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RC 1000
Research Project—Peer Review Guidelines

1. Is the project formatted using MLA convention (i.e., double spaced, 12 pt.
font, Works Cited page, etc.)?
2. Does the project meet the required length and integrate the required number
of sources with in-text quotes and parenthetical citations?
3. Does the author introduce the argument and the rhetorical
situation/contexts—social, political, historical, cultural—for this project?
Yes, the author introduces both opinions of society on veganism, and the
historical background of vegetarian diets.
4. What is the title of the project, and is it unique yet relevant?
“Is Veganism Truly the Healthiest Diet,” this is a relevant title.
5. What is the purpose of this text? What does the author hope to achieve?
(Provide a brief summary of the project and the author’s main points.)
The author intends to understand if a vegan diet is more beneficial than a traditional

6. What is the writer’s attitude toward the subject?

The author seems to be somewhat unbiased when speaking about each side
of the argument, but shows bias toward a traditional diet.
7. What authorities does the writer rely on or appeal to in order to make their
Appeals aren’t necessarily used, but lots of scientific evidence and background is
used to establish credibility.
8. Who is its intended audience, how do you know?
The intended audience seems to be the general public, more specifically those who
are unsure about veganism.

9. Ethos: Explain the character and background of the author and how that
influence the text’s overall effectiveness. Is this person credible and
trustworthy? Why? What is this person’s bias? What do you know about him
or her that would influence your interpretation of the text?

The author shows bias towards a traditional diet, the author was raised on a
traditional diet, so that may have influenced their opinion.
10. Pathos: Describe the emotional appeals within the text and how they
influence the text’s overall effectiveness. What emotions do the author
appeal to? How? Are these emotional appeals effective? If so, for whom?

11. Logos: Describe the logical appeals within the text and how they influence
the text’s overall effectiveness. What logic, reason, facts, statistics are
presented? What evidence is used to convince the audience? What facts are
used in the argument? What and whose logic?

12. Do you see logical fallacies in play?

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