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得到较快发展,2018 年经济增长率达到 5.17%。2019 年 4 月 17 日,











一、 印尼经济状况

2018 年,印尼经济增长率 5.17%,位居 G20 国家第三位,G20 国

家经济增长率排名为:印度 7.3%、中国 6.6%、印尼 5.17%。印尼 2018

年人均收入 3927 美元,GDP 总量 1.042 万亿美元。


在稳定发展,未来经济增长也会加速升高,预测 4 年之后 2023 年,

印尼的经济增长率可达 5.4%,其国内生产总值(GDP)将高居世界第
6 位。研究报告还预估印尼在 2023 年的人均收入可达 5120 美元,印

尼 GDP 在全球总产值的比重约达 2.8%,超越俄罗斯、巴西、英国和法

国等成为世界第 6,2015 年开始印尼 GDP 位居世界第 7 位。

二、 印尼卫生和医疗体系


三、 印尼卫生和医疗行业情况

以下数据,除特例标识,为 2018 年底数据。

1、 人口

印尼总人口 2.65 亿,其中男性 1.331 亿,女性 1.319 亿,男女比

例 101::100。
育龄妇女(15-49 岁)7072 万人,育龄妇女(15-39 岁)5251 万

人,在孕人数 529 万人,已生产人数 505 万人。

2、 基尼系数

印 尼 2013 至 2018 年 , 全 国 基 尼 系 数 分 别 为


国开发署的规定,基尼系数 0.30-0.39 为中等级别,0.4 作为收入分


3、 医院数量

社区医院:各省组织传统卫生服务的社区医院数量,2018 年印尼

全国社区医院总数 9993 家。
综合医院:印尼全国综合医院 5626 家。

2018 年印度尼西亚医院数量表


中央政府 地区政府 私人医院 合计

卫生部 警察 军队 省 县 城市

尼 66 90 240 136 282 1058 180 3574 5626

1.17% 1.60% 4.27% 2.42% 5.01% 18.81% 3.20% 63.53% 100%

2018 印度尼西亚综合医院床位情况表
中央政府 地区政府 私人医院 合计
卫生部 警察 军队 省 县 城市
15 45 113 55 91 527 87 1336 2269
病床 11086 5213 12269 6054 22441 77509 17369 129141 281082
比例 3.94% 1.85% 4.36% 2.15% 7.98% 27.58% 6.18% 45.94% 100.00%


印度尼西亚专业医护人员 1182808 人,医生辅助人员 296320 人。

注册医生总数 205597 人,其中:综合医生 134459 人,专科医生 29721

人,牙科医生 41417 人。


2018 年印尼政府用于医疗卫生的预算支出 434 亿美元,实际支

付 402 亿美元,占预算支出的 92.72%。医疗卫生行业支付的款项中

政府拨款 313 亿美元,非税收入 2.82 亿美元,公共服务机构 80.77

亿美元,外国援助金 5.8 亿美元。政府拨款占总支出的 77.86%。




据 WHO 南亚地区办事处的统计:癌症占据了印尼总死亡率的 6.6%,



也是传染病发生率较高的国家,每天约有 1500 名儿童死于肺结核、

疟疾和肺炎;印尼的产妇死亡率也高于发达国家平均水平 45 倍。

1 心血管疾病、癌症 37%
2 传染性疾病、围产期死亡和营养缺乏症 22%
3 心脏病 13%
4 其它非传染性疾病 10%
5 受伤导致的死亡 7%
6 糖尿病 6%
7 慢性呼吸道疾病 5%








0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%















四、 社会保障及保险情况

2014 年 1 月 1 日,印尼建立了自己的社会保险体系,简称 BPJS,

医保是其中的一个分支,保险的名称国民健康保险 JKN,与中国的“城

、“新型农村合作医疗保险”相类似。2018 年参

与国民健康保险 JKN 的参保人数 2.08 亿,2018 年参与国民健康保险

(JKN)覆盖范围 79.44%。

参与国民健康保险 JKN 的人(包括持有工作签证参保的外国人)


