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*Definition: Tourism is damaging the natural wonders of the world.

*The Affirmative team:
 Negative impacts from tourism occur when the level of visitor use is
greater than the environment's ability to cope with this use within
the acceptable limits of change. Uncontrolled conventional tourism
poses potential threats to many natural areas around the world. It
can put enormous pressure on an area and lead to impacts such as
soil erosion, increased pollution, discharges into the sea, natural
habitat loss, increased pressure on endangered species and
heightened vulnerability to forest fires. It often puts a strain on water
resources, and it can force local populations to compete for the use of
critical resources.
 Tourism development can put pressure on natural resources when it
increases consumption in areas where resources are already scarce.
 For example: the most romantic bridge in Paris has been slowly
destroyed by the objects that made it such a draw for tourists. Along
this bridge over the River Seine, couples would write their initials on
a lock, attach it to the bridge and then throw the key into the
waterway. Over time, these locks have weighed the bridge down so
much that part of it collapsed under the weight of an additional 45
tons. Locals also referred to the bridge as "visual pollution," with all
of those locks becoming an eyesore, the report said.AN
 9 natural wonders have been destroyed by tourists: The Chacaltaya
Glacier; Boeung Kak Lake; Pont Des Arts Bridge; Yosemite's Firefalls;
Mount Humboldt; Venice; Lascaux Cave Paintings; The Nazca Lines;
Great Barrier Reef.
 For Claire Chiang, who co-founded Banyan Tree with her husband and
chairs the Banyan Tree Global Foundation:’’ Irresponsible tourism has
destroyed and depleted ecosystems and cultural sites due to
overconsumption and poor planning. The respect for the
vulnerability of destinations and an understanding of the need for a
balanced biodiversity in our forests and waters require prudent
calculus on the number of tourists brought to these destinations, and
the behaviour needed to prevent excessive commercial exploitation
and human degradation. Governments, tour operators and guides,
businesses and hotels, and not-for-profit agencies have to work
together to minimise and mitigate their intervention’s environmental
*The Negative team:
Tourism is the business activity connected with providing
accommodation, services and entertainment for people who are
visiting a place for pleasure. It brings a lot of benefit ( pleasure,
money, beautiful holiday,etc.)
 Natural wonders are destroyed by:
 * climate change
 * Chemicals.
 Michael Ault (the founder of nightlife empire Pangaea Group, now
prioritises environmental and wildlife conservation charities such as
Earthwatch and World Wildlife Fund) thinks : “Greater threats come
in the forms of deforestation, global warming and poaching driven by
population growth that’s increasing demand for farmland and natural
resources. The rich’s demands for exotic granites, woods and marble
stones for their homes also have an impact. This must change, but it
won’t. This isn’t tourism, but greed.”


On Sep 2015, Boston magazine published a picture of a girl smiling and wearing
Havard University uniform with a headline of ”Homeschool got me into
Havard”. This girl is Claire Dickson, claimed that homeschool is the key to enter
the most well-known school in the world. So if homeschooling is so effective,
why? And what, exactly, is homeschool?

As in Oxford English Dictionary,homeschooling is to educate one's child at

home instead of sending them to a school. The parents magazine stated that
homeschooling is a progressive movement around the country and the
world, in which parents choose to educate their children at home instead
of sending them to a traditional public or private school

Some of the reasonable reasons for this phenomenom will be analyzed by our
team below.

1, to avoid bullying:Nowadays, some child would choose to habitually use

force, threat, or coercion to abuse, intimidate, or aggressively dominate
others. Those who have been the targets of bullying can suffer from long term
emotional and behavioral problems:Violence, loneliness, depression, low self-
esteem and increased susceptibility to illness.Amanda Todd, is a wellknown
case of suicide: Bullied by not only her friends but also strangers, she published
a video on youtube to seek help, but not having any, then commited suicide
about a month after the video went up. Henry Lee Lucas, a serial killer and
diagnosed psychopath, said the ridicule and rejection he suffered as a child
caused him to hate everyone which he believes to have evoked this behavior.

2, To lessen the fees for schooling

3,more flexible curiculum: You don’t need to follow the national curriculum if
you don’t want to. You definitely don’t need to follow a school day. This means
you can be led by your child, which means more efficient learning. If your child
is particularly interested in something after seeing a film or reading a book,
you can learn about that, which will lead into lots of other things. If your child
is more receptive from 3pm to 6pm, that’s when you can target lessons

4, better education quality: many parents believe that the quality of education
in today’s public schools has declined. The NHES survey noted that a
“dissatisfaction with academic instruction” is the second highest reason why
parents decide to homeschool their children. Homeschooling gives parents
more control over what their kids are learning. For many homeschooling
parents, there is a strong belief that public school curriculum is not providing
the right knowledge and skills for children Other surveys have shown that
college professors believe students are less prepared for college work. The
number of college professors who believed students were prepared for higher
education has dropped from 28% to 14% in the last 10 years.



trong nhiều thâp kỷ nay, Harvard từng nhận những đứa trẻ homeschool nhưng
số đó chỉ chiếm chưa đến 1% sinh viên Harvard, trừ năm 2011, con số này là

Trong bài viết của tác giả Samburg trên tạp chí Boston, bà đã trích lời giám đốc
tuyển sinh của MIT nói về những điều tích cực của những đứa trẻ học ở nhà,
nhưng bà không ghi chú rằng chỉ có 1% sinh viên của MIT là sản phẩm của học
tại nhà – Ducote nói. Homeschool Alumni Reaching Out (HARO) và Coalition for
Responsible Home Education (CRHE)

1,. All teachers get better by seeking out information, collaborating with
others, and involving their students in creating and informing curriculum. You
know so much, but homeschooling will give you the chance to learn and grow
even more with your child. That’s something you can’t put a price on.

2,One of the reasons many parents turn to Homeschooling is they feel that
they are best suited to love and understand their children. But what concerns
us is the attitude many homeschoolers have. I am not sure what causes it and
want to say that not all families act this way but it seems at some point some
homeschool families get a chip on their shoulder and seem look at those who
send their kids to other schools with distain. I have seen many blog posts
online of homeschool parents ranting. I think this produces attitude produces a
weird spirit which in tern makes people who aren’t homeschool glad they are

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