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Dundigal, Hyderabad-500043




Course Code : A70139-R15
Year : 2018 – 2019
CourseCoordinator : Mr. Ch. Balakrishna, Assistant Professor, Dept of CE
Course Faculty : Dr. J.S.R Prasad, Mr. Ch. Balakrishna, Assistant Professor, Dept of CE


To meet the challenge of ensuring excellence in engineering education, the issue of quality needs to be addressed,
debated and taken forward in a systematic manner. Accreditation is the principal means of quality assurance in
higher education. The major emphasis of accreditation process is to measure the outcomes of the program that is
being accredited. In line with this, Faculty of Institute of Aeronautical Engineering, Hyderabad has taken a lead in
incorporating philosophy of outcome based education in the process of problem solving and career development. So,
all students of the institute should understand the depth and approach of course to be taught through this question
bank, which will enhance learner’s learning process.

Blooms Course
SNo QUESTION taxonomy Outcomes

Part - A(Short Answer Questions)

1 Define wastewater. Remember 2
2 Define wastewater treatment. Remember 2
3 Write a short note on effluent and Influent of a Industry. Understand 1
4 What are different sources of pollution? Understand 2
5 Write the physical properties of Industrial Waste Water. Understand 2
6 Write the Chemical properties of Industrial Waste Water Remember 1
7 Write the Organic properties of Industrial Waste Water. Remember 2
8 Write the Biological properties of Industrial Waste Water. Remember 2
9 Write a short note on Domestic waste water. Remember 2
10 Write a short note on Industrial waste water. Remember 2
11 On what factors the selection of particular process for treating the effluent Understand 2
of Industrial Waste Water? Write three alternatives for the disposal of the
industrial wastes.
12 What are the Characteristics of Industrial Wastes? Give short note on Remember 2
Inorganic Salts and Acids or Alkalis.
13 What are the Characteristics of Industrial Wastes? Give short note on organic Remember 2
Matter and Suspended Solids
14 Write a short note on Floating Solids and Liquids. Remember 2
15 Give a note on Heated Water in view of Industrial waste. Understand 2
16 What are the effects of industrial effluents on sewers? Understand 2
17 What are the effects of industrial effluents on Natural water bodies? Understand 2
18 Write short note on BOD and COD. Understand 2
19 Write short note on Total organic carbon (TOC) and Theoretical oxygen Understand 2
20 List the Steps involved in Primary treatment of waste water . Understand 2
Part - B (Long Answer Questions)
1 Explain in detail about the different sources of Industrial waste waters. Remember 1
2 Discuss in detail about the Physical properties of Industrial wastewater. Understand 1
3 Discuss in detail about the Chemical properties of Industrial wastewater. Understand 2
4 Discuss in detail about the Organic properties of Industrial wastewater. Remember 2
5 Discuss in detail about the Biological properties of Industrial wastewater. Understand 2
6 Explain the difference between Industrial and Municipal wastewaters. Remember 2
7 Explain in detail the effects of Industrial effluents on sewers. Understand 2
8 Explain in detail the effects of Industrial effluents on Natural water bodies. Understand 1
9 Give the detailed information with respect to Waste water sources and its Understand 1
10 Give the detailed information with respect to manufacturing process. Remember 1
11 Describe the following characteristics of waste water in detail of the Understand 1
following 1. pH, 2. Solids, 3. BOD, 4. COD, 5. Heavy Metals.
12 State the various types of benefits of water pollution control by doing Understand 2
treatment of industrial waste.
13 State the importance of Industrial waste treatment. Understand 2
14 What are the factors affecting self purification of polluted streams? Give Understand 2
suggestions to control.
15 Explain briefly the methods of removal of suspended solids from industrial Remember 2
waste water.
16 Define Industrial waste water and explain how it is different from Domestic Understand 2
Part – A (Short Answer Questions)
1 List the different stages of waste water treatment. Remember 2
2 Draw the neat sketch of different stages of wastewater treatment plant. Remember 3
3 Write a short note on Pre-treatment of waste water treatment. Understand 3
4 Write a short note on Primary-treatment of waste water treatment Remember 3
5 Write the different ways involved in Strength Reduction of Industrial waste Remember 3
6 Write a short on Volume Reduction of Industrial waste water Remember 3
7 Write a short on Neutralization of Industrial waste water Remember 3
8 Write a short on Equalization of Industrial waste water Understand 3
9 Write a short on Proportioning of Industrial waste water Remember 3
10 Give a short note on Oil Separation Understand 3
11 What is the process involved in Oil Separation by Floatation Remember 3
12 How solids are removed from industrial effluent Understand 4
13 How Oils and grease removal are removed in Industrial in Industrial effluent Understand 4
14 How biodegradable organic material are removed from Industrial effluent Remember 4
15 Give the different Methods for treating Organic matter Remember 4
16 How acids and alkalis are treated. List methods Understand 4
17 Write the process involved in treating toxic materials Remember 4
18 What are the different physical treatment methods of Industrial wastewater Remember 4
19 What are the different Chemical treatment methods of Industrial wastewater Understand 4
