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Running head: Love and Wisdom 1

Love and Wisdom of Education

Ashley D. Simms

Paris Junior College

EDUC 1301.200

Dr. Marian Ellis, Instructor

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We can all conclude that education is an important aspect in any one’s life. I believe that

education should be taught so that all “kinds” of students can understand. What I mean by this is

that everyone learns differently. Some students are book smart while others might need a “hands

on” experience. I can say that for myself, I tend to benefit more from a hands-on experience. I

think that teachers should try their best to make sure the information being taught is learned,

rather than just memorized for only a brief semester.

Learning should be fun and enjoyable. The best kind of learning is when students feel

motivated and excited about the information being taught. I know that I am more excited to go to

class because the information is taught with hands on experience and student involvement.

Therefore, I think that a student-centered philosophy is more useful than a teacher-centered

philosophy. A traditional teacher would probably say that a teacher-centered philosophy is better

for teaching and in the long run more useful for the students. This is not the case in my opinion.

While tests are important, I do not recommend or believe in standardized testing. Standardized

testing does not work in my opinion, because like I mentioned earlier everyone learns differently.

I do however believe that there should be tests throughout the class over the material learned. I

am just opposed to testing such as the “TAKS” and equivalent. I do not believe students should

be judged by just one test score.

Which brings me to my next topic for the same reason that everyone does not learn the

same. The educator of the class should also be multicultural in education and diversity. There are

a vast majority of students from all over the world in institutions worldwide. Educators must

realize that they need to be able to teach so that the information is received by all students. All
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students come from all sorts of cultures and beliefs. Multiple cultures should be addressed in

learning so that everyone feels accepted, everyone learns, and the class may have more respect

for one another.

I strongly believe that in the curriculum it is important to learn the core classes to pass to

the next grade, but just as important for students to have their “creativity” classes. Some students

may want a career one day as an artist, music director, fashion industry, etc. I do think there

should be alternative classes to tackle issues outside of the classroom. Some students do not have

a role model to teach basic life skills to become successful young adults. This class can cover

things like how to change a tire, buying a home, credit score help, sewing and cooking. In

conclusion, I feel that educators would benefit more from a student-centered philosophy, with

fewer standardized testing. These are my beliefs and how I feel I have gained the most in my

personal experience.

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