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The Effect of Processing on the Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load of Maize
(Zea Mays).

Article · January 2010


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1 author:

Henrietta Oboh
University of Benin


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Nigerian Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
25 (2): 46 - 52, 2010.Oboh
ISSN 0189-4757
& Ogbebor - Glycemic index & glycemic load of processed maze
Available online at

Effect of Processing on the Glycemic Index and Glycemic

Load of Maize (Zea mays)
*Henrietta A. Oboh and V. O. Ogbebor.
Department of Medical Biochemistry, School of Basic Medical Science,
College of Medicine, University of Benin, Benin, Nigeria.
*Corresponding Author. E-mail:
The glycemic index (GI) and glycemic load (GL) of processed maize (Zea mays) were determined. Maize was
processed by boiling (Boiled maize, Bm) and roasting (Roasted maize, Rm), to produce the test samples. 30
healthy, non-diabetic subjects were used for the study. The proximate analyses of the processed samples were
determined and the amount that will deliver 50g carbohydrate load were administered to the subjects after an
overnight fast of 12hr.Control subjects were given 50g glucose while the other subjects were fed with the test
foods, respectively. Blood samples were collected at 0min, 30min, 60min, 120min and 180min, thereafter, glu-
cose response curves were constructed. The results revealed that Bm had a significantly (p ≤ 0.05) lower GI and
GL of 21 and 8, respectively, while Rm was 39 and 14. Lower glycemic response to processed starchy foods
have beneficial health effects. The study showed that boiled maize should be the preferred choice for diabetic
Keywords: Maize (Zea mays), boling, roasting, post prandial blood glucose ,glycemic load, glycemic index
INTRODUCTION conflicting reports in the literature about how
Maize (Zea mays) is a cereal grain commonly processing methods affect the GI of foods. Ba-
referred to as corn in Nigeria. Maize plays an gado-singh et al, (2006), reported that roasting
important part in the diets of many and it is com- and baking of west Indian carbohydrate rich
monly eaten in the middle belt and southern parts foods resulted in higher GI diet, while Oboh and
of Nigeria (Okoh,1998).The proximate nutrient Erema ( 2010), observed that roasting of plantain
composition of maize grain varieties and the ef- results in a lower GI diet.
fects of processing have been reported(Iken and This study was designed to determine the Glyce-
Amusa, 2004; Otitoju, 2009). It is a rich source of mic index, Glycemic load and Glycemic response
nutrients (Graham and Welch, 2000). of processed maize in non-diabetic healthy vol-
Maize (fresh and dry) is utilized in Nigerian unteers.
household for the preparation of various dishes. MATERIALS AND METHODS
Nigerians consume maize after using different Materials
types of processing methods which include cook- Proximate analysis and serving size for proc-
ing, roasting, puffing, milling, soaking and essed Maize.
steaming. Due to its abundance, and its use as a The processed Maize (Boiled and roasted) were
staple and a snack, the knowledge of the Glyce- mechanically removed from the cob and the ker-
mic index (GI) and load (GL) of some of the nels analyzed for moisture content, ash, crude
processed forms will be beneficial in the preven- protein, and crude fiber by the AOAC (1995)
tion and management of metabolic disease such methods. Carbohydrate was determined by differ-
as Diabetes mellitus. ence. The serving size that will deliver 50gms of
The Glycemic index measures the propensity of a carbohydrate was given to subjects as test foods.
food to increase blood sugar rapidly(Jenkins et Preparation and production of processed
al,2002).Low glycemic index foods produce a samples.
more gradual rise in blood sugar and are associ- Boiled maize( Bm)
ated with reduced risk of diabetes, cardiovascular The ears of dehusked maize (20kg) were boiled
disease and cancer (Sloth et al,2004).The Glyce- in 10L of tap water, for one hour at a temperature
mic load is the amount of carbohydrate in the of 1000C.The water was drained off and the
serving size of a particular food (Stern et boiled corn served to subjects.
al,2004). It quantifies the overall glycemic effect Roasted maize (Rm)
of a portion of food (Brand-miller, et al, 2003). Ears of dehusked maize were roasted using the
The Glycemic index of some processed Nigerian Nigerian traditional method. Wire gauze was
foods have been determined (Onimawo et al, placed over red hot charcoal. The ears of the
2007; Omoregie and Osagie; 2008).There are maize were placed on the wire gauze and roasting

