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Benefits And Importance Of Learning English in the Era of Globalization - - A

most important things we should know from the beginning to learn English is to
what we learn English? Is just learning, or to the need. There are many reasons
for us not cease to learn English, especially in this era of globalization will need
English language is obviously very important. The era of globalization
encourages us to adapt, adapt to the order of life which generally acceptable.
The importance of learning English should not simply ignore, without English is
we can still live, but life has been growing rapidly and requires us as a party that
is in the circle of globalization to participate in more advanced life order.
English is very important for us to learn because of the benefits of learning
English is so broad in scope, scopes will I conclude to 6 Benefits and
Importance of Language Learning English the following:

Socialize With Broad Community You certainly have never heard that
English is the international language of one of the most commonly used, as well
as a very popular language in all parts of the world. English is used daily by
more than 400 million people worldwide, and is used as the language side by
hundreds of millions of the world's population. From there we can understand
that it is true English is very important, what does not, as a society that is
growing and wants to go forward we have to interact with the world's
population, it is not enough merely in the country where we live, but we also
have to interact and socialize with them in order to open the doors of
development and progress. Maybe there are people who think "ah, I live in the
countries that do not use the English language anyway, and interact and
socialize with the world is too big for me, so do not need to learn English". If
you still think like that, immediately change your thoughts, we need positive
thinking to develop and advance in order to participate in the era of
globalization circle.
English for Technology The benefits and importance of learning English are
both related to technology, this might trivia that we often ignore but often
makes us confused because our ignorance. Sure you very often use computers,
smartphones, internet, software, and other forms of technology, have you ever
noticed that most of these technologies are all using the English language? Yes,
almost all of them use English. Maybe some technologies such as mobile
phones can we change the language, so please change the language but keep in
mind that the technology is not limited to mobile phones, there are many
technologies that purely using the English language, such as computer
technology, software, and other more dominant in the English language. The
producers realize that English is the language generally acceptable, that's why
they use English as the primary language in the product, where the product is
sold it will predominantly use English, for that we have to adapt because it will
allow us to operate the products of technology.

English To The World Education Basically, globalization encourages all

aspects of life to adapt, as well as education. Education at the university level,
in some courses has required students to have books in English, so the students
automatically have to master English, do not imagine having to translate it first
because it must be exhausting. Requiring students to have English-language
book is not just for prestige, so cool, or a mere fad, this is done by the faculty
for a variety of reasons, one of which is to familiarize the students using
English, this is done by the faculty because they are aware of the benefits and
importance learn english in this globalization era. Another reason the
importance of English in education is when we learn to use the book translation
(English-language book) is often translated as meaning that one or the meaning
that is difficult to understand, it can mislead us in understanding.

English VS World of Work We begin to enter the world of work when we

apply for a job, start there has been playing the role of English. In the era of
globalization, where the workforce is growing and expanding its scope to
advance in cross-country, the role of English is increasingly required. So do not
be surprised if the world of work gives high value to someone who can speak
English. It is true that the world of work requires a person with special expertise
in areas of the profession, but specialized skills will be very remarkable if it is
supported by the ability of the English language. In short, the world of work
requires special skills to act, and the English language to communicate as well
as support for his actions. A combination of what we want is not it? mastering
the World English language can help us in an attempt to conquer the world,
control the world does not mean politically or militarily but rather to other
aspects, such as economic, lifestyle, culture, and so on. Be the first person The
Cool The benefits and importance of learning English latter with regard to the
satisfaction of ourselves, we are going to feel satisfied after proficient in
English. Have you seen and heard the Indonesian people to communicate with
English? Certainly already have you ever, then what you taste and think? Wow,
super cool .. mugkin first thing that you taste and think because it is true that
English is very cool, it dapet benefits plus dianggep cool again, what are you
waiting waww guys hunted learn English :). If friends and your environment
has a lot to speak English, let's do not want to lose you too can do it. And if
your friends and your environment is still rarely or not at all touched English, be
the first and arose as the coolest of them. Do not worry, you can learn all about
the English language this blog.

Benefits And Importance Of Learning English in the Era of Globalization -

Above are some of the reasons and benefits why we have to learn English in an
era of globalization, make the reasons and benefits as your motivation to
continue learning English until you really proficient. Hopefully the above article
useful, thank you. The ability to speak English in Indonesian society is
recognized is still very minimal. According to research conducted from the
years 2007-2009 are held by an institution can be concluded speak English
Indonesian society was ranked 34th out of 44 countries that have a native
language other than English. Indonesia still far behind the neighboring Malaysia
was ranked 9th. Many reasons stated by the Indonesian people in learning
English, as difficult to learn or too complicated, feel English was not too
important, or for older people already too late to learn English. Though English
is the language that is very important and must be controlled by the people and
not the age of view, especially for people who are looking for work or who
already have a job. Many large and small companies or government agencies
that require a person to speak proficient English. In the ads too many job
applications that lists the applicants to master the English language. English
must be very controlled because English is the lingua franca of the world or
international language. This language is used to communicate and interact in
science and technology exchanges and cooperation in the business world with
entrepreneurs from other countries. Job opportunities for someone who can
speak English very open accepted employment in the company or private
institutions or government. Can certainly also be able to get a good position in
the company or institution. Without the English language is difficult for a
person to obtain a good job. Gradually, the State of Indonesia will use the
system like other developed countries, namely the global market that is where
all the people in various countries can work in Indonesia, regardless of
profession, because in 2012 this is still foreign workers in Indonesia, which only
occupy the top positions SUPERVISIOR example, General Manager, Director,
etc. In the current era, capable and proficient master the English language is a
plus because every company requirement that a person especially if the worker
or employee of the company international. Pentinganya awareness of the
English language only realized someone after finding info scholarships or
looking for workers who require proficiency in English both oral and written.
therefore many people who hone the ability to speak English since childhood.
One of the requirements that must be owned by a person to get an international
job and get overseas scholarships have to invent the TOEFL test. The TOEFL
test is used to determine how proficient person in mastering English language.
Minimum requirements into TOEFL score must be achieved person is 550.
In the State of Indonesia are still many who have the perception that
English is difficult, therefore the younger generation many are reluctant to learn
English. Some things to consider someone to facilitate learning the English
language, including:

