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First Edition, 2018


General Guidelines 1
Toxic Foods A to Z 5
Choking First Aid 35
Training As Prevention 36
Insure Your Pet 37
Index 39

W e all love our dogs, and we love seeing our dogs

happy. A very easy way to make them happy is
to share a little bit of whatever we’re eating with them.
However a dog can have a very different reaction to certain
foods and chemicals than a person, and some foods that
are harmless or even healthy for us to eat as people can
make our dogs sick and even kill them. Before we open up
our fridges and pantries to let our four-legged best friends
feast upon the innards, as responsible pet owners we need
to know which of our favorite foods are so dangerous that
we should just eat them ourselves.

Although many dogs have no higher aspirations

in life than to one day be given a seat at the kitchen
table and get a fair share of the family dinner, most
human diets don’t meet the specific dietary needs of a
dog. The healthiest diet for your dog is going to be the
recommended amount of a commercial dog food brand
approved by your vet and occasional treats given out in
moderation. Commercial dog food recipes are created by
veterinary nutritionists who make sure that the food is both

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safe and meets the dietary requirements your dog needs to

stay healthy. Feeding your dog table food as its main daily
meal or putting them on a specialty diet of home made
foods is a bad idea and unhealthy for your pet.

Even if the best food we can feed our dogs is dog

food, very few of us possess hearts so frozen that we can
always resist sharing our meals and snacks with good boys
and girls. Luckily most of the food we eat is safe for dogs
in small amounts. As long as we make sure ‘people food’
is safe for them to eat, and only ever feed it to dogs in
moderation, our dogs can stay healthy and experience all
the joy of eating some of our favorite foods.

A good general rule for sharing food with dogs

is to never give your dog anything you wouldn’t want to
eat yourself. Meat and eggs that are raw or under-cooked
pose many of the same health risks to dogs as they do to
humans. Moldy or out of date food can just as easily make
your dog sick as it can you. Even the disgusting pieces of fat
you cut off your steak that your dog would just love to scarf
down isn’t very healthy for them to eat. If you’re not willing
to share the good stuff with your dog, then it’s best not to
share at all.

Also be aware that your dog isn’t going to be too

discerning about what they eat, and most will gobble up
whatever you give them on the off chance it might be
edible, even the parts of the food that aren’t supposed to
be eaten. Before giving any food to your dog, make sure
you remove any parts you wouldn’t want to eat yourself.
Cores, pits, and bones can cause obstructions in your dog’s
stomach and internal bleeding. Inedible parts of a fruit like
the seeds, stem, or leaves may contain chemicals that can

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make your dog sick, cause health problems over time, and
in some cases may even fatally poison your pet.

Before feeding your dog anything though, be sure

to take a look through the next portion of the book. We’ll
go over the common foods you’ll find through out your
house that your dog shouldn’t be eating, and why.

Most foods, even if they aren’t healthy for your

dog, at least aren’t outright deadly. We’ve compiled a list
of some of the most common foods you’ll find in your
kitchen that are just plain bad for your pet, and we’ve also
included a few less common foods that are particularly
dangerous. Whenever you feed a new kind of food to your
pet, it’s a good idea to look it up on the Internet first to
make sure it is both safe and healthy for them to be eating
it, or better yet discuss it with your vet. Keep in mind too
that, like people, some dogs have food allergies, and what
may normally be a safe and healthy treat can end up
making your dog sick. It’s best to keep an eye on your dog
for a bit and watch out for any signs of an allergic reaction
whenever they try something new.

If you even suspect your dog may have consumed

something toxic, the best thing to do is to take them to
the vet immediately and have them checked out. It’s also a
good idea to call your vet or a pet poison hotline to see if
there is any emergency treatment you can do yourself first.
If you wait for your pet to show symptoms of poisoning,
you may not have enough time to save them, and the
most effective (and typically the cheapest) treatments are
going to be those that are done as soon as possible after

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A LCOHOLIC BEVERAGES – Some alcoholic drinks are

delicious, and sometimes it’s also fun to get a bit tipsy
or even just drunk, but it’s not all that fun for canines.
Lacking a human understanding of what’s happening
to them, being intoxicated can be distressing and even
terrifying for them. A dog is also just as susceptible to
hangovers and alcohol poisoning as a human is. It’s a pretty
sure bet a dog will get an upset tummy from drinking,
vomiting and diarrhea are also fairly common. They may
also experience headaches, lethargy and trouble breathing.
If they drink too much, they’re in danger of falling into a
coma and even dying, and it takes a lot less alcohol to kill a
dog than to kill a person.

Adult drinks should only be for human adults.

Alcohol isn’t a nice treat for a dog, and it isn’t funny to see
them drunk. It’s dangerous, potentially life threatening,
and psychologically cruel to let a dog drink. If your dog
manages to sneak a drink like a naughty teenager, get them
to the vet right away to receive treatment.

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A LMONDS – Dog’s have trouble digesting almonds,

which can give them an upset tummy. Unlike many
other nuts, almonds aren’t toxic, so it’s not life threatening
if your dog eats some, but you can save them stomach pain
by finding them a better treat.

A PPLE SEEDS – Apple seeds contain a small amount of

cyanide. The cyanide in a single apple seed is so small,
eating a few isn’t going to harm your pet, even if you have
one of the smaller breeds. If your pooch regularly consumes
apple seeds however, the cyanide can build up over time
and eventually cause health problems.

Absent the seeds, apples are one of the more

nutritious and healthy snacks you can feed your dog. Just
make sure to slice it up and remove the core first.


the stone fruit family – plums, peaches, and cherries etc.
Stone fruits are generally harmful to dogs. The leaves, seeds,
and stems of an apricot contain cyanide, which can make
your dog seriously ill and even cause death. In addition to
not feeding your dog apricot pits, make sure they’re not
left alone outside with an apricot tree. Dried apricot is safe
for your dog to eat in moderation, but too much can cause
upset stomach and diarrhea.

A VOCADOS – Avocados contain persin, a chemical that

is known to be toxic to many animals, but is fortunately
safe for your pet to eat and is even an ingredient in some
dog foods. The primary concern with feeding avocados
to dogs is the pit, which can cause an obstruction in your
pet’s digestive track. The flesh of the avocado is also known

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to give some dogs an upset tummy. So feed your dog

avocados in moderation, make sure they don’t eat the pit,
and watch your dog afterwards to make sure it goes over
well in their stomach.


not the kind of person who feeds their pet baking soda
or baking powder and calls it a treat, but maybe you’ve
given them a small amount as a home remedy. If your dog
does happen to get into the baking powder or soda, eating
a large amount can cause digestive issues, electrolyte
imbalances, muscle seizures, and even heart failure.
Whether you’re working with soda or powder, be sure to
keep it out of the dog’s reach, and before you try any home
remedy be sure to consult with your vet first.