© 2010 NSBMB
Oboh & Ogbebor - Glycemic index & glycemic load of processed maze

was carried out by frequently turning the ears of culated using a standard curve.
the maize to prevent considerable charring of the Calculation of Glycemic Index (GI) and Glyce-
kernels on the maize cob. Roasting was done for mic Load (GL).
10minutes.When the kernels was brown evenly, Blood glucose curves were constructed from
the maize was removed and served to subjects. blood glucose values for each individual at 0-
Experimental Design. 180minutes for the control and test foods of each
Subjects group. The incremental areas under the blood
Non-diabetic volunteers (n=30; 15males, 15fe- glucose response curve (IAUC) for a 50g carbo-
males, aged 21-30years) were used for the study. hydrate portion of each test food and control food
The subjects were students recruited from various (glucose) was calculated by the trapezoidal rule
faculties of the University of Benin, Nigeria. The (Wolever and Jenkins 1986).The GI and GL val-
research was approved by the University’s Re- ues were calculated by the method of Jenkins et
search and Ethics Committee of the School of
Basic Medical Science. The study protocol was GL = Net carbohydrate (g) × GI
carefully explained to all of them before they 100
signed a written informed consent.
Ten volunteers were fed a single meal of one of
the two test foods. The other 10 persons were al, (1981) and Salmeron et al,(1997) respectively.
administered 50g glucose in 300ml distilled wa- GI for each food was calculated from the formu-
ter. The serving size was determined by the quan- lae:
tity that will give 50gm carbohydrate when eaten. GI = (IAUC(for test food) / IAUC( for con-
Blood samples were collected before feeding trol food) × 100%.
(0mins) and at 30, 60,120 and 180minutes inter- Net carbohydrate = Total carbohydrate -
vals after the test meal were given. The subjects Dietary fibre.
were not allowed to perform strenuous activities The final glycemic index and load for each test
or take long walks on the day of GI determina- food was calculated as the mean
tion. from the respective average Glycemic indices and
Determination of Blood Glucose concentra- loads of the ten individuals.
tion. Statistical Analysis.
Blood was obtained by venipuncture between 9- Statistical analysis was done by SPSS 16 Statisti-
10am after an overnight fast of 12hr.The samples cal programme. Results were expressed as mean
were collected into sterilized centrifuge tubes and ± standard error of the means.
centrifuged for 10 minutes at 4,000rpm and the Comparisons between test foods and control were
sera collected. done by one- way analysis of variance. Statistical
Glucose concentration was determined by the significant was set at p ≤ 0.05.
method of Barham and Trinder (1972). GENE- RESULTS
SYS 10 Spectrophotometer and Randox kit Table 1, shows the mean Ages and BMI of the
(CAT.NO.GL364) were used. Briefly, 10µL of subjects (21.29 to 21.55 kg/m2) which are all
the serum sample was added to 1000µL of the within the normal range.
phenol and 4-aminophenazone reagent in test The proximate analyses of test foods are repre-
tubes, mixed and incubated at 370C in a water sented in Table 2. Boiling significantly (P < 0.05)
bath for 10 minutes. The absorbance of the col- reduced the carbohydrate content than roasting.
ored product was read against a reagent blank. However, moisture was significantly (P < 0.05)
Analyses were done in duplicate. The glucose increased in boiled corn compared to the roasted
concentrations of the sera were subsequently cal- maize.

