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My Classroom Environment Philosophy

a. Introduction (Provide an overall general philosophy statement about your

classroom and context for this plan (i.e., level of students, subject area, etc.).) You
could include what your philosophy of dealing with disruptive behavior, creating
a community, etc.

My High School English classroom will be a welcoming place for all students and the ideas
that they have. It is through openly discussing viewpoints and information without
judgement or ridicule that learning is achieved. As such, students are expected to treat each
other with respect, patience, and courtesy. Students will learn to be confident in their views
and brave when their views conflict with others.

b. 5 Belief Statements about your Classroom Environment (Describe the statement

in more detail: What this belief will ‘look like’ in your classroom? In other words,
if I walked into your classroom what would I see that ‘shows’ me this belief in

1. I believe all children can become “A” students.

Regardless of home, mind, or health, I will work tirelessly to encourage a desire in my
students to be the best. There is always a wellspring of inspiration that a child needs to
want to succeed and I will be that force. By the end of my time educating a student, I aim for
students to exit my classroom with more self-motivation to be their best.

2) I believe struggle is essential to worthwhile learning.

I will face my students with tough questions. Life is a never-ending learning experience and
my classroom will be no different. There will always be a new goal to reach. Some students
will struggle more than others, but the definition of success is different for every student.

3) I believe that good education extends beyond class material.

I will demonstrate how the study of English is not contained in its own sphere of existence,
but rather reaches to connect with all parts of their lives. It’s common sense that not every
student will use the English knowledge I teach in the future. Therefore, I will connect with
my students through means other than English. I will engage my students with important
life questions and interrogate the importance of current events to encourage the pursuit of
wisdom. I will answer any question from my students with my best judgement and ability.

4) I believe virtue and cultural tolerance is essential for working with others.
I will hold myself to the highest moral and ethical standards to be a good role model to my
students. Students will be the future leaders of the world and must be taught through
example how to lead effectively and righteously. Students are expected to conduct positive
social interactions in the classroom with the understanding that some classmates come
from very different upbringings and cultures that must be valued justly.

5) I believe good mental health should be the top priority of every student.
If a student is not in a positive mindset, their learning ability will be hindered. I will
encourage students to find people who can help them perform their best and be there for
students if they need me. I will make it known to students that they have worth and
potential. Students must be aware of how their actions can affect their peers and strive to
be a force of good.

Parent/Guardian Letter

Hello Parents and Guardians!

I am Mr. Ryan Tsolis, the teacher of your children’s English class this year and I am excited

to get to work with them! I am sending this email to tell you about the standards and

environment of my classroom, why they are the way they are, and how I hope to keep you

involved in your child’s English education.

The most crucial aspect of literature, in my opinion, is the lesson a work of literature tries

to convey to the reader. The same work can provide different lessons to different students.

I will push every student to find meaning that they can connect to personal experience so
they will become wiser from it. Connecting course content to their own lives is a crucial

component of my course and asking your kids about what they are doing in my class, and

discussing your perspective on the content with them, will strengthen their knowledge.

The classroom environment your children will be learning in MUST be a place where

students from all walks of life can convene to have meaningful, respectful conversations.

Any hateful, prejudiced, or indecent behavior from myself and students is unacceptable. My

teaching ability and your child’s learning ability is at its best when the class as a whole can

think critically while having an open mind. I will challenge students every day to make

known their thoughts and opinions to the class so their minds can be sharpened against the

minds of their peers. This takes bravery, impartiality, and intellect, all of which are

attributes your kids are capable of exhibiting. Please encourage your child to strive for

these attributes. These components of good character will serve your children well in my

class and in the lives ahead of them.

Lastly, I want to express my deepest care for your kids’ mental and physical well-being.

Depression, anxiety, and broken bones are things that can’t be left at the door of the

classroom. They are serious issues students deal with and deserve to be managed to the

best of the faculty’s capability. Please encourage your students to talk with the school

counselor, treat themselves fairly, and believe in themselves.

Thank you for your time, please email me with any concerns you have.


-Ryan Tsolis
I am determined to teach my students with enthusiasm, good ethics, and deep
understanding of course content. Students are the leaders of the future and need a role
model of what a well-rounded leader looks like. I will be that role model, celebrating
cultural and racial diversity, teaching effectively with patience, poise, and passion, and
empowering students to be highly successful in their education. I have a long way to go to
learn my content knowledge and how to teach it, but I will work hard to refine my
knowledge and adapt my existing views to create the optimal learning environment. This
classroom environment philosophy will serve to ground my pedagogy in righteous
standards and set the foundation for my practice of teaching. The main tenets of my
philosophy haven’t changed much, but my perspective is now much wider in scope,
considering many more factors that some into play in the classroom environment. The
biggest thing I learned, regarding philosophy, is that it REALLY DOES take a village to raise
a child. One person alone can’t do much, but it only takes one incredible person who can
band together with others to make a great impact in the lives of others.

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