B LUE CHEESES – Most cheeses aren’t that bad for your

dog. Cheeses do tend to be high in fat and salt, so
they should very rarely be given to dogs and only in
small amounts. Cheesy junk food should just be outright
avoided. Blue cheeses, such as Stilton and Gorgonzola, are
a much worse though. The penicillium mold cultures that
color the cheese blue can cause roquefortine poisoning in
dogs, which is potentially fatal. Symptoms include muscle
tremors, vomiting, and seizures. Blue cheese that has been
sitting out or gone bad has a higher chance of poisoning
your dog, so be sure to keep cheese platters out of your
dog’s reach. When throwing out blue cheese make sure it’s
in a secured container your dog doesn’t have access to.

B ONES (COOKED OR RAW) – The next time you have a

nice piece of steak, you might consider throwing your
dog the bone, especially if they’re into chewing things,

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but cooked bones are really bad for dogs. When bones are
cooked they become brittle, and it’s easy for a jagged piece
to splinter off and be swallowed. Once swallowed, your dog
could end up choking on the piece, or if it’s sharp enough it
may end up cutting up their insides like a little jagged knife.
If it’s big enough it may become an intestinal blockage. All
of those things are potentially deadly. Most of us know to
keep cooked chicken bones away from our dogs, but even
larger, thicker bones, such as t-bones, can cause the same

Feeding dogs raw bones, meanwhile, is just as

bad as feeding them raw meat. A raw bone might be safe
for your dog to eat, in fact the odds are it probably is, but
there’s also a chance it’s full of harmful bacteria, such as
salmonella and E. coli. A dog may have a better immune
system for handling these diseases than a human, but their
immune system isn’t a perfect defense, and there’s a real
danger that they could become seriously ill.

With bones and other chews it’s safest to stick

with products that have been specially prepared and are
specifically advertised as safe for your dog to chew.

C AFFEINE – Caffeine is commonly found in coffee, tea,

soda, energy drinks, diet and fitness supplements, and
some medications. Most of us consume at least a little
bit of caffeine every day in some form. Unfortunately our
furry friends aren’t nearly as tolerant to it as we are. A very
moderate amount of caffeine can be enough to cause heart
issues, hypertension, seizures, and even death in a small
dog. A couple laps of soda or coffee likely isn’t going to
cause any ill effects, but if your dog has any more than a

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small amount of caffeine, especially if they manage to eat

tea bags, coffee grounds, or expresso beans, or if your dog
is showing signs of caffeine poisoning (such as restlessness,
hyperactivity, an elevated or abnormal heart rate, an
elevated body temperature, or tremors), then you should
contact your vet or pet poison control immediately.

C HERRIES – Cherries are from the same family of harmful

dog fruits as apricots, plums, and peaches. The pit of
the cherry contains cyanide, which can make your dog
seriously ill and even cause death. It can build up in your
dog’s body over time. The pit and stem of the fruit are
choking hazards and can also cause obstructions in other
parts of your pet’s digestive track. Although the flesh of
the fruit isn’t nearly as dangerous, it’s still known to cause
an upset stomach in a lot of dogs. It’s best to just not
bother feeding cherries to a dog, even if the pit and stem
have been removed, and be sure not to leave your dog
unsupervised around a cherry tree.

C HIVES – Chives come from the same family as onions,

and like onions they contain the chemical thiosulphate,
which can cause hemolytic anemia in your pet. Hemolytic
anemia is a serious condition that can cause lethargy,
trouble breathing, diarrhea, vomiting, and even death.
In some cases it can take as long as four days before
symptoms appear. If your dog has eaten some chives, get
them to a vet ASAP.

C HOCOLATE – You probably already know chocolate is

bad for dogs, and eating some can potentially kill them.
It’s the food that’s always pointed out should never be fed
to dogs, because although it’s fine for us, it’s potentially

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deadly to them.

The culprit is a chemical in chocolate called

theobromine. Humans can process it just fine, but dogs
can’t, and it can quickly build up to toxic levels in their
blood. All chocolate has at least some theobromine in it.
Dark chocolate, bakers chocolate, and cocoa contain very
large amounts of it, where as white chocolate has much less
than most other kinds of chocolate.

Weight determines how much theobromine a dog

can handle before they become sick. Even a small amount
of milk chocolate or white chocolate can be enough to kill
a very small dog. Larger dogs may not get sick from eating
a small bit of chocolate, but even as little as one ounce of
dark chocolate is enough to kill a 44 pound dog.

If your dog does ingest chocolate, you need to call

your vet and get them over there right away. The usual
treatment is forced vomiting or stomach pumping, but
there is a very short window for when it has to be done.

C ANDY – If you go to the store and buy up all the

different kinds of candy they have, you’ll have a
smorgasbord of things your dog should never eat. The
very best candies to give your dog are full of sugar and a
bunch of empty calories, and your doggo will find it a lot
less exciting than a dog treat. Chocolate, xylitol (sweetener),
raisins, and assorted nuts are all common candy ingredients,
and all of them are known poisons that can kill your dog.
It’s best to keep candies to yourself, and find other things to
share with your best friend.

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C OFFEE (Grounds, Beans, And Chocolate-Covered

Espresso Beans) – Coffee contains caffeine, which dogs
have a very low tolerance for, and a caffeine overdose can
be deadly. If your dog does manage to sneak a couple laps
out of your cup of morning joe, or if they come running
when you inevitably spill a bit from your overfilled mug on
the floor, it probably won’t be enough to make them sick,
even if they are a small dog. A dog should never be given
coffee though, and drinking a moderate amount of it can
not only make them sick, it may actually kill them.

Coffee grounds and beans have a much higher

concentration of caffeine, and if your dog gets into these
you should contact your vet immediately. Chocolate-
covered espresso beans are even worse for your dog
because of the chocolate.

