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REGISTER NO: 190951144
January - 2019
MCS – 015
Communication Skills

Assignment Code:
MCA (1)/015/Assignment/2018-19
MCS-015: Communication Skills

1. Read passage and answer

1. A. Market planning is not calculated in same way as other investments

In a business plan every department has many important

elements that play vital roles and has their own way and value
within the business. We cannot neglect the importance of any
department and has to be managed appropriately
Whats different about the marketing department is that, it
requires multiple stages within its planning. There is a full tactical
team assigned to handle the calculations and budgeting of this
department. Basically the finance departments allots how much
budget there is, and accordingly people have to strategize their
next move. Ranging from promotion and planing to Analysing and
assessing the products.
Thus, Calculation of market planing is not made in the same way
as other departments of a business do.

1. B. Market Reserch is yet Tobe fully exploited

Marketing research involves gathering and analysing facts about a
given business environment. The research is conducted by both
new and existing businesses. A new business may conduct
research to better understand the market before starting
operations. Existing businesses value research because it helps
them assume the right position that will enable them to harness
available opportunities while avoiding risks. Gathering and
analysing facts about a market are vital to the decision-making
process. Here are some of the reasons why businesses engage in
marketing research.

1. C. Effective Marketing Manager

i. A person with a love and Natural flair for his job
ii. Good at identifying parameters for market reserch
iii. Good at Interpreting data for quantifying existing and
potential needs of customers
iv. Has an eye for style in packaging and product presentation
MCS-015: Communication Skills

1. D. Title
“Hands for Sale”
Consider a business like a human body and there is a reason for
that too. There is an intresting connection between humans and business since
from the beginning we used business as a tool to connect people around us we
always needed a personal benefit that benefits others as well which is business
where everyone gets what they need.
So, Business became natural and we are born with an instinct for business.
Thus, I think it’s fair to compare business with ourselves and our body.
Now, for the title as I said every part of body or ever y part of business has
different roles and goals. “The hand” here represents marketing whose duty is
to reach out and connect. Effective managers are like “Fingers” whose duty is
to hold on and perform.
The “For sale” is the product. It’s not gona work with the hands holding the for
sale sign. It’s the way they show the product and it’s the way they present the
product it’s the way they represent the product.
Thus, I think the title has been Justified.

1. E. Pick Words
i. Examine/Study all details: Investigate
ii. Buying: Purchase
iii. Necessary: Essential
iv. Important/Precious: Valuable
v. Special instinct for doing something well : Effective

1. F. Choose
i. D) Is viewed by those companies as important business
ii. A) They don’t have time for it
iii. A)To take different courses of actions
iv. C) by analysing procedures already used by the company
MCS-015: Communication Skills

2. Letter to Client

Mr. XYZ,

Hi Sir,
We are ZZZ Technologies and we are Business solution providers
our primary goal is tomake your business profitable, Reachable and
economically stable. We have the best business counslers froma rround
the globe and helped many businesses reach success. We made a
promise to provide the best service coustomized uniquely for each
business and we are glad that our solutions lifted many businesses to
We provide services from Execution to operations end to
production end to user experience we will stand along with you in every
stage. We have built a highly capable business intelegence platform that
enriches your business analytics with high accuracy and performance.
We provide realistic data that could be instantly pluged in into any
operation or could be easily adaptable to build solutions.
We would be glad to provide a demo of our application and also
to explain our process and introduce you to our business consultants.
We would arrange an hour session wich we would explain our process
and allow you and your executive team to examine our software and
also to interact with our business counclers. Lookiiing forward for your
appointment. Have a great day.

Sai Madhan
From ZZZ Technologies
E-mail us : info
Contact: 044-22222222
MCS-015: Communication Skills

3. Write Paragraph
i. My Dream Job
I would like to start with a quote “You are who you think
you are” a very true and powerfull quote it has a lot of deep
meanings one of which is “The world shifts from your
perspective”. I in my dream job would like to make a shift in
the world I always wanted to make difference in the world I
live not by power but by perspective. I see things uniquely
and collectively which makes me so special. So, for me I
want my job to be special and unique only for me I must be
the one who could do it and I must be the only one. I am
now in a phase of figuring the purpose of my existence and I
know it’s a never ending journey but the way I pass has a lot
of adventures waiting. I don’t yet know what my final
destination is but I know this the places where I would stop
to share and to create.

Knowledge is the key and to acquire it one must explore

and my exploration will begin from a place of likeminded
people. Ofcourse an IT environment ofcourse. Every
developer is a creaters and is unique my first stop is here to
be a good developer building solutions for the world to
enrich. So, the first step is to acquire and create.

