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Victoria Davidson

Professor Vyvial

ENGL 1302-09

9 May, 2019

Reflective Essay

During the time of the course and all of the assignments provided during the class to

connect to the audience through writing and compositions skills. All being done through the

three short academic responses, rhetorical textual paper and casual argument with the proposal,

along with the redux presentation. Connecting to the audience and getting personal views across

on the essays would be the biggest rhetorical situation of the semester.

Logos, pathos and ethos was fairly new to me, using it in the class and in philosophy.

However, it was very hard for me to separate all of them, and not confusing the three. My

citation skills, along with formatting. Me learning and completing the citations came easier to me

in this class than English one. I need to further enhance is not making wording in my sentences

so awkward. Sometimes I tend to overlook how the wording goes in the sentence structure, and it

makes the sentence awkward. For me to improve these skills I need to go over and practice them

until I feel comfortable doing them. Continuously practicing will help me perfect the struggles I

am having so I can be a better writer.

The hardest essay for me personally was the textual rhetorical analysis. Using someone

else’s words into my own was extremely difficult. Especially trying to honor and put their words

into an essay form was one of the hardest parts. Also, me struggling to use logos, pathos and

ethos. The easiest essay for me was the casual argument with the proposal. I love doing research

for papers and growing to learn more about a topic. Along with having the redux for the paper to
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persuade others on the view for that certain topic. The essay that taught me the most was the

rhetorical essay. This being due to separating my feelings from the topic and putting her words

on the page to just her view across. So this essay helped me get the topic told, not my words all

by myself.

These skills acquired in this class can help me tremendously in future schooling, and in

my workforce. Due to this semester ending, I am further transferring to University of Houston-

Clear Lake. This class can help me in future advanced writing classes, along with my education

classes for teaching. I’m going to school to be a Teacher for EC-6, so for me to have a good

writing and composition is important for the future children I am going to be teaching. Along

with helping me create lesson plans, send letters to parents and all around creating assignments

for the kids. This course will ultimately help me in every aspect of my future whether it being at

home, at work, or in a day to day life.

Every assignment was given to help me and other fellow students to improve our writing

and composition skills. From the short academic responses, the two major essays and the redux

presentation. Every skill or tip learned will help me further myself into the future schooling and

career that I want to achieve.

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