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Spiritual Cleansing Skills and Techniques by Iya Obaneke

(LaWanda E. Eiland) August 11, 2009

As a Metaphysician you spend time diagnosing issues before you treat them.

Things that weaken spiritual fortitude

• Working from the external to the internal

Stinking’ thinking- not having proper mind set about self or situation
(actual mental health issues- there may be an actual break from reality-
mania- schizophrenia)

No spirituality (although an atheist can be happy)

Poor health- you are what you eat / drink/ ingest- so if you put in garbage
that will be what comes out

Curses, hexes, bad juju, chording, energy vampires

Dealing with people who may be experiencing negativity/ the above


Trauma of any kind (death/loss/ etc)

Symptoms of weakened Spiritual fortitude

Although everyone is unique, you may see one or more of the following

Fatigue, mania sleepy, sleeplessness, over activity in area of addictive

behavior- could run the gamut from shopping, sex, drugs, over eating
(anything that may interfere with work, love, or play)

May experience heightened peripheral vision (seeing shadowy figures out

the corner of eyes)

Suicidal ideation/ attempts

Excessive cursing (everyone curses but when it gets out of hand)

A person may have small cuts and scratches on there arms/ neck (like cat
scratches or full out cuts here they are distracted and unfocused and hurt
themselves “unintentionally”)

Overly emotional or emotionally blunted- a flat affect

Overall life in shambles (what ever that looks like for a person/ to you as

When looking at S.C you must look at a person as somewhat coated with
“something” that must be washed away- literal thinking

Now that the symptoms have been reviewed, you must access if the patient
will be able/ willing to handle the treatment

If they are ready- prescribe environment cleansing (a clean home can equal a
clean mind)


Physical cleansing of the subject (using methods TBA later)

In extreme cases -exorcism

To cleanse self
Prayers/ oriki
Coat body with efun/ cascarilla
Florida water/ Colonia/ herbal baths
Spending time in your Orishas element

The tougher the case the tougher the cleansing

A person is going to give you problems; you know who they are when you
see them

In cases of severe addiction, I suggest detoxification prior. You know/ feel

when I problem is medical (spiritual cleansing will do nothing for a


A person may deserve to feel the way they do (if the person has not been
upright and knowingly reeking havoc) If you see a karmatic lesson – as user
would say “let it burn”
Provide prayers and support but back tactfully away until the dust settles.

When you are having your own crisis (health or otherwise not feeling 110%-
you must have extra to give of yourself)

When divine timing is off

Those who need S.C the most may be the one who wants it the least. You
cannot desire someone’s salvation more than they do- you run the risk of
becoming overly invested and depleted, in need of your own services.

Talking points
Study the physical/ metaphysical properties of herbs/ oils/ objects/
amulets/symbols/ stones/ minerals

Know prayers of other religions

Know basics of lunar cycles/ astrology

Know what type of healer you are/ your ase

Empathy, seer, herbalist, telepath, aura worker- Know your mojo
Be ready to do spiritual investigation (home visit, misa- I feel you need to
have more than one conversation)

Basic Kit
White candles, frankincense, myrrh, and dragon’s blood, sage incense,
water- Florida/Colonia

Tools of your Orisha (bells, noise makers- make a joy filled noise)

Power stones/ Cowry

Your own set of power prayers to use for only you/ a set for others

White fabric

A clear Ori

If someone needs your help, provide it; just be aware of the level of help you

Never let anyone know all your works; keep your grimores private.

Define what it means to be spiritually clean

Background- cultural/ religious
Why does it work- restores balance/ wards off evil/negativity
Electromagnetic fields
Remove or add energy
Mixing properties/ plants/ minerals

5 methods for others

Baths- spraying with rum/ water, elemental cleansing (river, ocean, rain)
omiero, herbal concoctions

Smoking- saging, resins, incenses (tenting method demo) cigar

Energy work- laying hands, reiki, chakra work

Brushing- herbs, grains, eggs, amulets, sacred objects, head rogation

Prayers- meditation, chants, oriki, odu, novena work, music, singing

5 ways for self

Energy work

5 ways to assess readiness

Self admission
Genuine interest in process
Previous attempts/failures
Intuitive knowing/ tingle

5 stages of stage continuum

Pre contemplation, contemplation, action, maintenance, relapses

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