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Blakemore 1

Victoria Blakemore

Leigh Ann Moore

English 1301-01

1 May 2019

Reflective Essay

Over the course of the last 16 weeks, my writing has evolved even further into a lovely

form of expressing my opinions or informing my audience. Some of the assignments proved to

be more challenging than others, but nevertheless I persisted and am satisfied with my growth in

my writing style. By using my instructor’s feedback and implementing new formulas and

strategies for completing assignments I was able to carry out a great deal of work in a relatively

short amount of time. Using a combination of my earlier skill set along with inserting new tools

into my writing repertoire, I was able to develop my writing skills even further to become a more

effective communicator with my writing.

Overall the most beneficial aspects of this course were the one on one time that I had

with my instructor. My biggest set back in my writing is my own inner thoughts about how it

will be perceived. My writing process usually starts with brainstorming and getting all my ideas

out onto paper, then a lot of revising takes place. My conferences with my instructor, were so

helpful in knowing if I was on the right path with my paper and therefore I looked forward to my

time in them. They provided me with a new-found confidence when it came to my writing and

allowed me to complete my tasks with pride and accomplishment.

In putting a collection of my work together I can see the effort that was put forth and can

now relish in the process that it took to get there. One of my most challenging papers by far to

put together was my report essay on the Electoral College. I was lost in a sea of research and
Blakemore 2

kept changing my paper repeatedly to incorporate multiple sides and history of a system that has

been in place for over 200 years. I just kept writing and sifting through information and

resources to come up with the best paper that I could. It was exhausting to say the least and I had

no idea if I was on the right path until I met with my professor and she confirmed how pleased

she was with it. For me, narrowing down my ideas into clear and concise language is the most

impactful and challenging part of my writing process. It is important for me to allow my creative

juices to flow, but even more important is the process of editing in order to get my message


Looking back at all that I have learned in this class, I will take this into my future and

will find it quite useful in the medical industry. I plan on working as a Neurodiagnostic-

Technologist in the future and communicating through writing will be effective when

interpreting the results of the tests that I perform and communicating those results with doctors

and patients alike. Analysis is going to be a daily activity and refining those skills in this class

will help me to look at something and then effectively demonstrate the images and findings in a

clear and concise way to my audience. I will forever take with me the lessons I have learned in

this class and apply them to my career. Being able to effectively communicate with my audience

will be key to treatment with my patients and may ultimately mean the difference between life

and death.

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