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Composition practice


1. I Come back from school, I am abit tired.

I Came back home from school, feeling tired.

2. I was walking home feeling a bit happy. I have ‘A’ for Maths test.
I was walking home feeling happier than yesterday. I was delighted that I scored high mark
for my Math test.

3. I saw a mother cat was a little sad. The kittens has no parents.
I saw a dead Cat. I felt sorry for the kittens. I decided to bring home the orphan kittens.

4. I was day dreaming at home. There was a loud noise and I knock the table.
I was daydreaming at home by the window/On the couch/while lying on the bed ,Suddenly
there was a loud noise/sound. I was startled and accidentally I bumped/knock the table

5. When I was wake up, I saw my sister, Husna tear my book. I felt angry.
When I woke up from my nap/sleep. My Sister, Husna at the corner of my room was tearing
my book into pieces Immediately, I felt angry.

6. My Father open a scary movie. In the movie There were ghost and I become fear or feel fear.
My father and I was watching a scary movie, It was a horror movie. While watching the
movie, I quiver/shiver in fear/Froze in fear.

Try Surprise and disgust,Feeling hot,Sun was hot,Feeling cold,The weather was cold.

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