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Statistical Interpretation of Experimental Data &

Regression Analysis
(Multiple Choice Question)

Submitted by: 18-MS-FT-TSE-05 & 18-MS-PT-TSE-06

1-A process by which we estimate the value of dependent variable on the basis of one or
more independent variables is called
(a) Correlation (b) Regression (c) Residual (d) Slope

2-The method of least squares dictates that we choose a regression line where the sum
of the square of deviations of the points from the line is
(a) Maximum (b) Minimum (c) Zero (d) Positive

3-A relationship where the flow of the data points is best represented by a curve is called
(a) Linear relationship (b) Nonlinear relationship (c) Linear positive (d) Linear negative

4-The value we would predict for the dependent variable when the independent variables are
all equal to zero is called
(a) Slope (b) Sum of residual (c) Intercept (d) Difficult to tell

5-The slope of the regression line of Y on X is also called the

(a) Correlation coefficient of X on Y (b) Correlation coefficient of Y on X
(c) Regression coefficient of X on Y (d) Regression coefficient of Y on X

6-The straight line graph of the linear equation Y = a + bX, slope is horizontal if
(a) b = 0 (b) b ≠ 0 (c) b = 1 (d) a = b

7-When regression line passes through the origin, then

(a) Intercept is zero (b) Regression coefficient is zero (c) Correlation is zero (d)
Association is zero

8-When two regression coefficients bear same algebraic signs, and then correlation
coefficient is
(a) Positive (b) Negative (c) According to two signs (d) Zero

9-A measure of the strength of the linear relationship that exists between two variables
is called
(a) Slope (b) Intercept (c) Correlation coefficient (d) Regression equation

10-The value of the coefficient of correlation “r” lies between

(a) 0 and 1 (b) -1 and 0 (c) -1 and +1 (d) -0.5 and +0.5
11-A regression model may be
(a) Linear (b) Non-linear (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these

12-When the two regression lines are parallel to each other, and then their slopes are
(a) Zero (b) Different (c) Same (d) Positive

13-The term regression was used by

(a) Newton (b) Pearson (c) Spearman (d) Galton

14-Positive regression coefficient indicates that the movements of the variables are in
(a) Same direction (b) Opposite direction (c) Upward direction (d) Downward

15-Negative regression coefficient indicates that the movements of the variables are in
(a) Same direction (b) Opposite direction (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) Difficult to tell

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