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Correct sentences before a good essay !
掌握 CCC-Check(查)-动词; Cut(切); Count
和 TSVC table-Time; Subject; Verb; Complement
Section C Question 2


-friends (noun)-flying(verb)-kites(noun)-wind(noun)-landed(verb-past tense)-tree(noun)-全部用 past

tense, 不可能是 present tense!

尽量别用“I”, 用单名字如 Alex, he, she was/were/is /are/am

Time/Linker Subject Verb Complement

T 时间 S 主语 V 动词 C 补充词语
Last Friday, Henry and his were flying Kites at the park
The wind was strong
Henry’s kite Landed on a tree
Time/Linker Subject Verb Complement
T 时间 S 主语 V 动词 C 补充词语
After that, Henry climbed up the tree to get his kite
Out of the blue, the branch broke
Henry fell onto the ground

Time/Linker Subject Verb Complement

T 时间 S 主语 V 动词 C 补充词语
Henry’s friends came to the hospital to visit him
They brought a new kite for Henry
Henry was happy

61 words / 80 words - 不够字,怎么办?补充一些剧情/情景,加 closure 结尾

Last Friday, Henry and his friends were flying kites at the park. But, the wind was too strong and
snapped the string of Henry’s kite. His kite was blown away and then it landed on a tree.

After that, Henry climbed up the tree to get the kite. Out of the blue, the branch he was stepping
broke. Henry fell onto the ground. Later, he was sent to the hospital.

The next day, Henry’s friends came to the hospital to visit him. They brought a new kite for
Henry. Henry was as happy as a lark. At last, Henry had learnt his lesson and promised not to repeat the

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