1. Recognize English

2. Start liked English

3. Listening, reading and watching movies that use the English language,
because if someone accustomed to listening to the words using English yan then
your brain will automatically record the English language we ever listen to

4. Dare to express themselves using English Some of the losses in the can if
someone did not master English in the workplace, including:

1. Negotiations with foreign clients fail because of a lack of good


2. The work was delayed because of communication stammering

3. The employment contracts with clients who use English as the

language of instruction not completely understood.

4. Application of foreign work at a company in decline because of the

ability to speak English is minimal.

In addition, there are several advantages people have the ability to speak
English, including:
1. The English language is used as a source of knowledge access. Many print
and electronic media which use English as the language of instruction. One
example of the English language is used as the language of instruction is in
electronic media such as computers, laptops, notebook, iPad or link on the

2. Communication broad Communication is not only in face-to-face but with

the use of media such as chat via the internet is also said to be its
communication. And why do people who have the ability to speak English
memilii extensive communication? Because almost saeluruh people in this
world have agreed to use English as an international language or the language
of international relations is often called, so someone who has the ability to use
language berkomukasi iggris have the opportunity to communicate and
cooperate with other States.

3. Mastering the Internet. You might think that a lot of sites that are translated
into Indonesian. But the fact is, 80% of electronic information is only available
in English. While 20% of the others was not all dominated by Indonesian, but
also foreign languages other non-English, such as Chinese, Japanese, French,
and so on. So imagine just how many percent of all the information on the
internet that is presented in Indonesian. You do not need tools / kamustranslator
English. Why should we use the English language? Padalhal there are languages
that can be used as an international language.

There are several reasons why English is used as an international language:

1. Historical Factors England is famous as inmperealis State, where the century

17-19 2/3 British had occupied the region of the earth. Automatic many
countries that use English as the official language is English and since the state
established by the British Commonwealth as very large. In addition,
independent state under British nationality make English as the language of

2. Order Language English has the order of a complete language and tidy,
making it easy to learn and apply. Actually, Indonesia also has the order
language as well as English, just got back again to the first factor was that
because Britain became State community formed by the British

3. civilization more advanced England is known to have a more advanced

civilization. Not infrequently new ideas emerge from there. The position is
made stronger in the eyes of the British International and is considered as one of
the mecca of civilization. Logically, if we want to learn from the masters, of
course we have to understand the language he uses. Why do we learn English?
All languages without exception used for communication. The essence of
language learning, in general, is to learn to communicate. We also know that the
English language has been recognized as an international language. People from
diverse backgrounds geography, religion and culture has been put together by
an international language agreed to communicate with each other, namely
English. In this era of globalization, language skills (English) must have to be
able to compete. So, we learn English because this language is an international
language. Of course, we learn a foreign language for a particular purpose.
People learn English also has a specific purpose, they have a specific purpose in
learning the language because they know exactly what benefits they will get
from the English. There are many benefits of English that we know even still
much that is unknown. The concept of thinking we had been too narrow in
addressing the sense of learning English as as a learning activity in school with
the only aim to get the value of the standard (pass the exam). This then makes
us feel lazy, sleepy and hunger are often felt in the hour English lesson begins.
To motivate and stimulate our interest in learning English, of course, English
learners must know what benefits they will get if they are proficient in English.
Here is mafaat English must be known to stimulate interest in learning English.

• Academic Purpose (Purpose Academic) No doubt, we are obliged to learn

English from elementary even to browse. Indeed, subjects are a scourge that
received special attention in the education curriculum. Value is determined by
the value of the final exam in English. For students, they are required to study
the module book in English even though they are not students of the language /
English literature.

• Career Development The world of work will be tempted by those who

speak English proficient Inggris.Kecakapan will certainly provide more value
for prospective job applicants, they will be seen in the working world
competition. So in English, jobs are the ones looking for applicants.

• Golden Opportunity to Study Abroad Lots of agencies that provide study

abroad scholarships to Indonesian students. One of the requirements that must
be met is the TOEFL test. This test measures how kemempuan us in English.
Surely we must be proficient in English in order to pass this test.

• Expanding Intercourse Above already mentioned that we have entered an

era of global, universal world, the world became a nation in cultural diversity.
Who is interested to become the slang of the universe level, mastering English.

• Conquer the Internet .You might think that a lot of sites that are translated
into Indonesian. But the fact is, 80% of electronic information is only available
in English. While 20% of the others was not all dominated by Indonesian, but
also foreign languages other non-English, such as Chinese, Japanese, French,
and so on. So imagine just how many percent of all the information on the
internet that is presented in Indonesian. Well, that's a little of the benefits of
English in everyday kehiupan, academic, and career. Hopefully we are
motivated to learn English harder to achieve success. Of course, learning
material presented in this blog will be easier for us to learn English. Amien

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