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1) Complete the sentences with the present simple form of the verb in brackets.
1. I _________ popcorn at the cinema. (eat)
2. My dad ________ a film every day. (watch)
3. I __________ magazines about film stars. (not buy)
4. All my classmates __________ horror films. (like)
5. He ___________to the cinema once a month. (not go)


2) Write sentences with the affirmative or negative form of the present continuous.
1. We / not camp / in the forest.
2. The / not cook outdoors.
3. I / have / a great time.
4. She / sleep / in a tent.
5. I / not chat / to my friends at the moment.


3) Circle the correct words.

1. My mum works/ is working in London this week.
2. My cousin often cam/ are often camping outdoors in the summer.
3. I stay / am staying at my grandparent´s house today.
4. We feel / are feeling nervous because we have got an exam now.
5. They win / are winning the race at the moment.
6. My teacher goes/ is going swimming every day.


4) Complete the sentences with the past simple affirmative form of the verbs in
1. We ___________ a great film on TV. (watch)
2. He ___________ a camel in Tenerife. (ride)
3. I ___________ a great time at your party. (not have)
4. We ___________ some money in the park. (find)
5. You __________ home late last night. (not arrive)
6. My grandad __________ tomatoes. (grow)

5) Complete the sentences with the past continuous form of the verbs in the box.

drive have listen not read not swim watch

1. I __________ a comic in bed at 10pm.

2. My friends _________in the sea.
3. Matt __________ a horror film.
4. My dad ________ his new car.
5. You ___________ to music.
6. We____________ a great time.


6) Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the
past simple or past continuous.
1. While I ___________ (stand) at the bus stop, I ________ my grandma. (see)
2. I_________ (carry) the shopping when I __________ the eggs. (drop)
3. While she ___________ (sleep), I _________ (make) her a cake.
4. We arrived home, we ___________ (have) dinner and then we went to bed.
5. My friends __________(meet) their homework when I ________ (phone)
6. When I __________(meet) you for the first time, you were wearing a pink


7) Complete the sentences with will and the verbs in the box.
be eat feel get leave play

1. I ___________ an architect when I am older.

2. My sister ____________ home soon.
3. I ___________ married when I am 30
4. You___________tired tomorrow morning.
5. Jack ________________ the guitar in a famous band one day.
6. We ______________pasta when we go to Italy.

8) Complete sentences with won´t and the verbs in brakets.

1. We _______________ (have) a good time on the beach.
2. I ____________ (work) as a vet because I don´t like animals.
3. My best friend ___________(go) to the disco because she is ill.


9) Write sentences with the first conditional:

1. If / Mike / fail / his exams / his dad / be / angry.


2. Our teacher /be / angry/ if / we / not tidy / our desk.


3. If / Mum / not come / home soon I / cook / dinner.


4. We / cross /the Atlantic / if / we / sail / to New York.


5. Ron / not play volleyball / if / his leg / hurt.



10) Complete with will or be going to.

1. He _________( be) a famous footballer.
2. They __________(play) tennis this afternoon.
3. Susan and David__________ (see) the film tonight.
4. I____________ (visit) the dentist tomorrow.
5. I ___________ (win) the lottery.
6. Tomorrow there ________ (be) rain all over the peninsula.


11) Complete the sentences with can, can´t o couldn´t.

1. I ________________ watch that programme last night because I had to go
2. He eats in restaurants all the time because he ________________ cook.
3. John doesn’t need a calculator. He ________________ do very difficult sums in
his head.
4. They ___________ go shopping yesterday because the store was closed
5. I ___________ read without my reading glasses. Where are they?

12) Write sentences in the present perfect.

1. I / read/ a brilliant book.

2. My sister / promise / to take me to the concert.


3. I / meet / several famous people.


4. we / Have / Chinese food / ever / eaten ?


5. I / met / your cousin / ever / Have?


6. He / not buy / a new desktop.


13) Complete these sentences with ever and never.

1. I ´ve ___________ played the trumped.
2. Have you ____________swum in a lake?
3. My grandma has ___________driven a car.
4. Have you friends __________played rugby?


14) Complete the sentences using should, shouldn’t, must or mustn’t

1. You ______________________use the phone in the car.
2. You ______________________study a lot more.
3. You ______________________ be sad.
4. You ____________________ sleep 10 hours a day.
5. You ___________________ wear glasses for reading.

15) Complete the sentences using have/has to + these verbs:

Do hit read speak travel wear

1. My eyes are not very good. I _____________glasses.

2. At the end of the course, all the students _______________a test.
3. Sarah is studying literature. She ___________________a lot of books.
4. Albert doesn’t understand much English. You ______________slowly to him.
5. Kate is not often at home. She _________________________a lot in her job.
6. In tennis you ________________________ the ball over the net.


16) Choose the correct alternative

1. Petra does not have __________ to do today.
nothing anything everything
2. I know ________ about it.
anything nothing someone
4. There is ________ I need to do tomorrow afternoon.
anything yet something
5. My friend doesn’t know ___________ about her surprise birthday party!
something nothing anything anyone


17) Circle the correct words.

We have hot some/any computers in our classroom.

How much/ How many DVDs have you got?

There is some / a milk in the fridge.

We haven´t got a/ any homework today.

How much/ how many money do you need?

18) Complete the sentence with a lot of, not many or not much.
1. I love Brad Pitt. I have got __________his films.
2. There are ____________children in the park because it is cold and wet.
3. I am surprise. It is hot and there are _____________people on the beach.
4. We have got ________________homework to do tonight.


19) Fill the gaps with reflexive pronouns:

1. He built a boat all by ___________.
2. I hurt ____________ quite badly falling down the stairs.
3. The children did everything _____________ without any help.
4. She blames ____________ on the oven yesterday.
5. We all enjoyed ____________very much on the picnic.

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