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Cumberland School Variety Show

Purpose: The Variety Show creates an opportunity for Cumberland students to

share a talent or skill with friends & family in a public setting while developing skills
& behaviors that will serve them well in their adult lives.

By participating in the show kids can:

1. showcase their work in an extra-curricular activity
2. work to overcome the fear & nervousness associated with public speaking
and performance
3. collaborate with other kids and adults to create something positive and fun,
while building camaraderie within the school.

Core Principles
 This is an opportunity for kids to perform for their family & peers.
 The show is not in a recital format; it is intended to be fun, energetic, and a
chance to be creative.
 There is a strong emphasis on kids working together in groups, rather than
solo performances highlighting individuals.
 Anyone who auditions will be offered a role in the show, however it may not
be what they auditioned with.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Who can audition for the show?
Any student at Cumberland can be in the show.

Can students from other schools be in the show?

With over 100 students participating in the final performance, the cast is limited to
Cumberland students only. If an accompanist is critical to a final act, and there is not
a student who can fill that role, then an adult music instructor can join their student
on stage.

Do I have to audition?
Yes. Everyone who wants to be in the show has to participate in auditions.

I don’t sing or dance and can’t think of anything to do; Can I still be in the show?
Of course! If you don’t have an idea for auditions, just read a short poem or tell a
joke. Kids in 3rd through 5th grade can audition to be an emcee. There will be groups
to join for singing, dancing, acting, and ukulele.

If everyone who auditions gets to be in the show, why do we have to audition?

The auditions are a very important part of planning for the final show. Auditions
show that a student is committed to being part of the show, that they have thought
through their potential performance piece, and feel comfortable on the stage. During
auditions, the committee begins to put the pieces of the show together and gets
ideas on how to combine performers for the final show.

Why don’t you “cut” kids from the show after auditions?
With a little creativity and a lot of flexibility from participants, everyone can have a
role in the show. After elementary school, there will be plenty of auditions and try-
out where kids experience the heartache of not being selected. At the elementary
level, we want every child to have the opportunity to perform before an audience in
some capacity if they want to give it a try.

Why are kids asked to work with other kids, or to combine groups, after
Every year, there are over 100 students who audition for the Variety Show. In order
to produce a high quality show that is inclusive of everyone who wants to
participate AND keep the show to a 2-hour limit, we can only accommodate about
20 acts.

Why are there so few soloists?

Many students who take music or dance lessons already have the opportunity to
perform solo pieces at an annual recital. Solo performances are not consistent with
two of the goals of the show: teamwork and inclusiveness. Solo opportunities are
rare and typically reserved for exceptional 5th grade performers.

The Show
Why are there two shows?
The Cumberland School Great Room has limited seating capacity. With over 100
students participating in the show, it would be difficult to accommodate seating
demand in only one show. This is a special performance opportunity for the kids
and we want to make space for all family members and friends to enjoy their hard

Why isn’t the show held at the high school auditorium to accommodate the
audience for a single run of the show?
The large stage space and size of the audience may overwhelm some of the younger
performers as well as those who are performing for the first time. The Great Room is
familiar and comfortable for students. One of the goals of the show is to help kids
overcome their fear of a performance setting.

Why is the second show a repeat of the first instead of splitting the cast between
two shows?
There is a lot of time and effort that goes into putting together a quality show that
the kids can be proud of. Having two shows gives the kids two stage opportunities to
learn from. With one show, the stage crew can focus on making smooth scene
transitions and invest more in props to enhance the look of the show, which
increases the quality of the final product.
Why are both shows on the same day?
Over the past six years, the committee has heard from parents that two shows on
the same day works best for their families. The challenge with a Friday night show is
that the kids are tired from a full day of school. Families have also expressed that
they would rather have two shows on Saturday than giving up family time on both
Saturday and Sunday.

Why don’t you charge more for tickets to the show?

Although the Variety Show produces revenue for the PTO, it is not considered, or
intended, to be a fundraiser. The ticket price is kept low so performers can feel free
to invite their friends and families without a financial burden.

How can parents get involved in the production?

It takes 60+ volunteers to help the show run smoothly. There are many volunteer
opportunities the day of the show, such as baking cookies & staffing the Bake Sale or
passing out programs at the door. Because performers are encouraged to form
groups, parents are needed to coordinate that large grade-level groups or help with
their costuming and props.

If you are interested in getting involved, have additional questions, or need help
finding a group or coming up with an idea for the show, contact Suzanne Singh at

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