Next is to share I believe knowledge is possessed Tobe

shared and the perfect way of getting something is by giving
something. Simple moto behind every business and every
human I want to feel the place I call the win! Win! Field. I
want to feel the joy of giving so I want to be a good teach.
Grow a seed and the seed will grow a farm.

Finally, to conclude my dream job is not a work it’s a life to

live the work I do in my life reflects through time Mankind
grew by following footsteps. I believe purpose of life is to
leave footprints behind I decided to leave mine for those
who will follow and my name shall be known.
MCS-015: Communication Skills

ii. Is this an age of excessive technology

I Disagree to this statement, I believe what is excess is something

that is not been used or there is no need for it now. Ironically you
may compare it to a flood But, remember we build dam’s to
control. There may be an overflow at some point but it could be
contained. The same applies to technology to understand clearly
Let me define what technology is

“Technology is the solution to contain or completely solve a

natural or artificial problem”

Technology is always self-containing it may seem like an overflow

but in reality it’s just an illusion and technology never cross its
boundaries. To prove this we must know how boundaries are

As I said technology is a solution. A solution cannot exist without a

problem. Every technology we use are built to conceal or remove
the problems we face either natural or artificial. Technology may
sometimes create problems but that is natural and we are bound
to nature and nature’s laws aply to all even technology could not
bend or over ride it It is the very nature of evolution even
technology is part of evolution and is born from us humans we
made technology to solve our problems make our lives productive
and easier so, it all applies to nature’s law of evolution every
species evolves to survive learns to protect and produce it is a
chain and technology has never got lose or escaped from the
chain. Though evolved organ remains the constant.

Still, why do we feel that technology excessive? It’s simply

because we use excessive technology we push those technologies
into our lives. It simply is a lot for our simple life. So the real
question to ask here is Are we using the right technology? Are we
using the technology for what it is meant to be? Is technology
addictive? Or are we addicted to technology?
MCS-015: Communication Skills

The real purpose of technology is to solve problems there are lot

of unsolved problems in this world like traffic, Politics, Education ,
population, Disease, Economy, etc., Here, I have to say every
developer, every creaters, every business, and every user has
certain responsibilities anything could become poisonous if it
cross the limit. We must be bound to limitations and build and
use technology wisely.

Finally, to conclude this is an golden age for technology we have

lot of creaters and great minds coming out into the world> I
believe they would make world a better place. And we are in an
age where we are in need of more solutions. We are in need of
solutions focused more on whole rather than being personal. Let’s
make solutions for the world not for us.

iii. Someone I Know doing am important job

According to me for a job to be important it should serve

someone else rather than serving themselves. If there is a marine
to measure the importance of a job it would most probably won’t
be money the criteria would be much bigger than that. So in my
opinion I see teaching profession as one such important job where
every teacher bares a responsibility to build a future. They hold
the key and they are the guide through the path.

There are a lot of special people in my life but here let me talk
about one such special person who inspired me and changed my
perspective on life and thought me love. At my high school I
joined a new school S.t Joseph’s where I had the honour of
meeting my beloved principal Sr. Lourde. When I first met her she
was a young women within a silver hair and had a loving and
caring face she always had a smile in her face. I could always
remember her eyes twinkling with love. I think she was at here
70’s at the time I met her but one could never say she was so
young to be old. I could always remember seeing her at the
ground calling out some one and at the next moment I turn she
will be gone and will be running at the 2nd floor. She always had
MCS-015: Communication Skills

such an energy and confidence she was full of positivity. She made
me realize and ask “what could stop you unless you stop
yourself?” I think this very question became the seed of my
positivity and belief.

I always asked myself “how good can a person be?”, “How caring
could a person be towards strangers?” She became the answers
for all my questions. One thing she constantly repast is say “I can
and I will; so, you can and you will”. But I never understood this
quite so well I took it literally and just started the phrase I can and
I will. It took me long to realize the can and will stands to
represent the person you are and your character. Her can and will
are to be the best she could be to be the good person there ever
could be and she was.

My passion to teach and my attitude to help and serve derived

from her. She stood different from every other teacher and she
literally became an example of the saying “Teacher is the second
mother”. She was one for every Josephite. She never stopped
trusting us and never stopped caring for us. When others focus on
posing the syllabus into the students head she stood apart and
believed in making us good humans. “Knowledge and power
comes from charecter” a great and true saying our foundation was
the character upon which we build knowledge and power.