C ORN ON THE COB – Some dogs love corn, and as long

as they aren’t allergic, it’s a perfectly okay snack for
them. In fact some popular brands of dog food use corn as
a primary ingredient. However dogs have trouble telling
which parts of food are edible and which are not, and
unfortunately when a dog’s unsure if something is food,
they’ll usually eat it just in case. Not only is the cob part
of corn on the cob a choking hazard, but if your dog does
manage to swallow it down it can cause an obstruction
on their digestive track. When feeding your dog corn, just
make sure you take it off the cob first and all should be fine.
If your dog does eat the cob, first make sure they aren’t
choking, and if not take them to the vet right away for

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C URRANTS – Currants are related to grapes, and some

currants are in fact just small grapes. Like grapes,
currants can cause sudden kidney failure in your dog, and
we’re not sure why that is, or why some dogs are fine eating
currants and to others it can be deadly. Like grapes, it’s best
to keep these away from your dog, and to call the vet right
away if some are accidentally consumed.

E SSENTIAL OILS – For a long while now there’s been a

trend where some people are using essential oils as
home remedies for all sorts of ailments, and now people
are starting to use them on pets as well. Many of these
oils have never been proven to offer the benefits claimed,
and the general idea behind using these oils on pets is
if it works for humans, it must work exactly the same on
animals. Some of these oils may be toxic and even fatal to
your pet, and others may cause allergies and skin irritation.
Our pets are at a huge disadvantage to us when using these
home remedies, because they can’t tell us if something is
making them ill and they don’t know not to lick off a topical

Before using any natural or home remedy, be

sure to consult with your vet first about whether a
product is a safe and effective treatment. An educated,
trained, and licensed veterinarian is going to be far more
knowledgeable about what is best for your furry friends
than the nutritional specialist at the vitamin store or your
friend who sells essential oils on Facebook.

E XPIRED FOOD – See Out of Date or Expired Food.

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F AT TRIMMINGS – In moderation, a bit of fat isn’t going

to hurt your dog, and a small amount is even healthy
for them. However if your dog is on a dog food diet, they
should be getting enough fat from their regular food to
stay healthy, and healthy fats like those found in salmon
and tuna are best if there is some sort of deficiency. Even if
your dog enjoys eating the trimmings from your steak that
are too gross and unhealthy for you to eat yourself, it’s not
really healthy for them either, and it’d be much better if you
gave them one of the nice pieces of meat off your plate.

If your dog eats a large amount of fat at once, it can

cause digestive problems and in extreme cases can cause
kidney failure and liver damage. Usually if it isn’t a regular
occurrence, it’s fine just to watch for symptoms of distress,
but it’s also not a bad idea to call your vet and get their
opinion on the situation as well.

F IGS – Figs contain two chemicals, ficin and ficusin, which

can cause digestive problems, vomiting, rashes, and
inflammation of your dog’s mouth and tongue. Figs can be
healthy for your dog when fed to them in moderation, and
your pet should be fine having a couple figs every now and
then. Just be careful not to overfeed figs to your dog, and
never leave them unsupervised around a fig tree.



G ARLIC – Is garlic unsafe for dogs? Maybe. In fact, it

probably is, at least in high enough doses. Garlic comes
from the same family as onions, and actually has a much
higher concentration of thiosulphate. It logically follows

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that garlic is bad for your dog for all of the same reasons
onions are. There have been some studies that link garlic
consumption to hemolytic anemia, a very serious and
potentially fatal condition caused by onion consumption,
but there’s still not enough evidence to prove the link, at
least in regards to an amount of garlic a dog is likely to eat.

Garlic can definitely cause an upset tummy, and

foods that use garlic as an ingredient, like pizza and pasta
sauce, also typically have onion in them as well, which
is definitely dangerous for your doggy. A possible upset
stomach is reason enough to avoid giving garlic to your
dog, but the possible link to hemolytic anemia makes this a
definite no-no food. Eating garlic has, however, long been
used as a natural remedy for fleas. If you do plan to use
garlic as a flea deterrent, be aware of the possible dangers
and be sure to consult your vet for proper dosage.

G RAPES – Grapes can cause sudden kidney failure in

dogs, making it one of the most dangerous human
foods a dog can eat. Even a very small amount can cause
kidney failure in some dogs, although other dogs may
be totally fine after eating a much larger amount. We still
don’t know why grapes have this effect on dogs, or why
some dogs are so much more sensitive to it than others,
but it does seem as if the cause is the flesh of the grape
itself, and not the seeds, skin, or stem. If your dog does eat
a grape, call the pet poison hotline or your vet right away
for instructions. Quick emergency treatment can save your
pet’s life.

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G UM, CHEWING – Unfortunately dogs don’t understand

that gum is meant for chewing and not for eating.
Given the opportunity, they’ll gobble it up like any other
food. Right away chewing gum becomes a choking hazard
when your dog swallows a big sticky glob of it, and even
if they do manage to swallow it down it can still cause
blockages in other parts of their digestive track. If your dog
eats gum, get them checked out by a vet right away. In a
worst case scenario they may need life saving surgery to
have a blockage removed.

Also be sure to check the ingredient label on the
gum. If it contains xylitol it’s an emergency situation and
you need to call the pet poison hotline or get your vet on
the phone right away. Hickory Nuts – Hickory nuts found
in the wild may have molds growing on them that are
dangerous to your canines. However store bought nuts
that have been properly processed won’t harm your dog.
Keep in mind though that dogs are unable to properly
process the proteins found in hickory nuts, and eating more
than a few can cause upset stomach, pancreatitis, and can
contribute to obesity.

H OMEMADE SALT DOUGH – Homemade salt dough, and

also home made play dough, is a substance commonly
is used in craft projects. It’s made with common kitchen
ingredients. Unfortunately, as the name implies, one key
ingredient is a very large amount of salt, and because of
this the dough and the craft projects made with it can be
deadly to your dog if eaten. To a dog, a salt dough craft
can look and smell very similar to a dog biscuit. A lot of
dogs that eat salt dough crafts end up dying because their
owners think they’re just a naughty dog who has chewed

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up a trinket, and they don’t realize that their pet has eaten
something potentially deadly and needs emergency
veterinary care. If your dog eats the dough or the craft, take
them to the vet immediately and explain that they’ve eaten
an item made with a high concentration of salt.

H OPS – Hops is mostly used in beer brewing to give the

beer a more bitter flavor, but it’s also sometimes used
as a home remedy. With the rise of hobbyist beer brewing,
it’s become more common for pet owners to have hops in
their home.

Both raw hops and spent hops is poisonous to your

dog. Hop poisoning causes malignant hyperthermia, or a
rapid rise in body temperature. This in turn can cause rapid
heart rate, seizures, abdominal issues, brain damage, and
eventually death. Hops ingestion can become fatal in as
little as six hours, and it can take as long as thirty hours for a
dog to show symptoms.

