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Helen Church
4106 Mountain St.
Beamsville, ON L0R 1B7
Ph: 905-562-7427
Fax: 905-563-0003
Opened - October 2, 1938 Est. as a Parish - January 1, 1986
Pastor: Rev. Krzysztof Szczepanik Sunday Masses:
Office Administration: Aggie Agnino Saturday: 5:00pm
Sunday: 9:00am, 11:00am *
*(Children’s Liturgy of the Word)
Office hours:
Tuesday to Friday 9:00am - 3:00pm Weekday Masses:
Closed on Mondays and all Statutory holidays Tuesday: 6:30pm
Wednesday to Friday: 9:00am
Website: 2nd Friday at Albright: 10:00am
Facebook Page: 3rd Friday at Mennonite: 10:00am

Not Sure of a Gift For Moth

Not Sure of a Gift For Mother’s Day?
Saturday May 11th, 8 a.m. to Noon



* Hanging Baskets * Ferns * Plants *

* Mulch * Herbs * Pies * Goodies*
St. Helen Great Hall ~ Great Prices!

If any growers in the area wish to support our sale, and any bakers in the parish
would like to contribute, call Anne Marie 289-566-9090. Anyone wanting to help for a couple of
hours, you are welcome to join us, just let us know! Come out and support your parish!