Finally, I believe she is the foundation of my character and she

started building me for who I am right now. Though I am disabled,
though I can’t see. I never felt alone or left beside I always felt
unique and blessed because she showed me the other side of me
she also made my friends and they made me I always have great
friends and people around who always holds my hands on their
shoulders. They bare me and they are my strength. An intresting
note here is Sr. Lourde left our school after the year I joined and
she now still serves at Madurai. She never stopped age is never a
barrier like I said “What could stop you unless you stop yourself?”.
MCS-015: Communication Skills

4. Job Application Letter

The HR Manager,
Express Technologies,

Respected Sir/Madam,

Subject: Applying for Software Engineer Trainee job.

Hi, I am Sai Madhan. MCA Graduate from IGNOU. I have recently seen
your advertisement on the Recruitment of Software engineer Trainee
and I am very much interested in the opening and I suppose I would fulfil
all your requirements. Kindly read my Profile bellow.

To begin with I am a top ranking student from my both UG and PG

universities. I’ve been IGNOU Gould medal winner for top rank in MCA
and I have secured Rank 7 from my UG (B.Sc. Software Applications). I
am skilled and proficient with Java / J2EE Platforms and also skilled in
web development. I am a full Stack developer with skills in Frameworks
like Spring, Hibernate, Angular.js , Node.js and DevOps. I have proven
skills with my projects as a freelancer to many organizations and
individuals. I’ve been reputed as Best developer by many. Apart, I have
Knowledge on concepts of Software engineering, Project Management
and Software Architecture.

Apart from Technical skills I would like to discuss my interests and other
personal skills. I am very much interested in teaching so I developed a
good oral and presentation skills which won me top prizes on paper
presentations. I have a unique creative ability and problem solving
capabilities. I am good at abstracting complex problems into simpler
solutions so I shine in design with end user’s ease. I always love to
explore and learn so my skills will be raising on the graph and I ensure
that my graph will raise along with the company’s graph.
MCS-015: Communication Skills

I suppose you would like my profile and I would fulfil your requirements.
I have attached my Resume along PFA. Finally, with the reputation of
Express technologies I promise that I would keep up mine and the
companies. I wish to grow my knowledge and capabilities along with
your innovations. Awaiting a positive response.

Sai Madhan. K
MCS-015: Communication Skills

5. Write Questions
i. Example
ii. How well can you play Basketball?
iii. Where can I buy a good pair of running shoes?
iv. When will we be allowed to use swimming pool?
v. Can you dive!
vi. Where do you prefer to play soccer?

6. Conversation

Shreya: Hello, may I speak to Atul.

Atul: Hi! Shreya. This is Atul on the line. What can I do for you?
Sherya: Hi! Good to speak to you. Please give me Shweta’s telephone no.
Atul: Of course! I would have to get it from my mobile phone.
Shreya: No problem, I will hold on.
Atul: Oh, I probably have to check it from my diary. I’ll Whatsapp it to you.

7. Passive to Active Voice

i. The work is complete by them on time.

ii. A student of Himalaya school won the race.
iii. Always remember a good speech.
iv. The father is depressed that his son failed
v. He will be invited to speak later.

8. Complete sentence
i. Pickup
ii. Call back
iii. Look up
iv. arc you through
v. Cut off
vi. Get through
vii. Hold on
viii. Get through
ix. Hang up
x. Put through

9. Conversation

Finance manager: I think we have to make some changes in the sales department.
Sales Manager: sure, what kind of changes?
Finance Manager: We have to increase sales and bring in new customers
Sales Manager: Diwali is coming and we are planing on promoting through our gifts like
calender and diaries
MCS-015: Communication Skills

Finance Manager: That is so useual and I think we have to do something difrently this time
Sales Manager: I suppose this is not a good choice those gifts are boost to our business
Financial manager: And how is that?
Sales Manager: With our brand on the calender and diary we directly promote ourselves and
make customers remember us. It is proven way to bring in customers.
Financial Manager: That’s a valid point but, it only attracts regular customers and we already
have a good reputation among them.
Sales Manager: Agree! But, it also helps bring new customers back.
Financial Manager: Well but the probabilities are low.
Sales Manager: I think this is a risk we need to give customers something to inspire.
Finance Manager: agree, But the expenses should be spent wisely and we definitely have to
increase sales.
Sales manager: Ok, but we could not stop giving gifts. We give them regularly and customers
expect them.
Finance Manager: I think we should come with an alternative with less expense but
Sales Manager: Well, How about a lucky draw.
Finance manager: Great idea, it would surely make a difrence
Sales Manager: Yeah! It will be a win! / Win! and customers will enjoy it.
Finance Manager: affirmative, Go ahead and proceed. Please send me the expense reports
soon ASAP.
Sales Manager: sure, shall do.

