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Name: Montana Lucier Date: 2/5/19 Tuesday DAY 1 Time: 10:10-10:30

Big Idea/Topic Plant Structures & Functions Grade/ Subject 3/ Science
CPALMS/ Resource link
Lesson Structure: Project-Based Learning/Experiment
Standards: (CCSS/NGSSS)
SC.3. L.17.2 Recognize that plants use energy from the sun, air, and water to make their own food.
Instructional outcomes/objectives(s): (Clear objectives written in the form of student learning)
Students will be able to identify that plants use energy from the sun, air, and water to make their own food by planting green
bean plants and recording observations.
Language Objective(s): (Must include language skill/domain and function, may contain grammar, where appropriate)
Students will listen to directions, read directions and question prompts, and write observations in their science journals.

Key Vocabulary (academic/content-defined in kid friendly terms) Instructional

Carbon Dioxide (include hyperlinks to videos & websites)
Energy Plant Observation Journals (19)
Flowers 5 Green Bean Seeds
Function 5 Clear Plastic Cups
Leaves Soil
Needles Water
Roots Science Notebook
Seeds Pencils
Spores Directions sheets (5)
Stems Teacher Resource:

H.O.T.S. Graphic Organizer/Thinking Map:

Bloom’s Taxonomy nizers/

Predict what would happen if you planted the mystery seed without
What would happen to the seed if you did not put it under a light?

Lesson Portions: Pacing ESOL Support

 How will you introduce the lesson, assess or activate For each level EL at each instructional step.
prior knowledge, motivate students to learn? (Add additional rows with Tab)
 How will the lesson develop or proceed? What steps will
you follow? What are the students expected to do?
 Highlight differentiated strategies.
 Box Higher Order/High Quality Questions in lesson.
Introduction/Building Background: (Link to Prior . B: n/a
Knowledge) . I: n/a
T: Yesterday we took a quiz to see what we already knew . A: n/a
about plants, their structures, and their functions. Today we .
will be setting up a three-week long observation of plants 1 min
that we will be planting today! .
Instructional Steps: . B: Extra support with group/paired with
T: There should be enough materials at each table for each . higher ESOL student.
table to plant one seed. Your materials are: directions, 1 . I: n/a
plastic cup, soil, one seedling, and water. I have already . A: n//a
marked on your cup where you will be filling to with soil. It .
is VERY important to note that these items are scientific 5 min
tools, not toys. Can I have someone explain what a tool is? .
(Call on 1-2 students) .
T: Can I have someone explain what a toy is? .
(Call on 1-2 students) .
T: Very good. Obviously, a tool and a toy are very different .
things so if you are seen using these tools as toys, your .
group’s tools will be taken away and you will not be able to .
participate in this experiment. As scientists it is extremely .
important to follow these procedures. After we go over the .
directions, I will pass out everyone’s plant journals and go .
over the directions for those. I will start by reading our .
overall directions. Let me have a volunteer read our step .
number 1 with directions….2…3… etc. .
Go over directions for plant journals and pass out. .
T: Predict what would happen if you planted the mystery min
seed without water/soil. .
T: Are there any questions before we begin? Remember that .
you can draw or label your observations in your journal, but .
make sure that they explain what you see. .
(Release students to complete planting and initial .
observations) .
T: Now I will be moving our plants under this plant light. .
What do you think would happen to the seed if we did not .
put it under a light? .

Closures Pacing ESOL Support

Content: Nice job at working with our scientific tools . B: n/a
properly. Please clean your desks and return any extra . I: n/a
materials to the back table. Your plants are already labeled . A: n/a
for your table. Tomorrow and each day for the next three 3 min
weeks we will make observations and predictions about our .
mystery plants. .
Procedural Closure: I will be calling the neatest, cleanest, .
and quietest table to line up first. .
ESE Modifications CPLAMS Access Points ESE Accommodations (content, product, process, environment)
(identify access point, if needed)

Independent: n/a N/A

Supported: n/a

Participatory: n/a
Assessment of Student Learning: (congruent with instructional

Objective 1: Students will complete a plant observation journal

to record observations.

Objective 2: Students will make predictions about their mystery


Post Lesson Analysis

Lesson Adjustment: (How are you re-teaching objectives for mastery based on formative assessment? Include

This lesson was delayed until Wednesday due to the fact that we were waiting until the county’s supplies for the
experiment to be delivered. Because of this, we worked in our “Elevate Science” interactive workbooks on pages
126-129. This gave students an introduction into plant structures and functions and helped to preview what our unit
was going to be about. Because the workbook is interactive, it provided students the opportunity to follow along as
we read aloud and answer questions.

Reflection on Teaching: (Analyze and evaluate your lesson and class management.)

Although the lesson did not go as planned due to the missing materials, the lesson still flowed smoothly during the
reading. This workbook is something that students look forward to working with and is very effective as it requires
students to think deeply about specific topics and challenges their thinking. In terms of classroom management, the
students had a rough start due to the ELA assignment that they had been working on previously, but once we began
reading and answering questions, the students were able to refocus and come back. To break up the reading halfway
through, we did a quick brain break of “Simon Says” for about thirty seconds.
Plant ing Exper iment Dir ect ions
Backgr ound knowledge: You ar e an astr onaut visiting a newly
discover ed planet. While explor ing this uninhabited planet, you
discover ed these 7 seedlings. NASA has asked you to gr ow th ese
seedlings as a class to discover what types of plant they ar e.

Today : You will be plant ing t his my st er y plant . I t is y our mission as

scient ist s t o be as specific wit h y our obser v at ions as possible. Do y our
best t o follow t hese dir ect ions as t he sur v iv al of y our plant s and t he
possible fat e of our wor ld depend on YOU.


1. Fir st , obser v e what y our seed look s lik e. What color is it ? I s it
bumpy or smoot h? Does it hav e a smell? You will obser v e t his
in y our obser v at ion jour nals.
2. Your t eam will fill y our cup wit h t he mar k ed amount of soil.
3. Your t eam will dig a small hole wit h y our pink y finger .
4. Your t eam will place t he seedling in t he small hole t hat y ou
hav e just made and cov er it wit h soil.
5. You will add t he cor r ect amount of wat er t o y our cup and
r aise y our hand when y our t eam is finished.

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