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Group 4
Topic: Impact of mother tongue on learner’s performance in English language (speaking).
Nowadays, English is considered second language in the world and necessary thing in
communication, study and work. In fact, when knowing English, people can find a good job,
have new foreign friends, approach knowledge sources from everywhere in the globe and feel
more confident . It is the reason that many people cultivate and improve the language.
However, in the learning process, learners meet some hard problems about listening,
grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and especially speaking which learners aim first
although it is not easy for reasons. And impact of mother tongue is one of the main causes
which obstruct learners’ performance in English language. Therefore, to clear the issue,
researchers carry out study which are seen on newspapers, magazines or books. Besides, the
paper will help learners understand and avoid affect of mother tongue in English speaking. It
mentions three article of Pal,S., Subandowo,D.,& Sriprabha,M. on the Internet.
Paul, S. (2013). Mother tongue influence on spoken English. International Conference ITC
for Language Learning 6th ed, 6, 1-5.
Examines affect of mother tongue on the Indian learners in English speaking. The article
compares the variance between English and Hindi sound system and how these things make
difficult in second language sound network receiving. According to the research, popular
cause of incorret speaking is wrong transfer from native language . This is guess windly,
ambiguously and absence of exactitude or language skill. Almost mistakes are occured by the
difference in sound language and false exlaining about spelling signs. Although speaking
wrong the easiest words, it leads to change meaning and no effect in communication.
Moreover, English learning in mother tongue enviroment is a big challenge. Researcher uses
three instrument to test. It contains questionnaires, pre-test and 50 teaching activities.
Thoughout the research, researcher shows main pronunciation issue fields are confronted by
Hindi speakers. Therefore, understanding and admitting right spoken language develop the
spoken skill of learners in many respects. The consequence is helping Indian learners to
comprehend and have meaning in classroom and teaching schedule.
Subandowo, D. (2017). Challenges and opportunities in multi-dimensional English language
teaching in changing EFL contexts. The Fifth International Seminar on English Language and
Teaching (ISELT-5), 79, 205-210.
Explores the interference of language on English speaking. This research describes forms of
language interference in speaking skill and impacts of mother tongue on Indonesians learners
in English. Researcher indicates three major hard issues that students meet when speaking
English. First of all, students are not easy to discriminate between the same sounds. The
second difficult problem is creating English pronounciation way. The last one is they have
tendency to search problems in uttering the sounds which do not have available in
Indonesians. To study clearly these things, researcher uses questionnaires and recording
technique at Muhammadiyah University of Metro with 40 second semester students. When
learning English, students are affected for negative of mother tongue. Because this is the
custom and living environment, which make the basis of native language, they usually
communicate by the language instead of English. It leads to low interaction and incorrect
speaking in English learning. From the study, research advances great influences on
pronunciation for various sounds and available rules in mother tongue. This is a part that
impedes English learning.
Sriprabha, M. (2015). A study on mother tongue influence in English communication.
International Journal of English Literature and Culture, 3, 296-300.
Examines impacfs of the mother tongue in English speaking for Indian students comunity.
The study talks that they speak wrong word order and add a sound into the end of words
because they are influenced by the mother tongue way. Beside that, their language is super
separate sounds and pronunciation with English. Therefore, when meet the lighter sounds,it
becomes a difficult issue for them. In addition, mistakes in proununciation are created by
variance the sound system and spelling symbols between the mother tongue and English. The
result of the article is learners are difficult to overcome fossilised sound system of the mother
language to receive pronunciation and sound system of English language. Thus, the mother
language hinders big in English learning of Indian.
Through these articles, everyone can know more the mother tongue influences on English
learners. Although the first study is rather spare, others are complete and specific. The
language was acquired from just born. Consequently, to evade its effects, it is very hard
because it is very habit. In addition, difference the sound system and spelling symbols in the
mother tongue and English is large. Thus, errors of pronunciation and speaking way are
unavoidable. However, there are many ways to surmount these things as the third research
mentions. Also, people should understand problem which they contract. From that point, they
find suitable method to improve it. Moreover, teachers should update and change teaching
method. I think that reseachers need investigate impact of mother tongue on learners’
performance in English speaking of some countries in the world. From the place, they can
bring a lot of possitive solution in spoken English. It tens to communicate of everyone from
everywhere in the globe.

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