 缴费比例,单位 4%,个人 1%。这 1%是保全家的。

 全民参保,保费低廉,终生缴费。

 保医保药,免费食宿,不用现金,上不封顶。

 根据病情,逐级转院,手续简洁,全国通用。

 条件有限,人满为患,大病困难。






数量也多于公立医院,占印尼总医院数的 63.53%。私立医院的收入来


 各类私人保险。

 国有企业和大型企业的员工,享受私立医院就诊,费用由单


 国民健康保险 JKN 的部分项目。

 自费。

五、 医用诊疗机器人情况



六、 市场和计划

以印尼第三大城市棉兰为例。我们筛选了 5 家医院,分别是:

1、 Hospital Columbia Asia- Medan

筑面积 12.065 平方米,拥有 217 张病床和 37 个门诊诊所,
拥有 231 名高素质医生,是一家多专科医院。
提供 24 小时意外和急诊室,哥伦比亚亚洲棉兰专注于
企业患者 - 40%
保险患者 - 40% (包括私人保险和国民健康保险)
个人 - 20%
2、 Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat H.Adam Malik

H.Adam Malik 医院是一家综合医院,于 1993 年 7 月 21 日正

式建成,是隶属于卫生部的综合医院,医院有 790 张病床,是棉


其 它 三 家 私 立 医 院 分 别 为 : Columbia Asia Hospital , Siloam

Hospital , Murni Teguh Hospital。各有医疗特点。


诺 e 人工智能医疗系统在印尼属于新鲜事物,印尼的医院及医疗


也需要不断学习,即要充分了解诺 e 的技术和性能,又要了解印尼医



诺 e 系统进入印尼的方法,以及在实践中发现存在的问题,为可能的






1、 授权开展印尼诺 e 人工智能医疗系统的试点工作。

2、 提供技术支持。

3、 提供试点样机及人员技术培训。
Indonesia's Health and Medical Industry

Indonesia (hereinafter referred to as "Indonesia") is the

largest population country in Southeast Asia and the

fourth largest population country in the world. In recent

years, the Indonesian government in Joko Widodo has

been actively developing its economy. The economy has

developed rapidly, with the economic growth rate

reaching 5.17% in 2018. On April 17, 2019, the new

Indonesian president was elected. Now, according to the

fast calculation of votes, President Joko Widodo is re-

elected. On the whole, President Joko Widodo's re-

election has had a stable and positive impact on Sino-

Indonesian bilateral relations. The Indonesian

government will continue to deepen all-round

cooperation with China within the framework of its

comprehensive strategic partnership with China. In

President Xi's words, it is a three-dimensional

cooperation that goes from heaven to sea. In particular,

the docking between China's the belt and road initiative

and Indonesia's ocean pivot strategy will be further

In recent years, a large number of China's infrastructure

companies have entered the Indonesian market,

undertaking many key Indonesian construction projects

such as Yawan High-speed Railway, and many resource

investment and development projects, such as Qingshan

Aluminum, have also taken part and achieved good

economic and social benefits. Chinese enterprises do not

enter much into the health and medical industry. Faced

with Indonesia's huge market and rapid development, it

is the right time to lay out the Indonesian market.

I. Indonesia's Economic Situation

In 2018, Indonesia's economic growth rate was 5.17%,

ranking third among G20 countries. G20 countries'

economic growth rates were 7.3% in India, 6.6% in China

and 5.17% in Indonesia. Indonesia's per capita income in

2018 was 3,927 US dollars and Gross Domestic Product's

total was 1.042 trillion US dollars.

A research report recently issued by the International

Monetary Fund (IMF) said that Indonesia's economy is

developing steadily and its economic growth will

accelerate in the future. It is predicted that Indonesia's

economic growth rate will reach 5.4% in 2023 after 4

years, and its gross domestic product (Gross Domestic

Product) will rank 6th in the world. The report also

estimates that Indonesia's per capita income in 2023 will

reach 5,120 US dollars, and Indonesia's Gross Domestic

Product will account for about 2.8% of the world's total

output value, surpassing Russia, Brazil, Britain and France

to become the world's sixth, and Indonesia's Gross

Domestic Product will be the world's seventh from 2015


II. Indonesia's Health and Medical System

The Organizational Structure of Indonesia's National

Health System

Organization Structure of Indonesian Local Health System

III. Indonesia's Health and Medical Industry

The following data, with the exception of special case

identification, are the end of 2018.

