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obsolete paradigms in mental programming

Today there are possibilities that not before. A screen a person can use it for several purposes. 1-
communicate with any other person at any distance of the planet.2-simple and plain
entertainment, either with videos, books, audios, etc. 3-personal growth, being self-taught in all or
almost all fields that one chooses, overcoming, that is to say, acquiring useful information to be
able to apply it in their life.

In the last point, I choose to emphasize that one can learn to make money online. Something
unthinkable years ago. How do you explain to a father or grandfather that he has an instilled
paradigm of how he earns the money that things have changed? Imagine, before you had to go to
college, because this was an achievement in itself, and then find a job that you chose to study. But
today that is almost obsolete, I would encourage you to say, this is if you want to earn money.
Let's see, let's think, within the university careers that we fear many people who have chosen x
and career, your peers at the time of receiving you are part of the competition. Progress,
overpopulation and concentration in large cities, everything has finally conspired to facilitate
greater numbers of professionals.

If you stop to think for a moment, you will realize that there is less competition in the virtual
world, it seems quite because of globalization, but do not forget that being something relatively
new, many still have obsolete paradigms in their mental programming. There is only one
generation that was born in the era of computing and cell phones already included in almost all
cultures. Think about this, you or your father had a childhood that does not look like anything that
is lived today. Only this point should be reason for deep analysis. Imagine traveling to another
planet similar to this one, but very different, basically because the habits of today's humans are
totally transversalized by technology. Eg, listen to music, a child today would not understand if you
explain how you, you had to do to get a song 50 years ago.

To finish, how do you explain to someone 70 or 80 years old that you can double or triple your
money in a month by sitting 3 or 4 hours a day in front of your computer. Applying methods and
techniques that of course, it has taken you work (hours of study and mental effort) to learn.

I think it's a beautiful subject that refers to mental restructuring, breaking old paradigms to insert
new ones, I think we all have the ability to do it. But we are not all willing to make it happen.
That's another history.

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