Kindly complete the following and place in the collection basket

☐ New Parishioner* ☐ Change of address ☐ Moving
Name________________________ Phone_________________ E-mail___________________
Address______________________________________________ City_____________________
☐ I would like to use offertory envelopes* Postal Code______________
3rd Sunday of Easter - Year C
May 5, 2019
Mass Intentions This week, the Sanctuary Lamp burns in
 May 7 - 12, 2019 memory of:
As we gather, let us remember and pray for . . .
Tues. ~ ………………………………………... May 7
6:30 pm + Luigi Vigoroso The Sanctuary Lamp burns to remind us of Christ’s
(by Nicolina & Eugenio De Faveri) presence in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar.
If you wish to sponsor the sanctuary lamp for one
Wed. ~ ………………………………………... May 8th week the stipend is $35.00
9:00 am + Emmy Geczy, +Lilly Torek &
+ Emerich Borchok (by Alex Geczy)
Thurs. ~ ………………………………………... May 9th our parish prayer
9:00 am + Antonio Morrone Jesus, open our hearts, enabling us to embrace your
(by Maria D’Archi) teachings and to love one another. Holy Spirit, lift us and
lead us, deepening our desire to serve God through
Fri. ~ ………………………………………... May 10th serving each other. Amen.
10:00 am + Manuel da Silva (by Maria da Silva)
Sat. ~ ………………………………………... May 11th COME CELEBRATE OUR 60TH ANNIVERSARY
5:00 pm + Doreen Fracchioni (by The Family) Come celebrate St. Helen's CWL 60th Anniversary
Sun. ~ ………………………………………... May 12th on Sunday June 2nd. A special Mass at 11:00 am will
9:00 am + Ernie Brunet (by Kaye Brandel) be followed by a catered luncheon in The Great Hall.
11:00 am For the People of St. Helen Parish Tickets are $30.00 and may be purchased at the parish
office or from Michelle @ 905-980-4429 or Colleen @
905-563-8981 or Rebecca @ 905-978-3507. Tickets
MINISTRY FOR THE SICK AND HOMEBOUND must be purchased before May 24th.
We are grateful to those who give of their time and care
to bring Holy Communion to our parishioners who can- KITCHEN & FOOD PREP UPDATE
not make it to church due to sickness or infirmity. If The food handling & certification workshop is sched-
you know of anyone who would like to receive com- uled for June 6th from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. An instruc-
munion in their home or while hospitalized at West Lin- tor will be reviewing safe food handling and kitchen
coln Hospital, please contact the parish office cleanliness with a test following instruction. Contact
the office to register. If you wish to get a head start, the
CANADIAN TIRE MONEY online food handler manual can be found here:
We continue to collect your Canadian Tire money. It
can be brought to the office or placed in the collection
Next CWL meeting - May 7th at 7:00 p.m. following
Exam info:
the 6:30 p.m. Mass.
Haldimand Regional Meeting: Caledon – May 14th
at 7:00 p.m. with meeting to follow – no cost to attend.
Points of Interest
ONLY 4 SPOTS REMAINING!!! Tel Aviv, Jaffa, Caesarea, Mt.
Carmel, Megiddo, Galilee, Jor-
dan River, Cana, Nazareth, Mt
Tabor, Beit Shean, Old & New
City of Jerusalem, Bethlehem,
Masada, Qumran, Dead Sea,
Eilat, Negev
Pilgrimage Package Price
$3,995.00 CAD pp based on
Join FR. KRZYSZTOF on a double occupancy. To register
PILGRIMAGE to the HOLY LAND and more info, call the office.
The apostles testify boldly before the Sanhedrin. (Acts 5) Through the celebration of the Sacrament of
All creation is called to worship Christ as redeemer Holy Baptism, we welcome to our parish
(Rev5) family our new members:
Jesus feeds his disciples, calling them to love. (John 21) MACKENZIE KAITLIN EILEEN ODELL
In past years, Cali- May God bless you as you begin this beautiful spiritual
fornia evening skies journey with our Lord and Saviour Jesus.
were illuminated by
have wondered if it 1. When coming to Mass, show respect. Dress appro-
was the second com- priately and be respectful to others.
ing. The sun painted 2. Approach the Altar with Prayer – act prayerfully.
Feed My Sheep the clouds silver and You are asked to make a sign of reverence with a slight
gold and could be bow of the head prior to receiving Holy Communion.
seen from San Francisco to Mexico. The light was 3. Take Communion correctly. Taking Communion
caused by a rocket launch from Vandenberg Air Base by hand or mouth are both correct. If you take Com-
near Santa Barbara. munion by your mouth, open wide and slightly stick
Seeing the unearthly vision of the resurrected Christ out your tongue. If you take Communion by hand –
must have been terrifying for the fishermen in the form a throne by letting your dominant hand cradle
Gospel. It challenged their faith just as it does ours. your other hand.
One day, each of us, perhaps at death, will see an 4. Don’t walk off with the Host. Immediately con-
unearthly light in our skies. When that day comes, sume the ENTIRE Host before leaving the altar.
remember Jesus’ closing words in the Gospel: 5. Respect the Host. It is Real Presence of Jesus
“Follow me.” ~ Deacon Dick Folger Christ.
6. Use clear body language. Be clear how you plan to
POPE FRANCIS’ PRAYER INTENTION take the Eucharist. If you are approaching the altar to
FOR THE MONTH OF MAY receive a Blessing – make sure that your hands are
That the Church in Africa, through the commitment of crossed over the chest – right hand to left shoulder, left
its members, may be the seed of unity among her hand to right shoulder.
peoples and a sign of hope for this continent. 7. State of Grace. We must be in a state of grace be-
fore taking the Eucharist. We must not have any mortal
CALLING ALL FIRST COMMUNICANTS! sin. If you think you committed a mortal sin, please go
Please join the St Helen parish family honouring our Blessed to confession before taking the Eucharist.
Mother at the May Crowning on Tuesday May 7th. Mass 8. In order to receive the Eucharist at a Roman
begins at 6:30 p.m. If you are unable to attend Mass please still Catholic Church, you need to be a practicing Catho-
come - immediately following Mass (at around 7:00 p.m.) we lic. Anyone who isn’t a Catholic is welcome to receive
will proceed with the Crowning of Mary and a living rosary. a blessing.
Following the Crowning we will have refreshments. BAKERS & BAKED GOODS
INTRODUCTION TO CONTEMPLATIVE Our baked goods table is always sold out
PRAYER WORKSHOP and so successful. Anyone who is willing
Learn to pray in silence and consent to God’s loving contribute baked goods should call AnneMarie 289-566
presence and healing action within. Following the -9090 or the parish office to confirm that you’ll be bak-
Christian heritage of The Cloud of Unknowing, St. ing. Baked goods can be dropped off at the church on
John of the Cross, Fr. Thomas Keating. Presented by Friday, April 10th from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. or to
CONTEMPLATIVE OUTREACH, Niagara Region, the hall during Bingo. Thanking you for your past and
Saturday July 13, 9-3:30 pm, Mount Carmel Monas- anticipated support again.
tery, 7020 Stanley Ave. Niagara Falls.
Registration: Brenda Coleman 905 646-1995 or FIRST HOLY COMMUNION Congratulations to the grade 2 students
from St. Mark and St. Edward Schools
HABITAT FOR HUMANITY who will receive Jesus in the Holy
The RESTORE needs you! Volunteer 3 to 4 hours a Eucharist for the first time these next few Sundays.
week at the Grimsby location. If you are interested in Thank you to all who assisted with the preparation of
helping out, please apply at 185 South Service Road. the children for their first Holy Communion. Please
Grimsby, or online at keep them and their families in your prayers.

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