Table 1: Anthropometry of Control and Test-groups

Parameter Control Group Boiled maize(Bm) Roasted maize (Rm)
Age (Years) 22.00 + 0.86 24.83 + 0.40 24.00 + 0.76
Height (cm) 1.72 + 4.07 1.75 + 1.62 1.76 + 0.02
Weight (kg) 63.67 + 3.30 66.00 + 0.35 66.44 + 3.31
BMI (kg/m2) 21.44 + 0.71 21.55 + 0.64 21.29 + 0.84
Values are the means ± standard errors of means of 10 individuals per group

Oboh & Ogbebor - Glycemic index & glycemic load of processed maze

maize. and decreased significantly (p< 0.05) after 120-

Lipids, ash, fiber and protein did not differ sig- 180minutes(Figure 2).The control subjects
nificantly at (p > 0.05). Oboh et al, 2010, re- showed a significant increase in blood glucose
ported that crude fibre was significantly reduced after 30minutes which decreased significantly (p<
(p < 0.05) in roasted maize. Our result is in 0.05) thereafter.

Table 2: Proximate Analysis of the Processed Maize (Zea Mays) in Dry Weight Percent
Sample Lipid Ash Fiber Crude Protein Carbohydrate Moisture

maize (Bm). 6.05+ 0.45a 1.00 + 0.02a 2.03 + 0.10a 1.03 + 0.19a 39.40+ 0.87a 50.50 + 0.50b
maize (Rm) 7.40. + 1.0a 1.00 + 0.02a 1.39 + 0.24a 1.41 + 0.18a 43.05+ 1.83b 45.75 + 1.25a
Values are the means + standard errors of means (SEM) of four (4) determinants
Mean values within the same column followed by different superscript are significantly different (p < 0.05) by student t-test.

Table 3: Weight of Carbohydrate and Serving Sizes in 100g of the Processed Maize (Zea Mays) Used for Gly-
cemic Index Determination
Food samples Weight of Carbohydrate in 100g Serving size of processed (g)
of processed Food (g)
Boiled Maize (Bm). 44.50 112.58
Roasted Maize (Rm). 48.17 103.80
Values within the same column with different superscript are significantly different at (p < 0.05)

Table 4 : Blood Glucose Concentration (Mg/Dl) of Subjects

Group 0min 30min 60min 120min 180min

Control 84.50 + 1.26a 141.85 + 1.85b 96.33 + 2.42c 92.17 + 2.55d 94.17 + 5.80adc
94.33 + 1.05a 103.50 + 2.34b 96.00 + 0.82ac 96.33 +1.33acd 97.00+1.79acde
maize (Bm).
maize (Rc). 95.83 + 0.70a 101.17 + 1.78b 107.22 + 1.71c 94.33 + 1.84ad 94.33 + 1.31adc

Values are means + SEM for Ten individuals per group for the five determinations.
Values within the same row with different superscript are significantly different at (p < 0.05)
agreement with their finding. Table 5, shows the GI and GL of test foods.
The carbohydrate content per 100g of test food Roasted maize had a significantly higher
and serving sizes are represented in Table 3, for (P<0.05) GI and GL than Boiled maize.
boiled and roasted maize. There were no signifi- DISCUSSION
cant differences at The processing methods used in Nigeria affect
(P >0.05) between the carbohydrate content per both the nutrient compositions and Glycemic re-
100g for boiled corn and roasted maize. sponses (Jimoh et al, 2008). The boiled maize
The serving sizes required to deliver 50gram car- had a significantly lower (p< 0.05) carbohydrate
bohydrate for both boiled and roasted, test foods content than roasted corn. This is because the
were different. The boiled maize had a larger carbohydrate content was proportionately re-
serving size. duced as moisture increased. It could be possible
Table 4, represents blood glucose response of that the boiling led to the leaching of some carbo-
subjects after eating the test foods. Subjects who hydrates and soluble sugars(glucose and fructose)
ate the boiled Maize showed that blood glucose into the cook water ( FAO,1993). The increase in
increased significantly at 30 minutes and did not moisture in the boiled corn could also be attrib-
decrease significantly at (p > 0.05) after 60- uted to the fact that boiling allowed the starch
180minutes showing a gradual decrease after grains to absorb water. The dry heat used to pro-
30minutes of food intake (Figure 1). duce the roasted corn caused a loss of moisture,
The subjects who ate roasted corn showed a sig- however, the roasted sample produced by dry
nificant increase (p< 0.05) from 30-60minutes heating, showed a reduction in moisture and fibre