20 What are the different Biological treatment methods of Industrial wastewater Understand 4
Part - B (Long Answer Questions)
1 Explain the necessity of equalization and proportioning for industrial waste Understand 3
water treatment
2 Enumerate the basic theories of Industrial wastewater management and Understand 4
Explain the strength reduction.
3 What is volume reduction? List and explain any four methods of the volume Remember 4
reduction in industrial wastewater
4 What is the necessity of Neutralization in Industrial waste treatment? Understand 4
Explain the working of the same with suitable examples.
5 Explain the process of Oil Separation by floatation method Understand 3
6 Explain about the flow equalization process Understand 3
7 Explain the Neutralization process Remember 4
8 Discuss the phenomenon of discrete sitting of particles inPrimary treatment Remember 4
9 Explain the various methods of volume and strength reduction adopted for Remember 3
the industrial waste
10 Write a short on theory of sedimentation, grit chamber and its importance Understand 4
11 Explain the process of coagulation and sedimentation Remember 3
12 Write a short on solids separation, filtration in Industrial wastewater Understand 4
13 Brief the various aerobic and anaerobic treatment methods conventionally Understand 4
used in industrial wastewater treatment.
14 Draw the sketches of following and explain the mechanism of the treatment Understand 4
1).Stabilization ponds, 2).Oxidation ditch
15 Differentiate the equalization and neutralization of industrial waste water Remember 4
16 Explain the methods used to reduce the volume of the industrial waste water Understand 5
17 Write short notes on On-line and Off-line equalization? Remember 5
18 In what different ways the neutralization of industrial wastes is achieved? Understand 5
19 Explain in detail the process of Pre-Treatment of industrial waste water Understand 5
20 Explain in detail the process of Primary Treatment of industrial waste water Remember 5
Part - A (Short Answer Questions)
1 List the different treatment methods of Wastewater Remember 5
2 Write a short on Nitrification of Industrial waste water Understand 5
3 Write a short on Denitrification of Industrial waste water Understand 5
4 Write the flow sheet of Separate Nitrification System Remember 5
5 Write a short note Biological Denitrification Understand 5
6 Write the flow sheet of Separate Denitrification System Remember 5
7 Give the importance of Phosphorous removal from industrial effluent Remember 5
8 List the different processes involved in removal of Phosphorous removal Remember 5
from industrial effluent
9 Write a short on Membrane technologies in Phosphorous removal Understand 5
10 What is the process involved in chemical treatment in Phosphorous removal Remember 5
11 What is Assimilation in Industrial waste water treatment Understand 5
12 What is EBPR in Industrial waste water treatment Understand 5
13 Write a short note on Absorption process in IWWT Remember 6
14 What is Air Stripping in IWWT? Understand 6
15 List the different methods of wastewater disposal methods Remember 6
16 What do you understand by the term “Dilution” in wastewater disposal Remember 6
17 Give the standards required for the disposal of wastewater by dilution Remember 6
18 List the different types of wastewater receiving waters for dilution. Remember 6
19 Write a short note self-purification of streams Remember 6
20 What is Eutrophication Remember 6
Part - B (Long Answer Questions)
1 Write an essay on heavy metal poisoning and their prevention with a suitable Understand 5
2 Express the need for the effluent standards and stream standards in waste Remember 5
water treatment
3 Write a short notes on disposal of industrial wastewater after the treatment Remember 6
4 What do you understand by equalization, neutralization and proportioning? Understand 6
Give examples from industry
5 Why are solvents, grease, cyanide, phenol and sulphates considered Remember 6
undesirable for discharge into public sewers? Explain
6 Explain briefly the nitrogen removal by biological nitrification and Understand 6
7 Enlist & Explain the Factors Affecting Adsorption . Understand 6
8 Explain the Applications of membrane Technologies in Wastewater Remember 6
9 List various effects of discharging raw industrial waste to the streams. Remember 6
Briefly explain any four
10 Explain briefly the process of removal of phosphorous in industrial waste Understand 6
water treatment
11 Explain briefly the process of removal of Heavy Metal in industrial waste Understand 6
water treatment
12 Discuss briefly on Air stripping and Absorption processes with respect to Understand 6
Industrial waste water treatment.
13 Discuss any two special treatment methods for treating industrial waste water Remember 6
14 Elaborate any two disposal methods of treated industrial waste water Understand 6
Part – C ( Critical Thinking)
1 Nothing is a waste – discuss the statement with respect to industrial waste Remember 6
2 Give the tolerance limits for Industrial effluents to be discharged into inland Understand 6
surface water sources, as ISI standards for BOD5, Temperature, Total
Residual Chlorine and Zinc
3 Give the ISI Standards of Industrial waste water to be discharged on land Remember 6
for irrigation for pH, Oil and Grease, Suspended Solids, BOD5 and Cyanide
Part – A (Short Answer Questions)
1 Give a brief note on sources of wastewater from sugar industry Remember 7
2 What are the different characteristics of sugar industry effluent Remember 7
3 Draw a neat sketch of the process of Sugar Industry Understand 7
4 Give the values of different characteristics of sugar mill waste Remember 7