Unfortunately we don’t know much about hops

poisoning in dogs. We do know that some breeds are more
susceptible to it, but we don’t know why, and we don’t
know how much hops it takes to make a dog symptomatic.
If your dog has ingested hops, they need to be kept cool
and taken to a vet right away for life saving treatment.

L EEKS – Leeks come from the same family as onions, and

like onions they contain the chemical thiosulphate,
which can cause hemolytic anemia in your pet. Hemolytic
anemia is a serious condition that can cause lethargy,
trouble breathing, diarrhea, vomiting, and even death.
In some cases it can take as long as four days before

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symptoms appear. If your dog has eaten some leeks, get

them to a vet right away.

M ACADAMIA NUTS – Macadamia nuts are poisonous to

dogs, and we’re not sure why that is. We’re not even
sure how many macadamia nuts a dog can eat before
they’re poisoned. Some dogs have shown symptoms after
eating small amounts, as little as 2 grams per kilogram of
body weight, and in other dogs symptoms didn’t show
up until they had eaten about thirty times as much. Some
dogs will never show symptoms of poisoning, no matter
how many macadamia nuts they eat.

Macadamia nut poisoning can cause an elevated

body temperature, lethargy, issues walking (especially with
the hind legs), vomiting, and tremors. Fortunately it’s not
fatal and most dogs will make a full and quick recovery with
treatment. Treatment typically involves hydration, fever
reduction, rest, and possibly activated charcoal. Many times
treatment can be done mostly or entirely at home with
veterinary supervision.

M ARIJUANA – With the growing trend of medical and

recreational marijuana legalization in North America,
dogs have been getting into stashes far more often than
ever before, especially now that marijuana edibles are
becoming more and more popular. Unfortunately there
hasn’t been a lot of research into the effects of marijuana
on dogs. There is even some early controversial evidence
that it may have similar medicinal benefits to dogs as it
does to humans.

What we do know is that unlike with humans, a

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marijuana overdose can be fatal to a dog. Some dogs

may also become paranoid while on marijuana, and it’s
impossible to tell if marijuana will have this effect on a
dog until they’re on it. Remember that unlike you, your
dog cannot understand the concept of a drug high for
recreation, and being high may be very stressful for them
since all they do know is that something doesn’t feel right.

If your dog does ingest marijuana, or they get a

contact high from the smoke, call your vet or a pet poison
control line immediately. If you’re planning to medicate
your pet with marijuana, only do so under veterinarian
supervision and only as per the directions of your vet.

M EDICATION FOR HUMANS – A lot of the same

medicines that are used on humans are also used on
dogs, and anyone who has ever seen a cliché ridden action
movie knows that any sleazy veterinarian can administer
emergency medicine out of the back of his office as good
as, if not better, than actual doctors in a fancy hospital can.
Except that second part isn’t true at all. Medical doctors
and veterinarians go through very different educational
programs, because biologically humans are very different
from dogs. Although dogs are sometimes treated with
some medications that are also used on humans, other
medications that are safe for human use can cause
completely different and sometimes fatal reactions in dogs.
Even if a medication is normally used on a dogs as well, the
effective and safe dosage for your dog can be very different
from what is normal for a person.

Never share your medication with your dog or give

your dog an over the counter medicine meant for humans,

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unless you’ve been advised to by your veterinarian. Pets

should only ever be medicated under the supervision of a
veterinarian. If your dog does consume your medicine, call
your vet or a pet poison control line right away, and then
get your pet to a veterinarian to be treated.


Although okay in small amounts and generally safe,
you should avoid giving your dog anything with mustard
or mustard powder on it if possible. Mustard is known to
cause vomiting dogs, and it’s often used by vets as a safe
substance to induce vomiting. Never try to induce vomiting
in a dog yourself unless first advised to by a veterinarian.

M USTARD SEEDS – Mustard seeds can cause severe

diarrhea and vomiting in dogs, and in turn
dehydration. If your dog has eaten mustard seeds and
shows any signs of indigestion, call your vet immediately.

N UTMEG AND MACE – Nutmeg, and its cousin Mace,

contains a chemical called myristicin that is toxic to
dogs in high doses. Small amounts of myristicin, such as
what would usually be found in normal sized helpings
of foods containing nutmeg, are fine for your dog and
shouldn’t even cause minor issues. However if your dog
does ingest a large amount of nutmeg, such as if they eat a
shaker of it, you should contact your vet about appropriate
treatment. Symptoms of nutmeg poisoning in dogs include
increased heart rate, abdominal pain, hallucinations, and

O NIONS – Raw, cooked, whole, sliced, diced, dried, and

even the powdered stuff, onions are bad news for

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your dog, even in small amounts. Onions have a chemical

in them called thiosulphate, which can cause hemolytic
anemia in your pet. Hemolytic anemia is a serious condition
that can cause lethargy, trouble breathing, diarrhea,
vomiting, and even death. In some cases it can take as long
as four days before symptoms appear.

If your dog has eaten some onion, get them to the

vet right away. Also be careful of foods that may contain
onion as an ingredient. Pizza, pasta sauce, and burgers are
all much loved by dogs, but often times contain onion.

O UT OF DATE OR EXPIRED FOOD – You wouldn’t eat

outdated or expired food yourself. Well maybe you
would, but you really shouldn’t. Old food might be spoiled
and might contain molds and fungi that will make you sick,
and it may make your dog sick as well. Even if your dog
has a stronger than human stomach, you still shouldn’t risk
giving them old food, and also keep in mind that they may
have a stronger reaction to some expired foods that are
fine for you to eat. It’s better to throw out the old stuff, and
if you don’t want to share your edible food with your dog,
then just feed him his dog food.

P APRIKA – Paprika can upset your doggy’s tummy and

give them diarrhea. If it gets on them, it can also irritate
their skin and eyes. It’s best to leave paprika off any food
you plan to share with your dog. Pasta Sauce and Pizza
Sauce – Onions and garlic can be toxic to your dog. Cheeses
are fatty and unhealthy for them. Peppers and other spices
can upset their stomachs. Pasta and pizza sauces almost
always contain ingredients that run the gamut of unhealthy
for your pet to straight up poisonous. Rather than vigilantly

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checking the ingredient list of all of your Italian cuisine, it’s

easier to just not feed food with these sauces to your dog.