Oboh & Ogbebor - Glycemic index & glycemic load of processed maze

Table 5: Glycemic indices and load of processed maize (Zea mays)

Food Samples GI GL
a d
Boiled maize (Bm). 21.32 ± 1.39 8.4 ± 0.55
Roasted maize (Rm) 38.89 ± 0.99b 14.59 ± 0.44d
Values are the means + standard errors of means (SEM) of ten individuals per group.
150 150

140 140 Control

Control Test

C o n c e n t r a t io n in m g /d l
130 130
C o n c e n tr a tio n in


m g /d l


90 90

80 0 30 60 120 180
0 30 60 120 180
Time in mins Time in mins

Fig 1: Graphical representation showing the glucose re- Fig 2: Graphical representation showing the glucose re-
sponse area for boiled maize (Bm) sponse area for roasted maize (Rm)
corn. This will subsequently slow rate of starch
for roasted corn. digestion. Antinutrients normally slow digestion
The mean glucose concentration at the given time and thereby decrease the GI.(Yoon et al., 1983;
intervals (Table 4, figures1, 2) showed significant Thompson et al., 1984; Rea et al., 1985).The
increases (p< 0.05) for boiled and roasted maize antinutrients present in maize could also interfere
after thirty minutes and one hour respectively. with digestibility of starch in the processed maize
These differences (for both boiled and roasted grains.(Ejigui et al, 2005)
maize), were not enough to form sharp rises and The tests foods (Boiled and roasted) were chewed
falls in glucose levels, so the glucose curves before swallowing. Chewing reduced particle size
gave a gradual rise and fall due to slow release of and increased the surface area of exposure and
glucose from both food items. The results ob- facilitates salivary amylase digestion of carbohy-
tained in this study, showed that the processed drate (Omoregie and Osagie, 2008).
samples were all low GI foods ie below 55. The Roasted and baked foods have a higher GI than
GI of boiled corn and roasted corn were signifi- fried/boiled meals (Bahado-sigh et al, 2006).
cantly different (p< 0.05). Englyst et al (2003), However, our results are in agreement with those
reported that an excess of water and high heating of the authors.
duration during processing caused gelatinization, The GI of roasted corn was significantly higher
destroying starch granules, and making digestion (p < 0.05) than that of boiled maize. The increase
by amylase and the subsequent release of glu- in blood glucose concentration to a peak, one
cose fast. However, the slow glucose release hour after consumption of the test food, could be
could be attributed to the nature of the fibre attributed to the dry heat utilized which led to a
which has indigestible components causing re- reduction in percentage moisture content and
duced digestibility and delayed gastric emptying concentrated the carbohydrate present. The possi-
(Juntunum et al, 2002).Dietary fibre present in ble loss of the outer coat covering of the cereal
the boiled maize may be affected in different grains (which has high fibre content) due to some
ways. The high temperature could break polysac- charring when roasting, could, be a contributory
charide chains and glycosidic linkages in the die- factor to the higher GI value obtained. The sig-
tary fibre resulting in the solubilization of the nificantly (p < 0.05) higher GL (14) of roasted
dietary fibre and formation of resistant starch corn could also be due to the higher carbohydrate
fractions which could be retained in the boiled content.

Oboh & Ogbebor - Glycemic index & glycemic load of processed maze

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Oboh & Ogbebor - Glycemic index & glycemic load of processed maze


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