1. Population

Indonesia has a total population of 265 million, of which

133.1 million are men and 131.9 million are women, with

a gender ratio of 101.100.

There are 70.72 million women of childbearing age (15-

49 years old), 52.51 million women of childbearing age

(15-39 years old), 5.29 million pregnant and 5.05 million


2. Gini coefficient

From 2013 to 2018, the Gini coefficient in Indonesia was

0.41, 0.41, 0.40, 0.39, 0.39 and 0.38 respectively, showing

a downward trend year by year. According to the

regulations of the United Nations Development

Programme, the Gini coefficient of 0.30-0.39 is of

medium grade, and 0.4 serves as the "warning line" for

income distribution gap.

The reality is that Indonesia's rich and middle class are

very rich.

3. Number of hospitals

Community hospitals: the number of community

hospitals that organize traditional health services in all

provinces, with a total of 9993 community hospitals in

Indonesia in 2018.
General hospitals: 5,626 general hospitals across


Number of Indonesian Hospitals in 2018

Number of Indonesian Hospitals in Indonesia

Central government, regional government, private

hospitals combined

Ministry of Health, Police, Army, Other State-owned

Enterprises, Provinces, Counties and Cities

Indonesia 66 90 240 136 282 1058 180 3574 5626

Proportion: 1.17%, 1.60%, 4.27%, 2.42%, 5.01%, 18.81%,

3.20%, 63.53%, 100%

Table of Beds in Indonesia General Hospital 2018

Number of hospital beds in Indonesia's Indonesia


Central government, regional government, private

hospitals combined

Ministry of Health, Police, Army, Other State-owned

Enterprises, Provinces, Counties and Cities

Number of general hospitals 15 45 113 55 91 527 87

1336 2269

Hospital bed 11086 5213 12269 6054 22441 77509 17369

129141 281082
Proportion 3.94%, 1.85%, 4.36%, 2.15%, 7.98%, 27.58%,

6.18%, 45.94%, 100.00%

5. Health Human Resources

Indonesia has 118,2808 medical professionals and

296,320 doctors. The total number of registered doctors

is 205,597, including 134,459 doctors, 29,721 specialists

and 41,417 dentists.

6. Health Financing

In 2018, the Indonesian government spent US$ 43.4

billion on health care, and actually paid US$ 40.2 billion,

accounting for 92.72% of the budgeted expenditure. The

government allocated US$ 31.3 billion, non-tax revenue

US$ 282 million, public service agencies US$ 8.077 billion

and foreign aid US$ 580 million among the payments

made by the health care industry. The government

allocated 77.86% of the total expenditure.

7. Major Diseases

Indonesia has a serious disease burden: high morbidity

and mortality. Indonesia is currently facing a serious

disease burden, of which cancer and cardiovascular

diseases are the two diseases with the highest incidence.

According to statistics from WHO's South Asia Regional

Office, cancer accounts for 6.6% of the total death rate in

Indonesia, higher than that in other parts of the world.

Cervical cancer is the most common type of cancer

among Indonesian women. Lung cancer caused by

smoking is also a disease with high incidence rate. The

number of diabetics is also increasing day by day.

Indonesia is also a country with a high incidence of

infectious diseases, with about 1500 children dying of

tuberculosis, malaria and pneumonia every day.

Indonesia's maternal mortality rate is 45 times higher

than the average in developed countries.

Mortality Rate Caused by Diseases in Indonesia

1 Cardiovascular disease, cancer 37%

2 Infectious diseases, perinatal mortality and 22% in

nutritional deficiency

Heart disease 13%

4 other non-communicable diseases 10%

5 7% of deaths due to injuries

Diabetes mellitus 6%

Chronic respiratory diseases 5%

Major Diseases in Indonesia:

1. Cerebrovascular or neovascular diseases.

2. Ischemic heart disease.

3. Diabetes with complications.

4. Respiratory tuberculosis.

5. Hypertension or complications of hypertension.

6. Respiratory diseases, especially chronic obstructive

pulmonary diseases (respiratory diseases or chronic

obstructive pulmonary diseases).

