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Field Observation 1


At Coronado high school the teachers are not in charge of facilitating students into or out

of the school. Coronado has support staff to assist the students. During passing periods teachers

would step into the hallway and assist students as they navigated the school.


Expected student behavior did not change from when students were in a classroom versus

not in a classroom. Students are expected to be quiet and respectful as they use the hallways

during the normal class period, and they must have a hall pass. In the library and computer lab,

no food or drinks except for closed lid water bottles are allowed inside.


Mr. Staves is the Art specialist. One of his duties involves helping student council design

posters. His room is 205. Ms. Leslie is the Administrative Computer Services Specialist. She

helps teachers with any tech problems. Her room is 310c.


Teachers don’t deal with the adults trying to take students home. Typically, a note from

the office will be sent to the teacher asking for the student, and their belongings. If an adult try

ties to come to the classroom, the teacher should not allow the student to go and call for the

school’s security officer.

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Each room has a fire escape plan posted on the wall. Students are expected to file out of

the classroom quickly, and quietly outside. Outside each classroom has a designated spot to

stand, and the teacher takes roll to make sure everyone is accounted for.


In the case of a “shelter in place” drill. Teachers are to lock the door. Cover the window.

Turn the lights off. Students are expected to get low, under their desks, and away from any doors

and windows.


Teachers have first aid kits, but they are primarily just to be used for band-aids for very

minor things such as paper cuts. Direct contact with blood is not encouraged, and if its anything

more serious than what a band-aid can do, students are to go to the nurse’s office.


I found it interesting all the different things that teachers have to be on the look out for.

So many different procedures and processes in the extent of a variety of different emergencies.


Coronado High School is full of extracurriculars, from sports such as football, baseball,

basketball, softball, volleyball, cheerleading to more artistic extracurriculars such as choir, band,
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orchestra, theatre. Students also have the opportunity to join a variety of different clubs such as

Key club, Outdoor Adventurer’s Club, FBLA, and more.


Coronado High School doesn’t have any official partnerships, but they do have a few

sponsors for the athletic teams. They provide some funding, and in turn there are some

advertisements on the baseball, football, and soccer field. They also have a business

relationship for chipotle to come in once a week and serve students burritos for purchase.


Parents are encouraged to volunteer with their child’s extra curriculars. They can also

join the PTA. If they’re so inclined, they can also sign up with CCSD to be a volunteer at

the school.

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