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Types of Heat Exchangers

1. Double Pipe

#nature of graph
2. Compact
Area density, β=(heat transfer surface area/vol.)of exchanger
If β>700m2/m3: Compact
β = 20,000 m2/m3: –human lungs
β = 1000 m2/m3: –car radiator
flow: small, laminar
advantage: high rate in small vol.
Thin plate/ corrugated fins are attached
Increase the surface area for cooling
In case of gas to gas/liq to gas-> low coeff. Of heat transfer
 Fins help to increase area
Cross flow:

(a)- used in car radiator

# The presence of mixing in the fluid can have a significant effect on the heat
transfer characteristic of heat exchanger.
3. Shell nd tube

#force shell side fluid to flow across shell to enhance heat transfer and
maintain uniform spacing btwn tubes
4. Plate and Frame
Alt cold and hot area separated by plates
As no. of plates increases, efficiency also increases…
Used for liq to liq exchanger at same pressure
Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient

R α 1/(hA)
h- heat transfer coefficient
Rwall= ln(DO/Di)/(2(pie)kl)
k- thermal conuctivity
l- length of tube
RT= 1/(hiAi)+1/(hoAo)+ ln(DO/Di)/(2(pie)kl)
Rate of heat transfer,
Q= $T/R=UAS$T=UiAi$T=UoAo$T……………….(1)
U- Overall heat transfer coeff.
RT=1/UAs=1/ UiAi =1/ UoAo

For Ai~As~Ao,
 For finned A is high…. Is used for fluid with small U
From (2),
If hi<<ho => U α 1/hi =>if hi decreases… U increases…. A decreases
For finned heat exchanger,
ε-Eficiency of fin
1.In eq. (1) how $T is const?
A- The wall is thin thus the temp difference across wall=0. So directly
temp. diff. btwn hot nd cold is used.
2.Diff. btwn h and U?
A- h=convection heat transfer coeff., it depens on the surface, nature
of fluid.
U= overall heat transfer coeff.
Doubt: How εfin is calculated?
Fouling Factor
- Additional resistance to flow of heat
- Caused by precipitation deposits: solid particles on surface.
Overcame by treating water beforehand to remove solid
- Caused by corrosion deposits(chemical): products of a chemical
reaction accumulate on surface, prevented by glass coating on
metal surface or using plactic instead of metal.
- Biological fouling: algae deposit.
- Depends on:
Temp. (α)
Vel. Of flow (1/ α)
Time (α)
R=1/(hiAi)+ Rf,i/Ai+ ln(DO/Di)/(2(pie)kl)+ Rf,o/Ao +1/(hoAo)
Analysis of heat exchanger
1. Specified temp. of both input nd output- LMTD
2. Outlet temp. unknown- effectiveness NTU
Ideal Heat Exchanger Assumptions
a. Mass flow rate of fluid is const
b. Fluid prop.(temp, vel. At inlet and outlet)- const
c. Specific heat(const for given range of temp)
d. Axial heat conduction~0
e. Perfectly insulated, i.e no heat loss to surrounding, only
btwn 2 fluids.
c-specific heat
m’-mass flow rate
Q’- rate of heat transfer
c,h- cold, hot
Heat capacity rate
Rate of heat transfer required to chng temp. by 10C
Ch= mh’cph Cc= mc’cpc
High heat capacity rate =>high demand of heat to chng temp.
=>small temp. chng
(For same heat capacity rates, temp rise in cold fluid= temp.
fall in hot fluid.)
During Phase change
hfg- enthalpy of vaporization/ condensation
(.) temp is const… heat is absorbed or released at const temp.
Since $T~0
 C=m’cp->∞ so as to give Q’= m’cp$T a finite quantity
 For condensing/ boiling liquid: heat capacity rate->∞
Finally we can use Newton’s law of cooling;
The Log Mean Temp. Difference(LMTD)
Parallel Flow
There is always some temp. diff & Tc,out<=Th,out
Assumptions: a. well insulated(heat flow only btwn 2 fluids)
b. no chng in kinetic or potential energy of either fluid.

-ve sign as Th decreases =>dTh =-ve, so to make dQ’ +ve….

From (1) and (2)

Since mc’cpc(Tc,out-Tc,in)=Q’=mh’cph(Tc,in-Tc,out)


……… preferable method bcuz we use

actual trace of temp. variation, ie exponential decay of local temp.
Arithmetic mean,

(its permissible to use $Tam if $T1 & $T2 vary by 40% with upto 1%
error…. But using $Tlm is always preferable)
Counter Flow

Putting these values in above $Tlm of parallel flow we get the value of
$Tlm of counter flow.
By putting values of input and output temp. we find that,
$Tlm,CF< $Tlm,PF (ALWAYS)
 ACF < APF (req. surface area)………for same heat transfer coeff.
 Counter flow is commonly used. ……………(conclusion)
For Cc=Ch (heat capacity rate)
 m’hcph=mc’cpc
 $T-> const.
 $T1=$T2
 $Tlm=0/0… (using l hopital)
 $Tlm=$T1=$T2
INCOMPLETE: Correction factor for multipass and cross-flow heat
Better way to verify
$Tlm,CF< $Tlm,PF
The Effectiveness-NTU Method
Procedure to use LMTD: (only used if both inlet and outlet temp are
1. Type of heat exchanger
2. Inlet and outlet temp.
3. $Tlm and F(if req)
4. U
5. As
6. Heat exchanger with area>=As
Heat transfer effectiveness is given by,


For ,
Heat transfer rate- max-Qmax’

1. Cold fluid heated to inlet hot fluid temp.

2. Hot fluid cooled to inlet cold fluis temp. …………. When Cc=Ch

for Cc≠Ch;
one with less C experiences higher temp. chng..
 Max. temp chng
At a point- heat transfer comes to halt……….(how??)

Cmin- One with smaller C
In this method we just need the inlet temp. of both and mass flow

From LMTD,



….in eqn (A)


Using any one of Cc or Ch as Cminand other as Cmax

NTU, No. of Transfer units is defined as

Dimensionless and NTU α As

Capacity ratio, defined as

Observations from NTU relations

1. For small NTU, ε greatly increases with increase in NTU
For large NTU, ε slowly increases with NTU
But as NTU increases, Area also increases…. Thus not
economical…………… So we need to adjust accordingly.
2. For given NTU, c; ε depends on type as
Counter flow> Cross flow with both unmixed…..> parallel flow
3. For NTU<0.3 ε≠F(c)
4. 0<c<1, for fixed NTU
ε –max for c=0 and ε-min for c=1
For ε –max, when c->0
 c= Cmin/Cmax->0
 Cmax-> ∞
 Temp. const….. phase change
For ε-min, c=1
 Cmin=Cmax

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