5 What is the effect of waste from sugar mill on receiving streams Understand 7
6 Give a brief note on sources of wastewater from Food Processing Industries Remember 7
7 What are the different characteristics of Food Processing Industries effluent Understand 7
8 Draw a neat sketch of the process of Food Processing Industries Remember 7
9 Give the values of different characteristics of Food Processing Industrial Understand 7
10 What is the effect of waste from Food Processing Industries on receiving Understand 7
11 Give a brief note on sources of wastewater from Steel industry Remember 7
12 What are the different characteristics of Steel industry effluent Understand 7
13 Draw a neat sketch of the process of Steel Industry Understand 7
14 Give the values of different characteristics of Steel industry waste Remember 7
15 What is the effect of waste from sugar industry on receiving streams Remember 7
16 Give a brief note on sources of wastewater from Petroleum Refineries Remember 7
17 What are the different characteristics of Petroleum Refineries effluent Remember 7
18 Draw a neat sketch of the process of Petroleum Refineries Understand 8
19 Give the values of different characteristics of Petroleum Refineries waste Remember 8
20 What is the effect of waste from Petroleum Refineries on receiving streams Understand 8
Part – B (Long Answer Questions)
1 Characterize the various treatment processes for food and beverage industry Remember 7
waste water. What are the prospects of waste utilization from food industry
2 Describe the impacts of petroleum exploration and its production on the Understand 8
3 Describe in detail some methods for controlling the pollution from food and Remember 7
beverage Industries
4 a) Between BOD and COD, which one usually assumes highervalue for a Understand 8
food plant? Justify your answer.
b) Name two food plants having high value of BOD mentioningthe approx.
range of the values.
c) What is the prescribed safe disposal limit of BOD?
5 Discuss the characteristics of petrochemical Industrial wastewater Remember 8
6 Discuss the characteristics of Sugar mill waste water Understand 8
7 What are the various polluting effluents generated by integrated steel plants? Understand 8
8 Give the characteristics and treatment of the wastes from sugar industry Remember 7
Part - A (Short Answer Questions)
1 Give a brief note on sources of wastewater from Textiles Industry Understand 7
2 What are the different characteristics of Textiles Industry effluent Remember 7
3 Draw a neat sketch of the process of Textiles Industry Remember 7
4 Give the values of different characteristics of Textiles Industry waste Remember 7
5 What is the effect of waste from Textiles Industry on receiving streams Remember 7
6 Give a brief note on sources of wastewater from Tanneries Industry Understand 7
7 What are the different characteristics of Tanneries Industry effluent Remember 7
8 Draw a neat sketch of the process of Tanneries Industry Remember 7
9 Give the values of different characteristics of Tanneries Industry waste Understand 7
10 What is the effect of waste from Tanneries Industry on receiving streams Remember 7
11 Give a brief note on sources of wastewater from Atomic Energy Plants Remember 8
12 What are the different characteristics of Atomic Energy Plants effluent Understand 8
13 Draw a neat sketch of the process Atomic Energy Plants Remember 8
14 Give the values of different characteristics of Atomic Energy Plants waste Understand 8
15 What is the effect of waste from Atomic Energy Plants on receiving streams Remember 8
16 Give a brief note on sources of wastewater from Mineral Processing Remember 8
17 What are the different characteristics of Mineral Processing Industries Remember 8
18 Draw a neat sketch of the process of Petroleum Refineries Remember 8
19 Give the values of different characteristics of Mineral Processing Industries Remember 8
20 What is the effect of waste from Mineral Processing Industries on receiving Remember 8
Part - B (Long Answer Questions)
1 With the neat process flow sheet, highlight the origin and characterization of Understand 9
wastewater generated in typical tannery industry
2 With the neat process flow sheet, highlight the origin and characterization of Understand 9
wastewater generated in textile industry
3 Discuss the characteristics of tannery waste Understand 9
4 Explain the advantaged and limitations of combined treatment of industrial Remember 9
waste and municipal waste water.
5 What are the sources of various pollution in an integrated cotton Textile Remember 9
mill? Give a plan for the control of this pollution.
6 What are the advantages of combined treatment of industrial waste water Understand 9
with domestic waste water
7 Explain the Neat flow diagram a working of a CEPT. What are the situations Remember 8
in which it is used
8 Describe the characteristics of Atomic Energy plants effluents Understand 8
9 Describe the characteristics of Mineral processing Industrial effluents Understand 8
10 Explain the process involved in Joint treatment of Raw Industrial wastewater Understand 8
and Domestic Sewage
11 What are the factors to be considered while selecting the location for Remember 8
Common Effluent Treatment Plants (CEPT)
12 Explain the design procedure of Common Effluent Treatment Plants (CEPT) Remember 9
13 Explain in detail the operation procedure of Common Effluent Treatment Understand 9
Plants (CEPT)
14 Discuss the various maintenance problems of Common Effluent Treatment Remember 8
Plants (CEPT)

Prepared By: Mr. Ch. Balakrishna, Assistant Professor .


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