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Coe No: 09480106 .:- fit vi : JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL: UNIVERSITY’ B. Tech IV Year II Semester Examinations, May - 2013 Rehabilitation and Retrofiting of Structures (Civil Engineering) 1.2) What are the three main causes of distress in Reinforced Concrete structures? bh. Describe each cause and explain what type of distrese is experienced because, of ‘What type of preventive measure would have avdided these dicrczses? us} 2a) Distinguish between Structural and Non-structural damage in a multi storey structure. b) Sketch and show different types.of structural racks in a bean. 7 Sh Discuss the-rlitive seriousnési‘of the cracks iat you haverdéstched indicée the reasons for its occurrence. U5] What are the causes of corrosion of steel in Reinforced Concrete structures? What are the methods of protecting steel in RCC structures against comoen ? EsPeseribe the relative merits of the methods snggested by you. the structures are designed to withstand fire? How does a RCC structure behave under increasing temperature loads with Tespect to load carrying capacity and elasticity? Describe methods of protecting buildings against fire, U5] What are tié-Vatious aspecis'thit will be co fd during inspéttion of a damaiecd building? b) List the various tests used and types of tests undertaken Preliminary assessment of damages. Whats the role of NDT in qualifying the structure after retrofitting? [15] ‘What is undé>~ pinning? To whith Component of building this Teférs to? List the sequence of operations involved in a ‘ypical underpinning operation. List the various equipments used in an underpinning operation. 5] Distinguish between repair and retrofitting. . a8 + Distinguisti between local anc global retrofitiiig strategy fordig ‘iffected struci rib the various steps involved in retrofitting a column ia a building. [15] What do you understand by “health monitoring of structure”? What are Sensors and at which location they are used? Nhat are the parameters that are normally. monitored in Cosasion studies, ‘how the results Ze interpreted? Q --00000--

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