P EACH PITS – Peaches are from the same family of

harmful dog fruits as apricots, plums, and cherries. The
flesh of a peach is safe for your pet, but it can still cause
some mild indigestion, and as with any treat it should only
be given in moderation. The pit of the peach is the harmful
part. A peach pit contains cyanide, which can make your
dog seriously ill and even cause death. The pit is also a
choking hazard and can cause an obstruction in other parts
of the digestive track.

P ECANS – Unfortunately your dog is not as good as

you are at digesting the proteins found in pecans, and
because of this they can get an upset stomach from eating
the nut, and it’s going to be really fattening for them. Even
worse, sometimes pecans can build up in the digestive
track of a dog and cause an obstruction. It’s best to just not
feed these nuts to your pet.

P ENNYROYAL OIL – Pennyroyal oil can cause severe liver

damage if ingested and is potentially fatal. There’s been
one verified case of a dog that died not from ingesting
the oil, but from having it applied to their skin. Pennyroyal
oil is sometimes used as a topical home remedy for dogs,
but care should be taken so that it’s not applied to an area
where the dog can lick it off, and the dog should be kept
isolated from other pets that may try to ‘groom’ the tasty oil
off them. Also before using any home remedy to treat your
pet, be sure to consult your vet to make sure the treatment
is both effective and safe.

Book Title (Optional)

P EPPER – People love spicing up their food with peppers,

but dogs aren’t such big fans of the stuff. Peppers can
give a dog an upset tummy and diarrhea, and if some of the
powdered stuff gets on them it can irritate their skin and
eyes. It’s best not to share peppery food with your dog and
instead just enjoy it by yourself.

P ERSIMMON PITS – Persimmon pits aren’t nearly as

dangerous as the pits found in plums or peaches,
but they’re still not good for your dog. The pits of a
persimmon are a choking hazard and can cause a digestive
tract obstruction, and they can also cause intestinal
inflammation, which isn’t pleasant for a dog. The flesh of
the berry is safe though, just make sure you remove it from
the pit first.

P ISTACHIOS – Pistachios aren’t that bad for your dog, it’s

just that dogs can’t process the proteins in a pistachio
nut as well as you can. Because of this, pistachios can give
your dog an upset stomach and they can be really fattening
for them. Sometimes pistachios can even cause pancreatitis
if your dog repeatedly eats them over a long period of time.
As much as your dog might like pistachios, and who doesn’t,
it’s best for their health if you just keep them to yourself.

P LUM PITS – Plums are from the same family of harmful

dog fruits as apricots, peaches, and cherries. The flesh of
a plum is safe for your pet, although it can cause some mild
indigestion, and as with any treat it should only be given in
moderation. The pit of the plum is the harmful part. A plum
pit contains cyanide, which can make your dog seriously
ill and is potentially fatal. The pit is also a choking hazard
and can cause an obstruction in other parts of the digestive

Chapter Title (Optional)


P OTATOES, GREEN AND RAW – Unripened green potatoes,

raw potato skins, potato sprouts, and the leaves and
stems of the potato plant all contain a chemical called
soliene, which can cause difficulty breathing, stomach
issues, and heart problems. Raw potato skins also contain
chaconine, which can cause tremors, upset stomach, and
kidney issues. Potato poisoning is potentially fatal. Your
dog’s chances of survival are going to depend on how
many potatoes were eaten and how quickly the vet was
able to start treatment afterwards. Anytime a dog eats
a raw or green potato or parts of the potato plant they
should be taken to the vet as quickly as possible.

Cooked potatoes are fine to share with your dog.

R AISINS – Much like your grandfather was once a young

person like yourself before he got all dried up and
wrinkly, raisins were once grapes. Raisins can cause sudden
kidney failure and are just as dangerous to your dog as
grapes are. As with grapes, if your dog eats some raisins call
a pet poison hotline or your vet right away for instructions.
Emergency treatment may save your dog’s life.

R AW CASHEWS – Truly raw cashews are poisonous to

both people and dogs, but properly roasting or heating
the nut will destroy the poisons. I say truly raw cashews
because sometimes heated cashews are sold as raw
cashews in grocery stores, but any kind of cashew bought
in a grocery store should be safe to eat. The only way you’ll
probably have contact with a dangerous raw cashew is if
you take it from a cashew plant yourself.

Book Title (Optional)

Roasted and heated cashews are fairly safe for your

dog to eat. Like most nuts, your dog has difficulty digesting
the proteins in a cashew. This means cashew nuts are
very fatty and can give him an upset stomach. Repeatedly
eating cashew nuts over a long period of time may also
cause pancreatitis.

R AW EGGS – Eggs can be a great food to add to your dog’s

diet, and an occasional raw egg can be a great source
of vitamins and nutrients your dog needs. It’s also a home
remedy for a canine upset stomach. Unfortunately, when
you feed your dog unpasteurized raw eggs you run the risk
of it infecting your dog with salmonella. Check the labelling
on the carton or packaging of the eggs you purchase to see
whether or not they are pasteurized. Regularly eating raw
eggs may also cause a biotin deficiency in your dog.

R AW MEAT – Like people, dogs are susceptible to being

infected with salmonella, e.coli, and parasites from
eating raw meats. It’s always best to cook meat before
serving it to your dog, just like you would cook meat before
eating it yourself.

Lately there has been a movement to ‘return’ dogs

to a raw meat diet. This puts the dog at an unnecessary risk
for illness. Dogs have evolved specifically to subsist on the
sorts of food people eat, such as cooked foods, and there
are commercial foods available that offer very good and
healthy diets which meet all of a dog’s vitamin needs. Even
proponents of the raw meat diet believe that it needs to be
started when the dog first starts eating solid food and fed
consistently so the dog develops a digestive system and
immune system that can handle eating raw meat.

Chapter Title (Optional)

Feeding raw meat to a dog that hasn’t been raised on it is

likely to, at the very least, give them an upset stomach.

If you are planning to feed your dog a raw meat diet,

this should only be done with the advice and supervision of
a vet. Ideally it should also include the input of a trained pet


FISH – You should never let your dog eat raw salmon
or any other raw fish that swims upstream. In addition
to the normal dangers of eating raw meat, raw salmon
may be infected with a parasite that can cause diarrhea,
dehydration, vomiting, and weakness, and nine times out of
ten will be fatal within two weeks if left untreated.

Luckily raw salmon poisoning is treatable if it is

caught in time. If your dog is ill, be sure to tell your vet if
they have recently eaten raw fish or have access to raw fish,
like through a stream or a garbage can.

