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Class: Junior High- 6th Area: FPPS Lesson: Discovering Our Senses

Time: 50 minutes Job: Understanding the relationship between 1 of 2

the 5 senses & grocery shopping
Situation/ Context for Class:
This class is a fun, introductory class for 6th graders to discover more about agriculture. This is one of the larger
classes in the Ag department and has a lot of different perspectives. The goal of this class is to spark interest in joining
the Ag department classes. My focus will be on creating engaging, hands on approach lessons and cover a range of
content. This lesson is the precursor to a food tasting lab. The purpose of this lesson is to think about how we use our
five senses to evaluate what we want to eat. The food tasting lab will extend thinking on how the five senses are used
every day to applying them with purpose on a product. This activity may take 2 class periods to complete.

Delivery Method: Discussion, Co-Teaching help

Desired Outcomes for this Lesson
 FPPS.05.02.a- Describe sensory methods humans use to determine food flavor
 FPPS.05.02.b- Evaluate factors that impact food taste and palatability

Objectives addressed in this lesson:

 Students will discover the five senses used in everyday life.

 Students will demonstrate how senses affect food preference
 Students will describe how senses affect food preference.
 Students will question the use of the five senses in a shopping setting
The Learning Plan
Materials: Foods For What in World?!
Smell- Tea bags Sound- French Bread crunching
Taste- cheese cubes Sight- split pea soup
Touch- cooked Quinoa
 Tables around the shop
 Instructions for each table
 Table signs for each tables
Rest of Lesson
 Note Cards
 Highlighters/pens/pencils
 Worksheet Handout- 25 copies
 Article- 25 copies
 Classroom
 Shop Space

Resources: Article #1: “Are You Delighting in All Five Senses in Your Retail Store?”

Similar Lessons already created: Michigan State University

Vocabulary Consumers,
Before You “What in the World?!” activity should be done somewhere the students normally don’t sit to keep the
Start… mystery and manage students. Set up this activity in the shop or in another classroom with each sense
on a different table (Taste at one table, Smell on another, etc).

When it comes to the food, make sure it is properly prepared. You don’t have to use the food suggested
in the materials. However, in order to make sure that students are focusing on one sense at a time, be
sure that they can’t see the thing they are smelling, touch the thing they are looking at, etc. I
recommend that you put which ever item you use for touch into a bag that way it isn’t too messy.

Plan of Action Instructions/Questions to Ask/Notes

Time Planned Take role

Hook- 5 Motion E-Moment Ask students to start thinking about what senses
minutes What are the 5 senses? they use every day
 Great!  May provide objects that embody the
 To better remember them, we are going senses
to create some motions that help us E-Moment- Motion
remember what they are.  Today , we are moving into our FPPS
 Together as a class, let’s decide what  Food is essential to our life, but would
motion we are going to do. we enjoy it if we couldn’t taste, couldn’t
o Ask students what they think of see, etc.
sight, sound, etc  Ask “How many senses are there?”
o Practice a few times o Create brainstorm list
 Now we are going to add in Choral  Sight
Response- when I do the motion, you  Sound
call out the sense  Touch
o Reverse!  Smell
 Taste
o From that list, we are going to
know them by heart
Activity- In the shop, there are stations for each sense. In  In the world of food science, sensory
“What in the groups of 4, you will go to a station and perform analysis is used with purpose all the time.
World?!” 20 the skill there (if it is the smell station, smell it, if We are beginning food scientists, so we
minutes sound, then listen). You will have four minutes at are going to learn how our senses affect
each station before you rotate. how we shop.

You will record your reaction at each station and  Call on a student, ask them what we are
state whether or not you would buy that product doing
based on that sense. Be sure and do this! Your
responses will be turned in for a grade  Hand out worksheet to students. Have
them look over it
You may not, cheat and look at the item if the
station is not sight. It defeats the purpose of this  Assign groups- Desk mates
 Co-Teacher- Help facilitate groups in the
What questions do you have? Assign initial table shop, will be stationed at the taste
to groups. When you get out to the shop, please station, handing out samples
do not start. Stand quietly until everyone is at
their station and when I say go. Ready- Go to the  Make sure you wrote down what the
shop! food is at each station. When you come
back for discussion
 Have timer set for 4 minutes, may take
Debrief – 5 We have made it through all the rotations. the first rotation awhile longer to know
minutes Remember your thoughts if you haven’t finished what they are doing. Adjust time as
yet, and walk back into the classroom and sit in needed
your seat.
 After a minute, ask them for pencils
Take 1 minute to wrap up your thoughts and down. Reveal what foods were used at
answer the first two questions in the reflection. each station.
The responses should be in complete sentences!
 Ask students to share out their thoughts
Write your response to the third question.
 Now that we looked at what senses do
Activity- for as a consumer, we are going to look
Discussion - We are going to read an article that showcases at the senses from a business point of
15 minutes how store owners use sensory analysis to entice view
total customers.

Mark/ highlight things you find interesting, can  Hand out highlighters/pens/pencils for
connect bac to our previous activity, things you students to mark with.
disagree with. Also think about the times you  Re-read the article if necessary
went to the grocery store with someone. Does  Watch and observe students to see when
anything in the article hold true? If you get they finish reading
stuck, use the phrases on your worksheet to
spark ideas. You have 7 minutes to read and Time is up! When I say Chow time, you will pick
mark your article. up a note card from the table and find a partner
to discuss your findings with. Use your notes to
lead a discussion. Use your sentence starters if
When groups have died down on the discussion, you get stuck.
bring everyone back into a big group. Ask for
volunteers to share out. On your notecard, write your partner’s name
down and two things that they contributed to
Can someone connect this to the other activity? the discussion. On the other side, write your
What you see in the store today? name and two things you contributed to the
discussion. 5 minutes
Please come hand in your notecards and your
worksheets to me. Make sure your name is on

Closure- 5  Elevator Pitch- explain why a sense of  In groups of 2 or 3

minutes (otp) your choice is important to consumers.
You have 30 seconds! Be creative!

Assessment Plan:
 Worksheet - Assigned point value, ensure that students are capturing thoughts and reactions, check
for understanding Responses worth 2 pts each
 Discussion- Fishbowl protocol, note card worth 8 points, write down their partners name and one
thing they contributed to the discussion on one side. On the other side, the will write what they
themselves have contributed to the

Assessment Questions:
 Was it easy to make a decision to buy based on one sense?
 Did your opinion change when you were told what the product was?
 What information do you need in order to decide whether or not to buy a product?
In Case of Absence… Students can either go to the store and list some items that they would buy based on that
(How students will still sense.
get the same Learning) I would buy some apples because the red color looked nice to me. There were no brown
spots or soft spots to be found.

Or they can research online some science behind why each sense is important.

Students will need to read the article, mark it, and write any questions they might have on
it and turn it in as soon as possible.

List of Attachments: Discovering Our Senses Worksheet, Article “Are You Delighting in All Five Senses?”

Reflection on Lesson:
What In the World Activity

Discussion- What went well? What didn’t?

The data I received from the students match the outcomes I had hoped for?

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