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Signs You May Need to Detox: - Brain Fog - Allergies - Sleeping Issues - Food Sensitivities - Low Energy - Depression - Chronic Constipation - Reduced Libido - Indigestion/Bloating - Frequent Headaches - Mood Swings - Difficulty Losing Weight WHAT IS A DETOX? A detox, simply put, detoxifies your body of toxins. There are many ways one can detox the body. Some ways are more drastic & effective than others. For instance, if you were to perform a water fast for 7 days you would yield quicker results (detoxifying) than if you were to only eliminate processed foods for 7 days. The more drastic of a detox you do, the more drastic & effective the results will be & the quicker you'll detox your body. If your body is really toxic (based on the severity of symptoms listed above), it’s best to start slowly, such as transitioning to a whole-foods diet (no processed foods unless organic) for 30 days. This way your detox symptoms won’t be as severe with an intense detox. My 7-Day Detox is a happy medium. It’s not for the hard core people who can handle a 7 day water fast nor is it for those who are very toxic & need to detox more slowly. It’s for the majority (who have mild levels of the symptoms above). Do not perform a detox if you have a serious medical condition. Please consult with a medical professional first. Will You Experience Detox Symptoms? Typically, we all experience detox symptoms. For most, these symptoms will only last the first 3-4 days. Once you get passed the detox symptoms, you'll begin to feel lighter, refreshed, culo id, & more mentally clear. Most people report that they Neem Ral ele A Few Symptoms You May Experience: - Bloating/Gas (first few days) - Irritability - Sore Throat - Trouble Sleeping UCL tat Stel lai colt Saale ism eels o)A] DO NOT LET THIS SCARE YOU... Don’t let these detox symptoms scare you off! Believe me, going through the detox stage is more than worth the benefits you'll reap once your body gets rid of those toxins, which your body has become addicted to. Yes, addicted. Your body has come to rely on refined sugars, additives, excitotoxins, chemicals, preservatives, artificial flavors & colors, caffeine, etc. This is why you experience detox symptoms (withdrawals). Your body has gotten so addicted to these “drugs” that you literally must cleanse them out of your system in order to get rid of the reliance your body has for them. We must get back to eating natural foods (at least 85-90% of the time) so that our body doesn’t become dependant on these unhealthy foods/substances. FYI: If you drink more than 1 cup of coffee per day, you'll want to ween yourself off of it a few days prior to starting the cleanse. Otherwise, you'll experience massive headaches. Limit yourself to 1 cup of coffee per day after the cleanse (or less), & always drink ORGANIC coffee.

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