R HUBARB – Rhubarb stems are safe for dogs to eat, but

the leaves are poisonous to both dogs and people.
Rhubarb leaves contain soluble calcium oxalate salts, and
when ingested these salts combine with calcium in the
dog’s body, bringing about a sudden drop in calcium.
Symptoms can include drooling, loss of appetite, vomiting,
diarrhea, bloody urine, lethargy, tremors, weakness, and
coma. Never leave a dog unsupervised around rhubarb
plants, and if your dog does ingest the leaves take them to
the vet immediately to be checked out.

Book Title (Optional)

S ALT – Just like humans, dogs need sodium in their diet,

but like humans they don’t need a lot of it. Dog food
and dog treats contain more than enough sodium to meet
your dog’s daily needs, but getting a little extra from people
food, when given to them in moderation, isn’t going to hurt
them. If you’re worried about the salt content of your dog’s
diet and their long term health, it’s a good idea to speak
with your vet and work out a diet plan that meets your
pet’s specific needs. Like people, dog’s can develop high
cholesterol if their diet is too rich in salt.

On the other hand, eating a large amount of salt

in a short amount of time can be deadly to a dog. This can
happen from the dog getting into a large enough quantity
of a high sodium food, such as bacon or salted nuts, or from
eating straight table salt, because dogs are sometimes
weird like that. Whatever the case, if your dog has eaten a
large amount of salt in a short period of time, get them to a
vet right away.

Too much salt in a short period of time causes a dog

to become severely dehydrated. The dog will be extremely
thirsty and will also begin urinating more as their kidney’s
go into overdrive trying to work the salt out of their system.
As your dog’s kidney’s work more and more, their body may
start to swell, and this can lead to diarrhea, vomiting, and

Your dog’s instincts may be to lap up water, but a

severely dehydrated dog is also going to be depleted of
several essential minerals in their body, and drinking too
much water too fast can cause vomiting or diarrhea, which
will only further dehydrate the dog. severely dehydrated

Chapter Title (Optional)

dog can’t just drink some water. They need treatment

from a trained veterinarian. The dog should only be given
a moderate amount of water to help them hydrate as
they make their way to the vet. Consult with your vet over
the phone to find out how much and how often for your
particular pet.


meats such as sausages, hotdogs, and deli meats are bad
for your dog. Many of these products are very fatty. Pork in
particular is a very unhealthy meat to feed your dog. Many
of these meats also contain spices which can upset your
dog’s stomach, and many of them are high in salt which can
cause serious dehydration. New studies are also starting to
show a link between long term consumption of processed
meats and seizures in dogs.

If you want to feed your dog some table meat, they

should be given freshly cooked unspiced and unsalted
meat. Otherwise it’s better to just give them one of their
own dog treats. If your dog does get into some processed
meat, it’s probably not a big deal. If the meat was spiced,
keep an eye out for any symptoms of an upset stomach,
and be prepared for vomiting, diarrhea, or spending a very
gassy day with your dog. If the food was heavily salted, be
sure to keep an eye out for signs of dehydration and salt
poisoning. If they ate a significant amount of a heavily
salted food for their weight, call the vet for a consultation
right away even if they haven’t started showing symptoms

Book Title (Optional)

S HALLOTS – Shallots are part of the onion family of

vegetables, and as such they are choked full of the
chemical thiosulphate, which causes hemolytic anemia
in dogs. Hemolytic anemia is a serious condition that can
cause lethargy, trouble breathing, diarrhea, vomiting, and
even death. In some cases it can take as long as four days
before symptoms appear. If your dog has eaten some
shallots, get them to the vet for treatment right away.

S ODA – Although it’s not seriously dangerous, soda is

just plain bad for dogs. Soda is nothing more than sugar
and empty calories, and some of the ingredients and the
carbonation may upset a dog’s stomach and cause bad
gas. Caffeinated sodas can be especially bad for your dog,
and are even potentially fatal if too much is consumed. The
same for diet sodas that contain xylitol. Much like coffee
or tea, a couple stolen laps out of a cup or licking a small
spill off the floor isn’t going to be a big deal, but you should
definitely avoid giving soda to your dog.

S TARFRUIT – Like rhubarb leaves, starfruit contains

soluble calcium oxalate salts, and when ingested these
salts combine with calcium in the dog’s body, bringing
about a sudden drop in calcium. Symptoms can include
drooling, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, bloody urine,
lethargy, tremors, weakness, and coma. Some dogs and
breeds are more susceptible to starfruit poisoning than
others. In particular small dogs, male dogs, neutered dogs,
and dogs who are less active are all at a higher risk. If your
dog eats starfruit, get them to a veterinarian to get checked
out right away.

Chapter Title (Optional)

T EA – Tea is bad for dogs because it contains caffeine.

Much like coffee, if your dog gets his snout into a small
spill on the floor or manages to get a couple laps out of
your mug before you notice, it probably isn’t going to be
enough to make them ill, even if it is a small breed. If your
dog drinks a moderate amount of tea though, or worse yet
if they get into and eat tea bags, they’re at a much greater
danger and you should get in touch with your vet right

T EA TREE OIL – Tea tree oil can be an effective home

remedy for dogs if it is diluted correctly, applied topically
(never orally!), and not applied to an open wound. However
when used incorrectly it can poison your pet. Symptoms
of tea tree oil poisoning include depression, weakness,
muscle tremors, and lack of coordination. As with any home
remedy, ask your vet for advise before using it.

T OPICAL FLEA MEDICATION – If you live somewhere that

dog fleas are common, then properly treating your dog’s
flea problem is essential to their health and well-being. One
of the most common treatments is a topical medication
such as Frontline. These medications work, but can also be
toxic and even deadly to your pets if applied incorrectly.
Make sure you read all of the instructions and warnings
before application, and if possible talk to your vet as well.
Flea treatments can be toxic if consumed, which is why
they’re applied to the back of the animal. However if you
have more than one dog or cat, the animals can lick the
medication off each other. The more dogs and cats you
have, the greater the chance that one of them will consume
a lethal dose. If you have multiple pets that need treatment,
it’s best to talk to your vet about safer alternatives or

Book Title (Optional)

isolating your animals from one another during treatment.


TOMATOES – Tomato leaves and stems, the green parts
of the plant, contain chemicals that are toxic to both people
and pets. A concentration of the chemicals are also found
in young green unripened tomatoes. Symptoms of tomato
poisoning can include upset stomach, diarrhea, vomiting,
tremors and seizures. Luckily ripened tomatoes do not
contain these chemicals, and they are safe for your dog to

If you like to grow tomatoes, be sure to keep your

garden fenced off so your pets can’t get into it. If your dog
does eat some unripened tomatoes or the green parts of
the plant, take them to the vet right away for treatment.

