware of the things I am doing wrong and need help in. In other
words, my mom was giving me that opportunity to be independent.” Another example I used was
according to Brayke’s quote, kids will be able to become whomever they want and not feel the
need to always have someone there with them to do something for them and be behind them. In
my observations, my friends with they are following their dreams they are trying to become what
they want to be not what their parents want and they don't feel the need that they need a personal
babysitter to be behind the 24/7 doing everything for them. According to this example is that
they can become their own person and feel the need to accomplish that and that they can do
things without someone's help and doing it for them. Also, what people would argue about that
they should always be there tell them what to do.

The SLO I used to complete this assignment were critical thinker and effective communicator.
I was an effective communicator was when I said, “In my personal experience my mother was
never a helicopter mother she always encouraged me to do things on my own and experience
things because of her not telling me what to do and when to do it I have been aware of my own
actions and able to make my own schedule that feels appropriate for me and be aware of the
things I am doing wrong and need help in. In other words, my mom was to give me that
opportunity to be independent.” Another example is “However some people might think the
different about parents always being there and to how long they should back away. On the other
hand, some believe that children should always be monitored, parents should always be there at
all cost, and limit their kids in doing things for they won't get hurt or feel too bad when they
don't succeed because that is a parent job to always be there no matter what the situation is.
However, the fact remains that parents should be there but there is a limit where they just have to
let their flower grow and experience how the world and how it is.”
This assignment really helped me to become an effective communicator because I had to
backup my statement with evidence that I had research in order to support my initial claim.
Furthermore, I was able to prove why parents should let their kids have some independence
because going off of Brayke’s article, if parents were always behind the kids then the children
would not be independent and able to fend for themselves. It also helped me work on being a
critical thinker because I had to see things from other people’s perspectives and this allowed me
to be objective when some parents stated that it was difficult for them to completely let go of
their children. What I still need to improve on is translating my ideas onto paper and express in a
written manner my thoughts in a coherent manner. What I can also improve on is using all my
SLO’s because I want to be able to use them in an effective manner by connecting them to
everyday situations. Now, I can write essays on a topic and become more proficient in explaining
what I believe in. Another way I have grown is that I have become more confident in arguing my
opinion and that I can also back up my piece of evidence and not get intimidated while making
my statement. Even though I know I have made several improvements, there are areas I still need
to work on for example my grammar. Ultimately, everything that I have learned has been very
beneficial for my personal and professional life. I feel more equipped to face the real world.

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