7. Liver disease or heart disease (liver or liver disease).

8. Traffic accidents (traffic accidents).

9. Pneumonia.

10. Diarrhea or gastroenteritis from infection.

11. Myocardial infarction.

12. Urinary diseases.

13. Cancer or lymphoma

IV. Social Security and Insurance

On January 1, 2014, Indonesia established its own social

insurance system, called BPJS for short. Medical insurance

is one of its branches. The name of the insurance is

National Health Insurance JKN, which is similar to China's

"Basic Medical Insurance for Urban Employees" and "The

new rural cooperative medical insurance". The number of

people participating in the national health insurance JKN

in 2018 was 208 million, and the coverage of the national

health insurance (JKN) in 2018 was 79.44%.

People who participate in JKN (including foreigners with

work visas) can enjoy medical services in public hospitals

in Indonesia. The basic characteristics of Indonesia's

health insurance:

The proportion of payment is 4% for units and 1% for

individuals. This 1% is for security guards.

All people are insured, with low premiums and lifetime


Health insurance drugs, free accommodation, no cash, no


According to the patient's condition, they are transferred

to hospital step by step. The procedures are simple and

common throughout the country.

Limited conditions, overcrowding, serious illness


Indonesia's government has promised medical services

including no limited use of drugs and no payment ceiling.

The actual situation is that the drugs provided by the

medical insurance are all basic drugs, and the laboratory

tests are also individual tests. In addition, Indonesia's

public hospitals and community hospitals have limited

medical resources. It is difficult to obtain high medical

conditions in a timely and assured manner.

In view of the limited medical resources in Indonesia's

community hospitals and public hospitals, there are many

private hospitals in Indonesia. The medical conditions of

private hospitals are far better than those of public

hospitals. The number of private hospitals is also higher

than that of public hospitals, accounting for 63.53% of

the total number of hospitals in Indonesia. Sources of

income for private hospitals:

All kinds of private insurance.

Employees of state-owned enterprises and large-scale

enterprises enjoy treatment in private hospitals at the

unit's expense.

Some items of JKN National Health Insurance.

At one's own expense.

Five, medical diagnosis and treatment robot

Through consulting Indonesian periodicals and networks,

communicating with professional doctors, and

communicating with medical officials, there is no record

of using artificial intelligence in Indonesia.

VI. Markets and Plans

Take Medan, Indonesia's third largest city, as an example.

We screened five hospitals, namely:

1、 Hospital Columbia Asia- Medan

Columbia Asian Hospital Medan Hospital is the best

private hospital in Medan. With a construction area of

12.065 square meters, 217 beds, 37 outpatient clinics and

231 high-quality doctors, it is a multi-specialty hospital.

Providing 24-hour accident and emergency rooms,

Medan Asia, Colombia specializes in surgery, pediatrics,

cardiac centers and other general medical services, such

as family health centers, health check-ups, pain clinics,

sports clinics, physiotherapy, beauty clinics, etc.,

supported by pharmacies, radiology and laboratories.

Patient composition:

Enterprise patients-40%

Insured patients-40% (including private insurance and

national health insurance)


2、 Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat H.Adam Malik

H.Adam Malik hospital is a general hospital, officially

completed on July 21, 1993. it is a general hospital

affiliated to the Ministry of health. it has 790 beds and is

the largest public general hospital in Medan.

The other three private hospitals are columbia asia

hospital, siloam hospital and murnett guh hospital. Each

has its own medical characteristics.


Noe artificial intelligence medical system is a new thing in

Indonesia. Indonesia's hospitals and medical system need

a process of understanding and acceptance. On the other

hand, as the promoter of the project, we also need to

keep learning, that is, to fully understand the technology

and performance of NOE, and also to understand the

needs of Indonesia's medical system, so as to make the

product and the market connect well. We believe that the

project is in the market research period, and the current

focus of work is to find out the way to enter Indonesia

through trial in one or several hospitals, and find out the

existing problems in practice, so as to create conditions

for possible market cultivation period and market

promotion period. As a high-tech product, it is difficult to

achieve success in a quick way.

Based on the above understanding, at present we plan to

focus on the five hospitals selected above, introduce the

products, understand the hospital's thoughts and

attitudes, and try to make pilot use in several hospitals


We hope Nuoankang will give us support at this stage:

1. Authorize the pilot work of Indonesia's Nuoe Artificial

Intelligence Medical System.

2. Provide technical support.

3. Provide pilot prototype and technical training for


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