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Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat

Universitas Sumatera Utara

Skripsi, Juni 2010


Pengolahan SP2TP di Dinas Kesehatan Kota Medan sering mendapat kendala karena
terlambatnya diterima laporan dari puskesmas. Menurut data tahun 2008, dari 39
puskesmas di Kota Medan, terdapat 10 (25%) puskesmas yang mengirim laporan
bulanan tidak tepat waktu. Hal ini menunjukkan kinerja koordinator SP2TP belum
sesuai dengan yang diharapkan.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan, keterampilan dan

motivasi dengan kinerja koordinator SP2TP di puskesmas se-Kota Medan. Jenis
penelitian adalah penelitian survei yang bersifat deskriptif analitik, dan responden
adalah seluruh koordinator SP2TP di puskesmas se-Kota Medan sebanyak 39 orang.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang positif antara pengetahuan,

keterampilan dan motivasi dengan kinerja koordinator SP2TP. Dalam hal
pengetahuan, sebanyak 87,2% koordinator SP2TP belum mengetahui pengertian
SP2TP sesuai pedoman Departemen Kesehatan dan 84,5% belum mengetahui nomor
Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Pembinaan Kesehatan Masyarakat tentang
penyederhanaan SP2TP. Dalam hal keterampilan, sebanyak 66,7% belum melakukan
pengentrian data ke dalam komputer dengan lengkap dan 74,4% belum dapat
mengoperasikan program Ms. Excel atau Access dengan lancar. Sementara pada
bulan Februari 2010, ada 9 orang koordinator SP2TP (23,1%) terlambat mengirim
laporan ke Dinas Kesehatan Kota Medan.

Disarankan perlunya penyediaan buku pedoman mengenai petunjuk pelaksanaan

SP2TP di setiap puskesmas. Selain itu, frekuensi pelatihan mengenai pengentrian data
SP2TP ke dalam komputer juga perlu ditingkatkan. Kepala puskesmas hendaknya
melakukan pengawasan untuk mengetahui keluhan dan masalah yang dihadapi oleh
koordinator SP2TP di puskesmas masing-masing. Disarankan juga perlunya
kesesuaian antara tugas dan tanggung jawab sebagai koordinator SP2TP dengan
pendidikan pegawai tersebut.

Kata kunci : pengetahuan, keterampilan, motivasi, kinerja koordinator SP2TP

Universitas Sumatera Utara
Public Health Faculty
University of North Sumatera
Script, June 2010


The management of SP2TP (Sistem Pencatatan dan Pelaporan Terpadu Puskesmas =

Public Health Center Integrated Reporting and Recording System) in Regional Health
Office of Medan Regency is still obstructed because of the delay in sending SP2TP
report by Puskesmas (Public Health Center = PHC). Based on data in 2008, from 39
PHCs in Medan Regency, 10 (25%) PHCs were late in sending mounthly SP2TP
report every mounth. This case showed that performance of SP2TP coordinator
working was not as well as expectation.

The objective of this research is to know relation between knowledge, capability and
motivation with performance of all SP2TP coordinator working at PHCs of Medan
Regency. This is survey research with a descriptive analisys. Respondents comprised
of all SP2TP coordinator at PHCs of Medan Regency, totaling to 39 PHC

The result of this research showed that there were relations between knowledge,
capability and motivation with performance of all SP2TP coordinator working. In
knowledge case, there were 87,2% SP2TP coordinator didn’t know the meaning of
SP2TP based on Health Ministry and 84,5% didn’t know the number of Decision of
Public Health Creation General Director about Simplicity of SP2TP. In capability
case, there were 66,7% SP2TP coordinator did’t entry SP2TP data into computer
completely and 74,4% hadn’t operated Ms. Excel or Access programme well yet.
Besides, in February 2010, 9 SP2TP coordinators were late in sending SP2TP report
to Regional Health Office of Medan Regency.

Based on the research, it is suggested to put ready books about the management of
SP2TP at every PHC. Beside, the frequency of training about entrying SP2TP data
into computer is needed to increase. The Head of PHC should take a supervision to
know about complaints and problems with all SP2TP coordinator at each PHC. It’s
also suggested to adjust between the duty and responsibility of SP2TP coordinator
with their graduation from.

Key Word : knowledge, capability, motivation, performance of SP2TP coordinator


Universitas Sumatera Utara

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