W ALNUTS – The walnuts in your kitchen are usually

safe for dogs if they’ve only had a small amount. Like
many nuts they are high in fat, and they’re very difficult for
your dog to digest. Even a small amount of walnuts can
cause an upset stomach, and there’s always a danger that
walnuts may cause a digestive tract obstruction. If your
dog ate only a small amount keep an eye on them, and if
they show any signs of an obstruction or if they ate a large
amount take them to the vet right away.

Walnuts from a tree can be very dangerous for your

dog. Fallen nuts may develop a mold around their shells
which contain tremorgenic mycotoxins. These can cause
seizures and other neurological disorders. Never leave your
dog around a walnut tree unsupervised, and make sure to
clean up the fallen nuts.

Chapter Title (Optional)

W ILD MUSHROOMS – The majority of mushrooms out

there are safe for both people and dogs to eat. Store
bought mushrooms meant for human consumption are
safe for your dog, but since they don’t provide them a
nutritional benefit and most dogs aren’t very fond of their
taste, it’s best to find a different treat for your pet.

However wild mushrooms can be very dangerous.

Although only a few varieties are poisonous, the ones
that are can be deadly to both humans and dogs. Several
poisonous mushrooms look a lot like their safe and
delicious counterparts, so much so that even experienced
foragers have been known to make mistakes. Some folks
erroneously think that dogs can smell out the difference
between safe and unsafe mushrooms, but that just isn’t
true. In fact, some of the deadliest mushrooms give off an
aroma similar to a fish smell, making it very easy for your
dog to mistake it for a fish treat.

Never leave your dog unsupervised around wild

mushrooms, and never let your dog eat any of the wild
mushrooms that they find, even if they do look safe. If your
dog does eat a wild mushroom, get them to the vet ASAP,
and if possible bring a sample of the mushrooms with you.

W ORMWOOD – Wormwood has long been used as a

natural deworming medication for dogs. Even though
wormwood is all natural, it’s still a very powerful canine
medication, and a dog needs to be given just the right dose.
Too little wormwood and the deworming won’t be effective.
Too much wormwood will make your dog seriously ill
and is potentially fatal. If you plan to use wormwood to
deworm your dog, it should only be done with veterinarian

Book Title (Optional)

supervision. A better solution may be to use one of the

many commercially available deworming medications
which come with dosing instructions.

X YLITOL – Your first thought after seeing xylitol is

probably what is xylitol and why would I even want
to give some to my dog. Xylitol is a naturally occurring
sweetener, and although it’s been around for decades its
use as a sugar substitute has been on the rise as of late.
Not only is xylitol all natural, as sweet as sugar, and safe to
eat, it also has a third of the calories and is much safer for
diabetics. It’s a miracle food for people, but it’s a deadly
poison for your dog.

Most animals react very differently to xylitol than

primates do. Xylitol doesn’t initiate an insulin response in
people, but it initiates a very strong one in dogs. A normal
amount of xylitol is enough to cause hypoglycemia and
even liver failure in your dog.

The only way to know for sure if xylitol is in a food

is to check the ingredient label. It is however a common
ingredient in certain candies, breath mints, chewing gum,
diet and diabetic safe foods, foods that are advertised
as low sugar, no sugar or low fat, throat lozenges, some
medicines, and oral hygiene products such as toothpaste
and mouthwash.

Dogs that have consumed too much xylitol usually

begin to display symptoms of hypoglycemia within fifteen
to thirty minutes after ingestion. It’s also possible for them
to begin showing symptoms in as little as ten minutes or as
long as an hour after. Dogs that receive aggressive medical

Chapter Title (Optional)

treatment prior to symptoms presenting have a high

recovery rate, and even after your dog has started showing
some symptoms of hypoglycemia, most times permanent
damage to their health can be avoided with quick
treatment. However if liver failure has started, treatment
can’t do much for them. If your dog does ingest xylitol,
make sure to call your vet or the pet poison control hotline
right away.

Y EAST DOUGH – Also sometimes referred to as unbaked

bread dough, this should never be fed to a dog. Yeast is
used in baking to cause a chemical reaction that will make
the dough rise, and a dog’s stomach is an ideal place for this
reaction. As the yeast rises it will cause the dog’s stomach
to expand pressing against their vital organs and making
it difficult for them to breath. In some cases, especially in
larger breeds, the dog’s stomach can twist as it expands,
and sometimes even rupture, which is fatal. The dog may
attempt to vomit up the yeast as it expands, which is
difficult and can create a choking hazard. Finally, as the
yeast converts in the dog’s stomach it will create ethanol
and the dog’s blood alcohol level will rise to potentially
fatal levels.

Immediate emergency treatment may save the dog,

but this still may not be enough. In some cases the dog
may also require emergency surgery to remove the yeast

Book Title (Optional)

Chapter Title (Optional)

Book Title (Optional)


G ood training helps keep a dog safe. We all do our

best to train our dogs, but even experienced dog
owners can still benefit from a bit of professional help. A
professional service can make our training more effective,
and it can make our dogs happier for having gone through

T here are a lot of different options available for

professional dog training, from courses at the pet store
to professionals that come to your house, but the quality
and quantity of what’s available is going to be specific to
your region. To help we’ve included links to online courses
that our own dogs have had a lot of success with. If you
use our links to purchase any of these courses, the course
owner will send us a payment which will be used to help
write, publish, and distribute free ebooks like this one.

Click Here

Chapter Title (Optional)


U nfortunately veterinary care can be expensive, and the

cost is on the rise. Making sure our dogs have the best
medical care available when an injury or illness happens
can be a huge financial burden. Too many pets suffer
and die needlessly because their owners waited to see if
they got better on their own, or waited to get treatment
until they started showing symptoms, and all because
they couldn’t really afford a big vet bill. Luckily there’s
such a thing as pet insurance, and for a monthly fee you
can be sure that you will always be able to provide your
pet the immediate medical care they need in case of an
unexpected emergency or illness.

B elow are some links to pet insurances plans that we,

the publishers of this book, like and endorse. Before
settling on any plan, make sure that it meets your specific
needs and budget. If you use our links to purchase any
of these insurance plans, we will receive a payment from
the insurance company which will be used to help write,
publish, and distribute free ebooks like this one.

