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Exploring Goals and Archieving Them ,This are two diffrent things on its own
because some goals been thought of or dreamt of could be archived or labelled and
could be aproblem in an organisation.

UNREALISTIC GOALS:- Having an unrealistic goal is abig or potential problem in an

organisation,factors that might hinder this type of goal could be time factor.
that every goal set in an organisation has alimited period of time to archive .For
example or instance ,if your goal is to become a marathon racer and you did sign up
it next month, it is an unrealistic goal to archive being a marathon racer because
you won't be able to cover up with other racers due to not having the type of
they have.So it is not a good idea or good goal because it is not well prepared
for in time. Or you are aspiring to become the C.E.O of a company and you don't
have the
appropriate skills to do so it is not practical , it is an unrealistic goal.

FOCUSING ON TOO FEW AREAS:- This another problem we face in setting goals in an
organisation ,for instance lets say an organisation had a meeting and mapped out
goals that
will be archieved next year in the organisation and states that you are to increase
sales by forty percent , it might not be the best idea if you re looking on
archiving a
goal for the organisation because you have not made a survey of things within the
community to know if it will be okay with the community or not.

UNDERSTIMATING COMPLETION TIME:- This is a very discouraging situation in an

organisation because if you don't estimate the goal competion time accurately,it
discourages the
organisation when it takes longer thanit would have taken to archive a particular
goal. It can cause the organisation to abandon such goals and give up on archiving

NOT REVIEWING PROGRESS:- It is very important tht companies or organisations take

stock of everything that has been accomplished ,make a review of them on a regulr
Set small sub-goals and celebrate success.This helps to analyze what the next step
in goal making decision of an organisation and keeps them moving forward gradually.
The more you review progress in the last decade or years that the company has
archived,the more opportunities you get to update and upgrade your goals in the

SETTING TOO MANY GOALS:- An orgnisation might see so many things that they want to
archive or accomplish ,so they start setting goals in every area that has been
but the problem is going to be the time and energy you have fixed on such goals. If
the organisation try to focus on many different goals or ambition , they won't be
to archive much within a given period of time due to limited time and maybe
resources on seeing those goals come to effectiveness.


Every goal that must be archived has obstacles and also solutions on how to
overcome those obstacles and archive those goals We are going to look at the
solutions to overcoming
goal setting problems in an organisation.

PLAN AHEAD:- For an organistion to reach the goals been set, that organisation has
to plan ahead of time and by planning ahead of time to archive this goals, the
orgnisation can
successfully pick out or identify the problems and find solutions early to most of
the obstacles that they would come across. This helps in avoiding scrambling for a
solution in
the last minute or deadline's of archiving the goals or objectives.

USE ACTIVE PLANNING:- This entais an organisation having experience with the goal
at hand ,if there is lack of experience ,then it means that the things will go in
an inaccurate
manner archiving that goal. In active planning ,it is always advicable to use a
careful market reasearch and business analysis method because of the companies
extensive experience
they recommend a careful initial plan.
Active planning is a skill that an organisation can use regardless of the
experience area or field.

EVERY PROBLEM HAS A SOLUTION:-The easiest way to fail in archiving a gol in an

organisation is the problem of letting minor obstacles become a huge barrier in
archiving goals in
an organisation.The only remedy to this is having and believing in an alternate
route which will bring out ideas from different parts of the organisation to solve
the goal problem
setting issues at hand .Creativity is the Ultimate weapon in overcoming obstacles
like this in an organisation.
An organisation that is set to archive goals must have creative minds or thinkers
who are ready and effective to solve problems at anytime in an organsiation.



A vision statement is the dream of an orgnisation or even an individual.It is what

the organisation believes are the ideal or relevant conditions for the community in
other words,
how things would be if the issue at hand in that community were completely
,perfectly addressed.
What ever an organistation's dream is , it may be backed up with one or more vision
statements.Vision statements give hope to the future.
Mission statement describes what the organisation is to do and why it is to be
done. Mission and vision statements are quite similar because both look at the
big picture which
eventually comes to archiving that goal.But mission statement is more concrete and
action oriented than vision statement. Vision Statement inspires people to dream
or an organisation
to dream but mission statement requires more action to be done in archiving the
vision .
Looking at this , we can see that without the vision and mission statement which
brings out initiatives to archiving the goals been set, there won't be a strategic
plan without vision
and mission statements .
Vision and mission statements helps an organisation focus on what is really
important. it helps the members of an organisation to concentrate on the key
factors of what is much more
important as they go about doing daily work.


Management by objective [mbo] is an approach that requires all managers to set

specific goals or objectives to be achieved in the future and continously
encourages them to ask what more
can be done.
Mrs Roopali Deshmukh and her team set specific objectives which enabled them
archive goals both for the team and the company. Setting individual targets in an
organization makes it much
more challenging and hard working,it helpps in monitoring the performance of every
team work in the group and also makes them work harder towards archieving more
goals.Performance of every
team member who participated is been improved at all levels of the organisation.
The departmental and individual objectives been metare in line with the
organisational objectives. Sketching out a plan of actions that are to be taken or
carried out in other to increase
the organisational profits by 18% over the next six months , it helps in archieving
goals because of the time factor or dead line so everyone fastens up looking for
a better solution. So
planning ahead of time and executing the plan helps in archieving MBO goals.
They also proved their problem solving skills because every goals that was to be
made or archieved might have alittle difficulty ahead so they were prepared and
ready to apply the problem
solving skills in oder to archieve this goals.


DEFINEING ORGANISATIONAL GOALS:- Goals are critical issues to organisational

effectiveness, and they serve several purposes.Organisations can have several
ifferent kinds of goals all of which
must be appropriately managed ,and managers must be involved in setting and
implimenting this goals.

DEFINE EMPLOYEES OBJECTIVES:- After making sure that Employees ,managers have
informed of pertinent general objectives ,the manager can proceed to working with
employees in setting their objecitves.


performance and progress of employees. Doing so you need to identify ineffective
programs by comparing performance with
pre-established objectives using zero based budgeting.

PERFORMANCE EVALUTATION:- Management by objective process performance view are made

by the participation of the concerned managers.

PROVIDING FEEDBACK:- The main ingredient in an MBO program is continous feedback

on the performance and goals that allows individuals to monitor and coorect their
own actions.

PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL:- This reviews the employees performance within organizations

.It is done at the last stage of MBO process.

- The need to clarify objectives is stressed and suggesstions for improvement is

obtained from all levels of management.
- All managers have a clear idea of the important areas of their work and of the
standards required.
- The performance of staff can be assumed and needs for improvement highlighted.
- It makes individuals much aware of organisational goals.


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