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Crystal Huynh

CUIN 3313

Technology is being used more often and by more people today. And it is evident that the

technology usage will be increased over the years. People are starting to rely on technology but

fail to realize that technology can cause harm to the human body. When people are occupied

with their technology, they do not think about the effects that can happen to them. Technology

can cause physical harm and as years come by, it can turn into an illness. People must be

informed about this before it is too late, and that is ergonomics. Ergonomics is about fitting the

workplace for the worker to reduce discomfort and remove risk factors. There 10 ways that

workers can be healthy when using technology in the workplace.

Eye, Back, and Musculoskeletal Exercises

It is important that exercises are incorporated when workers use a computer for their job.

Although some people may think it is unnecessary because they are already comfortable and

have a good posture when sitting down, working in the same posture for long periods is not

healthy because it can cause limited mobility and tension (Canadian Centre for Occupational

Health and Safety, 2019). Prolonged sitting can cause fatigue in the back and neck muscles by

slowing the blood supply, put high tension in the spine, and a compression on the spinal discs

that can contribute to premature degeneration. Here is some type of exercises that will prevent

serious conditions: eye exercises, back exercises, musculoskeletal exercises, and proper rest. Eye

exercises can be done by eye comfort, eye movements, and change of focus; back exercises can

be done by doing a partial sit-up, a bridge, and a wall slide; musculoskeletal exercises can be
done by deep breathing, stretches, and massages; and proper rest by lying down or sideways

(National Institutes of Health, 2016).

Desk, Chair, and Monitor

Workers whose job involve working on the computer and sitting, it is important that the

design and location of the office equipment is appropriate and adjusted. The chair must support

the spine with armrests so that arms are rested, and shoulders relaxed. A desk should have

clearance for the knees, thighs, and feet so that there is comfort when moving around in the

chair. The monitor should be placed directly in from of the worker with an arm length away so

that it is easier to view (Mayo Clinic, 2019). Sometimes workplaces may not even provide an

ergonomic chair which can be a serious issue for both the company and the workers. If workers

are not able to work in a comfortable environment, workers may face serious damages with their

body in which the company must pay for. To prevent this from happening, companies should

turn their workplace into an ergonomic workplace to save a lot of money and their workers as



Back pain is very common among computer users. Back pain is often ignored, and people

still continue to go on the computer. When there is pain, something is wrong. It is true that back

pain can go away the minute people stop working from the computer, but the truth lies far

beyond. Back pain is the result of a poor posture. Poor posture can cause poor joint alignment,

pain in the muscles, compression of disc and joint structures, and reduced blood flow to muscles

resulting in fatigue (Spectrum Physio, 2012). When workers feel fatigue, they feel too tired to do

their job and negatively impact work performance.

Eye Protection

A person’s eyes should be protected from the work environment. When workers are on the

computer for long periods, their eyes are overworked. Since the human eye has evolved from

seeing a three-dimensional world to a two-dimensional screen on the monitor, it will take extra

effort for the eyes to focus on the screen. In addition, the lighting of the workplace is important for

the visibility of the monitor of the screen. Lighting should be in a softly lit and dim to eliminate

the glare and hard shadows (Princeton University, 2019).

Take an Eye break and Micro break

Because working in an office can result in 8 hours and over sitting and working on the

computer, it is best to take breaks. When the eyes are often trained on the computer for so long,

the eyes can be harmed. This can cause Computer Vision Syndrome, which can lead to blurred

vision, dry, red-itchy eyes, headaches, and even back and neck problems (Whowell, 2017). Taking

a vision break can help. In addition, a micro break should be taken as well. Micro breaks are short

but useful. It is a good idea to stretch, stand up, move around, or do a different work task (Hedge,

2018). It is important that a micro break is not a break from work, but a break for using the set of

muscles that are used when working.

Ergonomics in the workplace is beneficial for workers mentally and physically. Having the

right equipment, the location of equipment, doing exercises, and taking breaks will ensure that

workings are healthy and comfortable. These 10 ways to be healthy in the workplace when using

technology will make a big difference of the well-being of workers by preventing complications.

Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety. (2019). Working in a sitting position-

overview. Retrieved from

Mayo Clinic. (2019). Office ergonomics: your how-to guide. Retrieved from


National Institutes of Health. (2019). Health and wellness. Retrieved from


Princeton University. (2019). Ergonomics & computer use. Retrieved from

Spectrum Physio. (2012). Workplace posture and ergonomics. Retrieved from

Whowell, M. (2017). Workplace ergonomics: take a break!. Retrieved from

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