Click Here

Book Title (Optional)

Abdominal Pain, 16, 19
Activated Charcoal, 17
Alcohol, 5, 16, 33
Allergy, 10, 12
Almonds, 6
Apple Seeds, 6
Apricot Leaves, Seeds, Stems, 6, 21
Avocados, 6
Bacon, 26
Baking Powder, 7
Baking Soda, 7
Biotin, 24
Bloody Urine, 25, 28
Blue Cheeses, 7
Body Temperature, Elevated, 17
Bones - Cooked or Raw, 7
Breath Mints, 32
Breathing Difficulty, 5, 9, 17, 20, 23, 28
Caffeine, 8, 28
Calcium Oxalate Salt, 25, 28
Calcium, 25, 28
Candy, 10, 32
Cashews , 23
Chaconine, 23
Cheese, 7, 20
Cherries, 21
Chives, 9
Chocolate Covered Expresso Beans, 10
Chocolate, 9
Choking, 8, 10, 15, 21, 22, 33, 36
Coffee Beans, 8, 10
Coffee Grounds, 8, 10
Coffee, 8, 10, 29

Book Title (Optional)

Coma, 5, 25, 28
Coordination – lack of, 29
Corn on the Cob, 10
Currants, 12
Cyanide, 6, 9, 21, 22
Dehydration, 19, 25, 26, 27
Deli Meats, 27
Depression, 29
Deworming, 31, 32
Diabetes, 32
Diarrhea, 5, 6, 17, 19, 20, 22, 26, 27, 28, 30
Diet, 32
Difficulty Breathing, 5, 9, 17, 20, 23, 28
Drooling, 25, 28
Drug, 18
Drunk, 5
E.coli, 8, 24, 25
Electrolyte Imbalance, 7
Essential Oils, 12, 21, 29, 31
Ethanol, 33
Expired Food, 20
Fast Food, 7
Fat Trimmings, 13
Ficin, 13
Ficusin, 13
Figs, 13
First Aid, 36
Fish, 13, 25, 31
Fleas, 14, 29
Fungi, 20, 31
Garlic, 13
Grapes, 12, 14, 23
Gum, Chewing, 15, 32
Hallucination, 19
Heart Failure, 7
Heart Problems, 8, 23
Heart Rate, Elevated, Increased, 19
Hemolytic Anemia, 9, 14, 16, 20, 28
Hickory Nuts, 15
High Cholesterol, 26
High, 18
Home Remedy, 7, 12, 29, 31
Homemade Salt Dough,15

Chapter Title (Optional)

Hops, 16
Hotdogs, 27
Hypertension, 8
Hyperthermia, 16
Hypoglycaemia, 32, 33
Increased Heart Rate, 8, 16
Indigestion, 22
Induced Vomiting, 10
Inflammation, 13, 22
Insulin Response, 32
Insurance, 35
Intestinal Blockage, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 21, 22, 30, 33
Irritated Eyes, 20
Irritated Skin, 12
Junk Food, 7
Kidney Failure, 12, 13, 14, 23
Leeks, 16
Lethargy, 5, 16, 17, 20, 25, 28
Liver Failure, Damage, 13, 21, 32, 33
Loss of Appetite, 25, 28
Low Sugar, 32
Lozenges, 32
Macadamia Nuts, 17
Mace, 19
Malignant Hyperthermia, 16
Marijuana, 17
Medication for Humans, 18, 19, 32
Mold, 15, 20, 30
Mouthwash, 32
Mushroom, 31
Mustard, 19
Myristicin, 19
Neurological Disorder, 30
Nutmeg, 19
Nuts, 6, 9, 17, 2, 26, 30
Obesity, 15
Obstruction, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 21, 22, 30, 33
Onions, 9, 14, 20
Out of Date Food, 20
Pancreatitis, 15, 22, 24
Paprika, 20
Parasite, 24, 25
Nuts, 6, 9, 17, 2, 26, 30

Book Title (Optional)

Nuts, 6, 9, 17, 2, 26, 30

Obesity, 15
Obstruction, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 21, 22, 30, 33
Onions, 9, 14, 20
Out of Date Food, 20
Pancreatitis, 15, 22, 24
Paprika, 20
Parasite, 24, 25
Pasta Sauce and Pizza Sauce, 14, 20, 21
Pasteurized, 24
Peach pits
Pecans, 21
Penicillium, 7
Pennyroyal Oil, 21
Peppers, 20, 22
Persimmon, 22
Persin, 6
Pet Insurance, 35
Pistachios, 22
Pits, 6, 9, 21, 22
Plums, 21, 22
Potatoes, Green and Raw, 23
Processed Meats, 27
Raisins, 10, 23
Rash, 13
Raw Cashews, 23
Raw Eggs, 24
Raw Meat, 24
Raw Salmon, 25
Rhubarb, 25, 28
Roquefortine, 7
Salmonella, 8, 24, 25
Salt, 7, 15, 26, 27
Salted Nuts, 26
Sausages, 27
Seeds, 6, 19
Seizures, 7, 8, 16, 19, 26, 27, 30
Shallots, 28
Skin Irritation, 22
Soda, 8, 28
Sodium, 26
Soliene, 23
Spices, 27

Chapter Title (Optional)

Starfruit, 28
Sausages, 27
Seeds, 6, 19
Seizures, 7, 8, 16, 19, 26, 27, 30
Shallots, 28
Skin Irritation, 22
Soda, 8, 28
Sodium, 26
Soliene, 23
Spices, 27
Starfruit, 28
Stomach Ache, Pain, 5, 6, 7, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28, 30
Stomach Rupture, 33
Stone Fruit, 6, 21, 22
Sugar, 10, 28, 32
Surgery, 33
Sweetener, 32
Tachycardia, 19
Tea , 9, 29
Tea Tree Oil, 29
Theobromine, 10
Thiosulphate, 9, 14, 16, 20. 28
Thirsty, 26
Tomato Leaves, Stems, 30
Toothpaste, 32
Topical Flea Medication, 29
Training, 35
Tremorgenic Mycotoxins, 30
Tremors, 7, 9, 17, 23, 25, 28, 29, 30
Trouble Breathing, 5, 17
Unripe Green Tomatoes, 30
Upstream Swimming Fish, 25
Vomiting, 7, 9,13, 17, 20, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 32
Walnuts, 30
Weakness, 25, 28, 29
Wild Mushrooms, 31
Wormwood, 31
Xylitol, 10, 15, 28, 32, 33
Yeast Dough, 33

Book Title (Optional)


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