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Breakout Game Activity Plan

Game Designer: Jill Lesneski

Game URL:

Game Name: What is the name or title of the game you are designing?

Beach Escape.

Content Area and Unit Topic: What is the content area and unit topic of your game? Ex.
Math – Fractions; Science – Living things and non-living things; English Language Arts -

Math- Counting by 5’s, Subtraction, Division

Science- Planets
Reading- Word problems and applying it to math

Learning Objectives: What will students be able to do/know at the end of the unit?

Children will be able to count by 5’s, subtract single digit numbers and up to four-digit
numbers! These children will know how many planets are in the solar system, and will
be able to read a word problem and pick out the math problem that they need to solve.

Recommended Ages: Who is your target audience?

My target audience is second and 3rd grade.

Ideal Group Size: Is this game intended for small groups? A whole class? Larger audiences?

This is a small group game. The class will split up and do It in groups.
Suggested Time: How long do you anticipate players needing to complete this game?

This game should take the students between 20-30 minutes.

Story: There’s a locked box in the room. Why are people trying to open it? Think of the story
as a script that the facilitator could read to introduce the game to the group about to play. It
can be a few sentences to a few short paragraphs. Many games have a story and a logical
progression. If not a structured story, having a defined theme can help with the creation
process. Take a look at some of the games in the Breakout EDU game library for inspiration.
You can use different curriculum topics, favorite movies, or books for inspiration as well.

You are in the classroom in Miss Jill’s class and a student finds the teleporter in the closet. He
presses one wrong button and the whole class disappears from the room. The next thing you
know is that you and the rest of your classmates are stranded on the beach without Miss Jill!
The only way that you can get off is to find the magic shell that will get you a plane to go
home. Solve the 5 clues correctly to find the magic shell and return home.
Good luck!

Lock Combinations and rationales: What codes will open the locks on the box and how
those answer essential questions of the game? Common lock types are digit lock, letter word
lock, ABC lock, directional lock, color lock, and date lock.

Lock Type Lock How Will Learners Know Where Will it Lead?
Combination the Combo? How will this help students
learn the topic of the unit?

6 Digit Lock 20,25,30 Count by 5’s They will master counting

by 5’s.

1 Digit Lock 5 Subtract 8-3 They will be able to master

single digit subtraction.

4 Digit Lock 1903 Subtract 2023-120 Lead to more practice on a

subject that is still not

6 Word Lock One thousand Take 1903 and convert it to A new topic that children
nine hundred and word form may still need help on. Will
three better their knowledge by
working with others.

2 Digit Lock 10 20 divided by 2 A new concept that

students will be trying to
figure out with their group
members. This will lead to
what the next chapter will
be about.

Reflection Questions: When the game concludes, use a reflection activity for participants to
reflect on the experience and what they learned. Please include 5 questions related to your
game that could be asked in a discussion.
1 What was the most difficult task that you had to perform during the activity? What made it so hard?

2 How do you change the number with digits to a written- out version with words? Could you possibly have a
different way of doing it than a classmate?

3 How many planets are in the solar system? Did it make it easier to remember how many were there by
being able to see them and count with your fingers?

4 How did you subtract the 4-digit number from the 3-digit number? What strategy did you use?

5 How did you figure out to divide the numbers in the last problem? What words in the story problem gave
you clues to do what you did?

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