10. Presentation Skills

What are the things that attract you? You may say a good visual experience, nature,
a great speech, Music, Entertainment, etc. Now, as a sales person you must ask a question
to yourself “What attracts many people?” and you have to become the answer for this. You
should be the friendly face of the company. So, in a nut shell important skill required for
sales is the presentation skills. The way you represent yourself and the way you reach out
determines most part of the value of a company.

How good presentations can befit the company:

Consider yourself as customer and what do you expect from a company? A good
product, a good reputation, value for money, etc. A sales person must represent these
values. A customer sees the value of a product or a company or its service through the same
person. The way a sales person presents highly affects the company’s performance

”A sales person is someone who delivers products to the consumers respecting their needs”

A sales person is the face of a product or ca company from the perspective of a customer. So
the presentations they do the way they represent values are highly important. A sales
person’s words impact on the heart of the company’s reputation among consumers.
MCS-015: Communication Skills

How speakers should prepare before giving presentations?

First and foremost rule is to know your audience and speak accordingly. Know your
place and know your target. E.g. if you are selling a product focused on education your
target will be an institution, teachers or students speak accordingly change your speech
accordingly and update everything very often.
Audience always has expectations you must go beyond what they expected and
give right solution to the right people. The best way to impress audience is not talking about
the product or company. May seem right opposite but it’s a fake way of selling. The right
way is to sell solutions to the right people with right problems. Knowing your audience is not
just about giving what they ask for. It is about understanding their problems and selling
Be Prepared and be thorough. Prepare a draft considering y our audience analyse
their problems and analyse your product and the solutions it offers. Write your speech
focused on the solution rather than the product. Most important of all is “Be aware”.
Update yourself enhance yourself and your knowledge and that makes a good speech.

Qualities of a good speaker

o Awareness- They know exactly what they are doing
o Adaptiveness- They could adapt to the very nature of audience.
o Focussed- They are always focused on their content despite or an
o Genuinely – A good speaker always has his/her words genuine and write
from their own thoughts.
o Investigative – they always get right to the ground level to investigate and
pick up each detail for their speech.
o Looks perfect- They will concentrate on their appearance and they will
perfect every single detail.
o Proactive- They see things from a different view point and are capable of
overcoming problems and suggesting new ideas in a very optimistic way.
o Reliable- The content of a good speaker is always accurate and reliable.
o Time consciousness –Time is value and they know exactly what it means.

How a speaker can keep the attention of the audience?

Rule of thumb is to know the audience. F you know an audience you are building a
bridge to fill the gap between you and them. This allows them to connect with you share with you
and it may lead to sharing perspectives. Which is the best thing to happen.

Prioritize audience before you give them what they exactly want and don’t give them
what you think they need. From a sales perspective audience always expects solutions and so give
them solutions they will listen what you say if they could connect them with your speech.

Be simple and be more precise in the content. That is the best quality any speaker could
possess. It increases reliability and audience will believe the speaker. It is of such power that great
leaders and successful entrepreneur possess. They succeed because they know the way to get the
trust of their audience.
MCS-015: Communication Skills

Finally, express yourself with joy and enthusiasm spread your energy inside the
audience make them feel the vibe and it pulls their eyes to your side. Feel the gratitude and be
thankful for your audience and always stay humble. Keep smiling 

Effective use of visual aids in presentations

Visual experiences are very much important and its psychologically proven that our
brain believes most part of what it sees without any justification. So, visual aids are crucial part of
presentations. They say a picture is equal to a thousand words and that is the reason why Art still
exists and that’s the reason why artists do such unique work.

For a presentation to be powerfull it must contain pictures relating the content thand
the pictures must speak to the audience. I would like to illustrate something once at a apple launch
event Steve jobs asked his team to prepare a presentation and for which he asked picture of a shark
and he rejected almost 29 sharks to pick one. When asked to the employee he said for him every
shark seem to be same but Steve jobs saw it differently and he knew how exactly would it would
support his content and the event was a success. So, never do lazy job picking pictures or words for
presentation do reserch perfect it until it is extremely perfect.

Construct a presentation where everything from visual to ur speech to audience

connects. This is what I call the Focus Triangle. Triangular focus is a state where the audience is
forced between two choices either the slide or the speaker. This may seem odd but actually it is the
best as no one cannot focus on a particular subject for long time this gives a shift and makes them
stay into content but a visual treat and a best speech is mandatory to keep audience into the
triangle. So do your work and prepare the best with the extremely perfect presentation with Focus

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